The Cabinet carries out those duties and responsibilities which are not the responsibility of any other part of the Council; some of these are local choice functions which Council has chosen to delegate to the Cabinet and others are because the law says so.
Cabinet consists of the Leader of the Council and up to 9 other Councillors and is responsible for such functions as do not fall within the responsibilities of individual Cabinet members.
These functions include consulting, developing, monitoring and reviewing various elements of the Council’s plans and policies; liaising with Scrutiny and advising on budget setting and related financial matters; ensuring proper arrangements exist for the effective and efficient management of the Councils affairs and that officers discharge their responsibilities efficiently and effectively; monitoring and auditing the conduct of the Council’s financial affairs; advising on and determining matters in respect of the Councils Constitution; developing, monitoring and reviewing any Council corporate personnel and human resources policies and the provision of services to the council; overseeing approving and co-ordinating policies on communications, public and media relations and public affairs generally and also with external organisations and partnerships, the Local Government Association and like bodies; supporting the Northwest Regional Assembly and like bodies on regional matters and ensuring the Council’s views are made known; the promotion of the Council’s image, role and relationships in Europe and the preparation and approval of regional and sub-regional plans and strategies; to advise the Council on strategic matters in relation to corporate and community governance and strategy and the monitoring and review local working; the preparation and approval of major planning studies; the promotion of employment and investment in the area for both economic development and tourism; and dealing with any Local Development Framework functions given to the Council by the Secretary of State.
Support officer: Paul Mountford. Tel: 01270 686472 Email: