Committee details

Highways and Transport Committee

Purpose of committee

1        The Highways and Transport Committee shall be responsible for developing policies and making decisions on matters relating to highways and transport as they affect the area of the Council taking into account regional and national influences.


2        The Committee’s responsibilities include:


2.1      formulation, co-ordination and implementation of corporate policies and strategies in connection with all car parking, transport and accessibility matters;


2.2      determination of any matter affecting the Council’s interests in relation to national infrastructure matters, for example HS2, Northern Powerhouse Rail and the National Road Network;


2.3      discharge of the Council’s responsibilities as Highway Authority; local transport authority; parking authority; and lead local flood authority


2.4      determination of policies and making decisions in relation to flooding and accessibility, in co-ordination with the Scrutiny Committee;


2.5      compulsory purchase of land to support the delivery of schemes and projects promoted by the Committee; and


2.6      In respect of public rights of way:


2.7      discharge all the functions of the Council in relation to public rights of way (except the determination of non-contentious Public Path Order applications which has been delegated to the Executive Director – Place);


2.8      discharge of Commons and Town and Village Greens functions;


2.9      being apprised of, approve, and comment on a range of policies, programmes and practices relating to Rights of Way, Commons, Town and Village Greens and countryside matters including;


2.10    progress reports on implementation of the Rights of Way Improvement Plan (part of the Annual Progress Review for the Local Transport Plan);


2.11    Statement of Priorities;


2.12    Enforcement Protocols;


2.13    Charging Policy for Public Path Order applications.


3        Oversight, scrutiny, reviewing outcomes, performance, budget monitoring and risk management of the Directorate of Highways and Infrastructure including: Transport Policy; Transport Commissioning; Car-parking; Highways; Infrastructure and HS2.



Contact information

Support officer: Karen Shuker. Tel: 01270 686549 Email:

Postal address:
Democratic Services
Delamere House
Delamere Street

Phone: Tel: 01270 686549
