1. To exercise the Council’s functions relating to town and country planning and development control, the protection of important hedgerows, the preservation of trees and the regulation of high hedges, set out in the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities)(England) Regulations 2000. Some applications have been reserved to the Strategic Planning Board: others are delegated on to the Director of Planning and Sustainable Development: the following are retained for the Planning Committees,
applications for Small Scale Major Development for
- residential developments of 20-199 dwellings or between 1 and 4ha
- retail or commercial/industrial or other floor space of between 5,000 and 9,999 square metres or 2-4ha.
This does not include re-applications for extant schemes or detailed applications where outline consent has been given or removal/variation of conditions.
Where the application is to vary or remove a condition that was imposed by the Planning Committee it will not be delegated.
However, there will be a presumption that a call in request by a local ward member will be agreed where applications are for the renewal (or extension of time) of extant, unimplemented permissions.
2. To determine any other planning & development control matters
(a) advertised as a departure from policy, which the Director of Planning and Sustainable Development is minded to approve.
(b) submitted by a councillor, senior Council officer (Grade 12 or above) or a member of staff employed within the Development Management and Policy service area; or by an immediate family member or partner of these where representations objecting to the application have been received. Where objections have been received, applications recommended for refusal can be dealt with by officers under delegated powers.
(c) significant applications by the Council either as applicant or land owner. This category will not normally include minor developments which accord with planning policy and to which no objection has been made.
(d) referred up to them by a councillor in accordance with the Committees` call-in procedure. However:
i. Any request must be received within 15 working days of the issue of the electronic notification of the application, and set out the material planning consideration(s) which warrant the application going before committee.
ii. Applications for householder development, listed building consents to alter/extend and conservation area consents will normally be dealt with under delegated powers.
iii. Applications for advertisements, tree work, prior approvals, Certificates of Lawfulness and notifications will not be eligible for call–in and will be dealt with under delegated powers.
iv. There will be a presumption that a call in request by a local ward member will be agreed where applications are for the renewal (or extension of time) of extant, unimplemented permissions.
(e) any other matters referred up to them at the discretion of the Director of Planning and Sustainable Development.
The Committees will refer up to the Strategic Planning Board matters involving a significant departure from policy which they are minded to approve contrary to recommendation by the Director of Planning and Sustainable Development.
Support officer: Rachel Graves. Tel: 01270 686473 Email: rachel.graves@cheshireeast.gov.uk
Postal address:
Democratic Services
Delamere House
Delamere Street
Phone: 01270 686473
Email: rachel.graves@cheshireeast.gov.uk