Meeting: Wednesday, 27th September, 2023 10.00 am - Southern Planning Committee
5. 22/2471C - LAND SOUTH OF, DRAGONS LANE, MOSTON: Change of use of land to use as residential caravan site for one gypsy family with two caravans, including construction of access road, laying of hardstanding and erection of amenity building
- Councillor John Wray - In the interests of Openness - Declared that he had called in the application on behalf of the parish council and stated that he had not predetermined the application.
- Councillor Lesley Smetham - In the interests of Openness - Declared that she had received correspondence on this application.
Meeting: Wednesday, 29th November, 2023 10.00 am - Southern Planning Committee
6. 22/4984N - LAND TO NORTH OF, CHECKLEY LANE, CHECKLEY, CW5 7PX: Siting of six mobile camping pods, access improvements, parking and ancillary works
- Councillor John Bird - In the interests of Openness - Councillor Bird declared he had a social relationship with the induvial who had submitted the application, but it was not a close relationship.
Meeting: Wednesday, 29th November, 2023 10.00 am - Southern Planning Committee
7. 23/3824N - 173, MINSHULL NEW ROAD, CREWE, CW1 3PW: Demolition of existing garage and creating of a new build 7 room HMO
- Councillor Joy Bratherton - In the interests of Openness - Councillor Bratherton declared that the property in question was previously owned by a family member, but they are not subject to this application.
Meeting: Wednesday, 10th January, 2024 10.00 am - Southern Planning Committee
5. 22/1303N - THE GABLES, 55, BEAM STREET, NANTWICH, CW5 5NF: Demolition of existing two storey and single storey rear extensions and construction of a 2.5-storey rear extension; conversion of the ground floor and basement for use as a beauty salon; conversion of first and second floor to 4 no. flats and ancillary works
- Councillor Anna Burton - In the interests of Openness - Councillor A Burton declared that she was a member of Nantwich Town Council, the building in application 22/1303N had previously been the offices of the Nantwich Urban District Council.
Meeting: Wednesday, 10th January, 2024 10.00 am - Southern Planning Committee
6. 23/2158C - LAND TO REAR OF 203 AND 205, MIDDLEWICH STREET, CREWE, CHESHIRE: Erection of 2 No. dwelling houses with associated access and landscaping
- Councillor Joy Bratherton - Non Pecuniary - Councillor J Bratherto stated that the land was to the rear of where she lived but the application did not affect her as a resident and that she had not pre-determined the application
Meeting: Wednesday, 7th February, 2024 10.00 am - Southern Planning Committee
5. 22/4466C - GLEBE FARM, KNUTSFORD ROAD, CRANAGE, CW4 8EF: Application seeks approval of B8 use classification on commercial employment site at Glebe Farm
- Councillor Andrew Kolker - In the interests of Openness - Councillor A Kolker declared he had referred the site to Planning Enforcement on behalf of Cranage Parish Council. He stated that he had not taken part in any discussions and had not predetermined the application.
Meeting: Wednesday, 6th March, 2024 10.00 am - Southern Planning Committee
5. 23/2158C - LAND TO REAR OF 203 AND 205, MIDDLEWICH STREET, CREWE, CHESHIRE: Erection of 2 No. dwelling houses with associated access and landscaping.
- Councillor Joy Bratherton - Non Pecuniary - Councillor J Bratherton stated that the land was to the rear of where she lived but the application did not affect her as a resident and that she had not pre-determined the application.
Meeting: Wednesday, 6th March, 2024 10.00 am - Southern Planning Committee
6. 23/4181N - LAND AT CEMETERY ROAD, WESTON, CREWE, CW2 5LQ: The use of land for the stationing of additional caravans for residential purposes, the erection of a second dayroom and formation of additional hardstanding
- Councillor Steven Edgar - In the interests of Openness - Councillor S Edgar declared that he was the ward councillor and had called in the application. He stated that he would speak on the application as the ward councillor and then leave the meeting during consideration of the application.
Meeting: Wednesday, 6th March, 2024 10.00 am - Southern Planning Committee
7. 23/4130N - MORNFLAKE, THIRD AVENUE, CREWE: Extension to existing warehouse to provide additional storage, loading and unloading facilities.
- Councillor Rachel Bailey - Prejudicial - Councillor R Bailey declared a prejudicial interest and stated that she would leave the meeting for this application.