Venue: Committee Suite 1,2 & 3, Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach CW11 1HZ. View directions
Contact: Karen Shuker Tel: 01270 686549 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To note any apologies for absence from Members. Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in any item on the agenda. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 102 KB To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous meeting held on 27 September 2021. Minutes: Consideration was given to the
minutes of the previous meeting held on
Councillor Gardiner requested if a review could be carried out by the Constitution Working Group in respect of the way voting was recorded within the minutes at committee meetings as presently it was not clear if the recommendations were approved unanimously or by majority.
The Director of Adult Social Care Services provided an update to an action taken away from the 27 September meeting in respect of a request made by the committee. The committee had requested that a letter be sent to the Secretary of State to request further information be provided in relation to the publication of the Code of Practice for Liberty Protection Safeguards, together with confirmation of any revised implementation date. The committee were informed that a letter had been sent to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, with a copy to the Care Minister and local MP’s.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 27 September 2021 be approved as a correct record;
Public Speaking/Open Session In accordance with paragraph 2.24 of the Council’s Committee Procedure Rules and Appendix on Public Speaking, set out in the Constitution, a total period of 15 minutes is allocated for members of the public to put questions to the committee on any matter relating to this agenda. Each member of the public will be allowed up to two minutes each to speak, and the Chair will have discretion to vary this where they consider it appropriate.
Members of the public wishing to speak are required to provide notice of this at least three clear working days’ in advance of the meeting.
Minutes: Councillor Suzy Firkin, Congleton Town Councillor, attended the meeting and spoke in respect of item 7 Cheshire East Day Opportunities Strategy. Councillor Firkin asked if there was a current plan for the reuse of Mountview and if not, how could residents of Congleton work with Cheshire East to find a new constructive role for the centre supporting health and wellbeing in Congleton and the surrounding area.
In response it was explained that work was taking place in relation to progressing proposals for the development of the Mountview site. The site had been identified as one that would be taken forward as part of the Housing Development Framework which related to the development of mixed tenure housing provision on Council owned land including specialist housing provision- extra care. Whilst there was no activity on site currently, residents were assured that the site would not be left and there were plans in place to progress the site as soon as possible.
Adult Social Care Winter Plan 2021-22 PDF 322 KB To receive an update on the schemes and actions being deployed to address winter pressures. Minutes: The committee received a report that set out the schemes and actions which were being deployed through 2021-22 to address winter pressures.
The report highlighted the current activity and the emerging pressures in the social care market, along with the position in respect of Covid-19 cases. It was reported that 97% of care home residents had now received their first does and 95% had received their second dose.
Work had been carried out with care homes over the last six months to encourage vaccination uptake and there had been no issues through loss of staff for business continuity.
A question was raised regarding whether data had indicated that diseases such as respiratory syncytial virus had impacted on hospital pressures and it was agreed that the Director of Public Health would provide the data outside of the meeting.
That the Adult Social Care Winter Plan 2021-22 be noted.
All-Age Sensory Impairment Strategy PDF 130 KB To consider a report on the All Age Sensory Impairment Strategy. Additional documents:
Minutes: The committee received a report setting out the All Age Sensory Impairment Strategy which had been developed in partnership with Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group following formal consultation.
The Committee welcomed the report and the following comments were made by various members of the Committee:
· Was there a learning exercise moving forward following the consultation exercise in respect of whether it was diverse enough. · Consideration to be given to working with services in respect of the feedback provided around the lack of awareness and understanding of the impact and challenges of living with a sight and/or hearing impairment among professionals and the wider community. · As the consultation had taken place over the summer holidays it may have limited the number of responses received; · Would welcome more information on how the results would be evaluated. · When developing strategies and services through co-production in the future, more consideration to be given on how people’s expectations would be managed, to ensure what people need was taken in to account rather than what they want, within the budget that had been set.
That the All-Age Sensory Impairment Strategy be approved.
Cheshire East Day Opportunities Strategy PDF 202 KB To consider a report on the co-produced Day Opportunities Strategy. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received a report which outlined the consultation, engagement, review and development of the co-produced Day Opportunities Strategy and redesign of the current day opportunities services offer across the borough. A delivery plan would be brought back to committee if the strategy was approved which would be costed and within the Medium Term Financial Services budget.
The report was co-produced with a wide range of stakeholders and had received a good response on the different approach taken to provide day opportunities within Cheshire East.
The Committee welcomed the report and the following comments were made by various members of the Committee
· Disagree that there would be no direct implications for rural communities; · Must remember that carers need to be looked after, along-side the strategy; · Need to ensure there are services for people to go to; · Important to be realistic in what is offered to people.
A question was raised regarding the Kickstart programme and what the uptake had been and it was agreed that the Director of Commissioning would share a briefing report with committee.
That the co-produced Cheshire East Day Opportunities Strategy 2022-2027 be approved.
Cheshire East Place Dementia Strategy PDF 203 KB To consider a report in respect of the Cheshire East Place Dementia Strategy which has been developed in partnership with the Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
Additional documents:
Minutes: The committee received a report in respect of the contents of the draft Cheshire East Place Dementia Strategy which had been developed in with the Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). Approval was being sought to formally consult on the draft strategy. The strategy would also require approval by the CCG Programme Development Group as it was a joint strategy.
The Committee welcomed the report and the following comments were made by various members of the Committee:
· Consideration to be given to the wording/section on page 14 of the strategy ‘What is good for your heart is also good for your brain’. · Would like to have seen more emphasis in relation to the preparation and diagnosis of dementia; · Consideration to be given to raising awareness of the ‘Dementia Friends Project’ to be included within the strategy.
That formal consultation on the draft Cheshire East Place Dementia Strategy be approved.
The committee adjourned for a short break. |
Cheshire East Joint Market Position Statement PDF 170 KB To consider the final version of the Cheshire East Joint Market Position Statement 2021-25. Additional documents:
Minutes: The committee received a report which outlined the results of the consultation process and presented the final version of the Joint Market Position Statement 2021-25 for approval.
Concerns were raised in respect of the inter connectiveness of policies across all committees, and the mechanisms that were in place to ensure all relevant committees were aware of what other committees were doing. The Committee were advised that as committees were made up of proportionate representation of all groups any member would be able to take back any information or issues to feedback in to other committees.
That the final version of the Market Position Statement 2021-25 as outlined in appendix 1 be approved.
Recommissioning of the Assistive Technology Service PDF 155 KB To note the details provided of the revised model for the Assistive Technology Service.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The committee received a report in respect of the recommissioning of the Assistive Technology Service and the changes made with the new model outlined in Appendix 2.
It was reported that the digital switchover would take place in 2025 which would be a gradual transition. In response to the report, the following comments were made by various members of the Committee:
· There was a need to be aware that there will always be some people who are not able to take advantage of digital solutions; · Consideration would be need to be given to the evaluation process in respect of how effective the strategy had been
Councillor Clowes requested that it be noted that when the report was considered by committee at the meeting on the 27 September 2021 she did not vote for the removal of the basic package for the over 85’s living alone.
In response to a question raised relating to the number of calls received by the response centre, and the number of visits made by the mobile response team outlined in paragraph 5.20 it was agreed that the Head of Integrated Commissioning would provide a breakdown of the data in a written response.
Members requested a briefing in respect of the Assistive Technology Service to help them further understand the details of what was being recommissioned.
That the details provided of the revised model for the Assistive Technology Service be noted.
Cheshire East Local Account for Adult Social Care 2020-21 PDF 3 MB To consider the Local Account for Adult Social Care 2020/21. Minutes: The committee received a report in respect of the Cheshire East Council’s Adult Social Care Local Account 2020/21. The report highlighted the challenges faced by services during the pandemic, particularly around domiciliary care, and what the priorities would be for the coming year.
Awareness around the increasing ageing population and complexities of cases would help develop strategies in the future and complaints and compliments received had helped develop training commissioned for staff in order to develop the service.
The Committee welcomed the report and expressed their thanks to the Adult Social Care Team, particularly in the last 18 months. The following comments were made by various members of the Committee
· Would welcome more information in respect of where there had been any issues with the service; · There was a requirement for more effective joint working with the health service and the volunteer sector, particularly with the out of area hospitals.
A question was raised regarding the development of the Bexton Court site, and whether a timeline had been agreed. It was agreed that the Director of Commissioning would provide a written response.
That the Cheshire East Council’s Adult Social Care Local Account 2020/21 be noted.
To consider the Work Programme and determine any required amendments. Minutes: The Committee considered an updated work programme which included:
· The ‘Care at Home Framework’ to be moved to later in 2022; · The ‘Third Quarter Finance Review’ had been renamed to the ‘2021/22 Financial Year Review’ and moved to January 2022; · The ‘Live Well For Longer Strategy’ moved to March 2022; · The ‘Channel Panel Annual Report’ had been removed from the work programme; · The ‘Performance Scorecard Qtr2’ had been moved to January 2022 · The ‘Transition – Support the Council Gives to Disabled Young Adults’ may be required to move back from January 2022.
RESOLVED That the updated work programme be noted.
Minutes of Sub-Committees PDF 93 KB To receive the minutes of the following sub-committees of the Adults and Health Committee:
Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board – 7 September 2021
Minutes: The committee received the minutes of the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board held on 27 September 2021.
That the minutes of the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board be received and noted. |