Venue: Council Chamber, SKA Observatory, Jodrell Bank, Lower Withington, SK11 9FT
Contact: Katie Small Tel: 01270 686465 Email:
Link: alternative audio
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors R Bailey, C Browne, B Drake, M Goldsmith, K Hague, R Kain, C O’Leary, J Pratt, J Priest, B Puddicombe, M Simon, L Smith, H Whitaker and F Wilson.
Cllr Fletcher arrived at the meeting during the lunch break. |
Declarations of Interest To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registerable interests, and non-registerable interests in any item on the agenda. Minutes: In relation to Item 7 – Proposed New Senior Management Structure, the following officers declared a disclosable interest:-
Helen Charlesworth-May, Executive Director of Adults, Health and Integration Peter Skates, Acting Executive Director Place Janet Witkowski, Acting Director of Governance and Compliance Paul Goodwin, Head of Finance Michael Moore, Head of Communications Brian Reed, Head of Democratic Services
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 17 July 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2024 be confirmed as a correct record subject to the following amendment:
Minute 32 – Corporate Peer Challenge Recorded Vote results - the addition of Cllr L Anderson to the list of those who voted ‘FOR’. |
Mayor's Announcements To receive such announcements as may be made by the Mayor. Minutes: The Mayor, in summary:-
1 welcomed Councillor Ben Wye to his first Council meeting, having been elected at the recent by election for the Crewe West ward.
2 reported the death of Honorary Aldermen John Goddard and invited all present to stand in a minute’s silence in remembrance. The Council was represented by Councillor Rod Fletcher at his funeral.
3 reported that the Council had received the Gold Award in the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme and congratulated all those staff who had been involved in this achievement. The Mayor stated that she was looking forward to attending the Awards Ceremony in Liverpool later this year.
4 reported that details of all the engagements undertaken by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor could be found on the Council’s website.
Public Speaking Time/Open Session In accordance the Council Procedural Rules, a total period of 30 minutes is allocated for members of the public to speak at Council meetings. Individual members of the public may speak for up to 2 minutes, but the Chair will have discretion to vary this requirement where they consider it appropriate.
Members of the public wishing to speak are required to provide notice of this at least three clear working days’ in advance of the meeting and should include the question with that notice. Questions should be submitted to: or
Petitions - To receive any petitions which have met the criteria - Petitions Scheme Criteria, and falls within the remit of the Committee. Petition organisers will be allowed up to three minutes to speak. Minutes: Mr Stuart Redgard stated that he had identified 6 locations in Wilmslow where signs installed on roundabouts did not comply with the Council’s Interim Roundabout Advertising Policy and asked if the Council was aware that the policy was not being followed; if yes why had this been allowed to happen; who allowed it to happen and what action would be taken and when.
In response Councillor M Warren, Chair of Environment and Communities Committee, stated that the Council did not currently have a policy relating to advertising on roundabouts. Erection of signage on roundabouts was generally subject to both planning and highway safety considerations. Advertisement opportunities on Council land were being reviewed in a wider context as part of the Council’s Transformation Plan and a new policy which covered roundabouts amongst other things was likely to be developed as part of that work.
Councillor Warren stated that he would ask officers to investigate in respect of the Interim Roundabout Advertising Policy Mr Redgard had stated was published on the Councils website, and that a written response would be provided.
Ms Charlotte Peters Rock asked what oversight the Council had over specialist educational and residential sites either Council owned, commercially run or run by a quasi-charitable body. Ms Peters Rock asked that when the environment changed dramatically, did the Council know or have the ability to safeguard the mentally and physically disabled who used those sites.
In response, Councillor C Bulman, Chair of the Children and Families Committee, agreed to provide a written response.
Leader's and Deputy Leader's Announcements To receive such announcements as may be made by the Leader and Deputy Leader.
Minutes: The Leader, in summary:
1 thanked Members, officers, and residents of Cheshire East for the support he had received since becoming Leader of the Council in July 2024.
2 referred to the Council’s financial situation and stated that the Council could no longer afford to do everything, everywhere for everybody all the time.
3 referred to the withdrawal of the Winter Fuel Allowance from all but the less well-off pensioners and stated that the administration had been working with officers and partner organisations to help those pensioners who needed extra support. He reported that 3500 pensioners who had had the Allowance withdrawn would get extra help from the Council over the winter months.
4 reported that the Government’s Devolution White Paper was expected later this year and would be followed by legislation in the Spring 2025.
5 reported that he had reviewed the cohort of Member Champions and details of which were available on the Council’s website - Member champions. The Leader reported that a new Member Champion had been appointed for Care Leavers, with Councillor Geoff Smith taking on the role.
6 reported on the successes at the Olympic Games in Paris of those athletes who had close links to Cheshire East and highlighted the success of Honorary Freewomen Bryony Page and Dame Sarah Storey amongst others.
The Deputy Leader, in summary:
1 reported that the Council’s Transformation Plan had been submitted to the Government and was being put in place at pace with support of Members and staff. He stated that Phase 1 of the Plan had been completed and the Council was moving into Phase 2 implementation.
2 thanked the Local Government Association and the Council’s Transformation Delivery Partner- Inner Circle, for their continued support in helping to transform the Council.
3 noted that Council was being asked to approve the senior management structure as advocated by the Peer Review.
4 stated that the current Cheshire East Plan would run out in 2025 and the next Plan would need to reflect the new priorities of a smaller Council with financial stability, clear values, and a sharp customer service focus.
5 reported that the Solar Farm at Leyton Grange had been completed and was part of the Council’s commitment to be a carbon neutral by 2027.
6 reported that Council staff including the Chief Executive had taken part in the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge to raise funds for Cancer Research UK.
7 stated he was pleased that the Council had been awarded the Ministry of Defence Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award in recognition of the exceptional commitment to supporting the armed forces community.
8 encouraged all to watch the new Fostering Recruitment Video, which had been created collaboratively with 100 other local authorities to encourage more people to come forward to become foster carers.
9 recognised the major contribution of three senior staff who had left or retired in recent weeks – David Brown, Monitoring Officer, Deborah Woodcock, Executive Director Children and Families, and Matt Tyrer, ... view the full minutes text for item 48. |
Recommendation from Corporate Policy Committee: Proposed New Senior Management Structure To consider the recommendations from the Corporate Policy Committee. Additional documents:
Minutes: The officers who had made a declaration under Item 2 - Declarations of Interest, left the meeting during consideration of this item.
Consideration was given to the recommendations from the Corporate Policy Committee in relation to the Proposed New Senior Management Structure.
The proposed structure for Phase 1 of the restructure focused on the posts of Executive Directors and Directors (tier 2 and 3) across the organisation to provide stability and capacity at the most senior level. Phase 1 also included the structure within Corporate (Resources) Services to Head of Service (tier 4) to ensure an enabling structure was in place to drive the transformation programme, support Childrens’ Services improvements, deliver the Corporate Peer Challenge action plan and to achieve financial sustainability over the medium term.
RESOLVED: That Council
1 agree the senior management structure (Phase 1 only), as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, including the approval of new positions within that structure with salaries more than £100,000 per annum and statutory officers, prior to implementation, and agree that the Chief Executive commences recruitment to vacant/positions within the senior management structure.
2 note the implementation/recruitment timeline to the new senior management structure.
3 agree the release and associated redundancy and pension costs of the impacted/at risk staff members.
Recommendation from Children and Families Committee: Youth Justice Plan 2024-27 To consider the recommendation from the Children and Families Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the recommendation from the Children and Families Committee in relation to the Youth Justice Plan 2024-27.
Local authorities had a statutory duty to submit an annual Youth Justice Plan relating to their provision of youth justice services. Cheshire East Council had a shared services arrangement for Youth Justice with Cheshire West and Chester Council, Warrington Council and Halton Council, with the governance arrangements being overseen by a pan Cheshire Partnership Management Board.
That Council approve the Youth Justice Plan 2024-27. |
Supplementary Revenue Estimates (First Financial Review 2024/25) To approve the supplementary revenue estimate. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the report seeking approval of supplementary revenue estimates from the First Financial Review 2024/25.
RESOLVED: That Council approve
1 Children and Families - supplementary revenue estimates for Teachers Pay Additional Grant £1,645,000 Teachers Pension Grant £2,393,000 Household Support Fund £2,200,000
2 Economy and Growth – supplementary revenue estimate for Homelessness Prevention Grant £1,054,000
3 Highways and Transport – supplementary revenue estimates for Bus Service Improvement Plan+ Phase 2 £1,188,000 Bus Service Improvement Plan+ Phase 3 £2,268,000
The meeting adjourned for a lunch break.
To consider any Notices of Motion that have been received in accordance with the Council Procedure Rules. Minutes: Consideration was given to the following Notice of Motions which had been submitted in accordance with the Council’s Procedural Rules.
Motion 1 Winter Fuel Allowance
Proposed by Councillor A Kolker and Seconded by Councillor A Gage
“This Council is dismayed at the Labour Government’s recent decision, in the absence of a full impact assessment, to restrict the Winter Fuel Payment to only those pensioners in receipt of Pension Credit or similar benefit, with immediate effect this winter.
This means that many vulnerable Cheshire East pensioners this year, will lose between £200 and £300 that they have relied upon to keep their homes warm and hot food prepared.
Nationally, Age UK has identified that up to two million pensioners who badly need this money, will now not receive it.
In addition, as many as 800,000 pensioners who are eligible for Pension Credit, do not claim it and will therefore remain ineligible for the Winter Fuel Allowance.
As elected members, we have already received letters of concern from affected, older residents, including, for example, a petition from fifty members of the Congleton Widows Group.
Vulnerable Cheshire East Pensioners on limited means, but either not claiming Pension Credit or with incomes just above the Pension Credit threshold, will face desperate choices this winter; to “heat or eat” - decisions that pose a significant threat to health and life.
This Council therefore resolves: • That Group Leaders write jointly to the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, expressing this Council’s deep concerns regarding the impact of this decision on Cheshire East’s most vulnerable residents and asking that the Winter Fuel Allowance is reinstated with immediate effect. This to remain in place, pending the results of a full impact assessment and the evaluation of an alternative scheme that will protect the most vulnerable and middle-income pensioners at risk during Winter months.
• To bring forward a refreshed Council-led, local awareness campaign, via digital, targeted mail and via related services and venues (for example; GP surgeries, Community facilities, places of worship), to support all those eligible, to apply for Pension Credit, before 21st December 2024. This date is critical if they are to register for Winter Fuel Allowance this Winter and so avoid fuel poverty.
• That the Leader and Deputy Leader of Council write to all Members of Parliament representing Cheshire East constituencies, explaining this Council’s concerns and to request their support in raising them in Westminster, on behalf of Cheshire East’s most vulnerable pensioners.”
That the Motion be referred to the Adults and Health Committee for consideration.
Motions 2 and 3 – The Mayor announced that these Motions would be dealt with at the meeting and taken together, with one debate on both motions as she did not believe that there was anything which was contradictory in either motion which would create problems for a joint debate, and that following the conjoined debate, a separate vote would be taken on each Motion.
Motion 2 Council’s Governance ... view the full minutes text for item 52. |
In accordance the Council Procedure Rules, opportunity is provided for Members of the Council to ask the Mayor or the Chair of a Committee any question about a matter which the Council, or the Committee has powers, duties or responsibilities.
At Council meeting, there will be a maximum question time period of 30 minutes. A period of two minutes will be allowed for each Councillor wishing to ask a question. The Mayor will have the discretion to vary this requirement where they consider it appropriate. Minutes: Councillor B Posnett sought clarification in respect of whether the grant cohorts already agreed on for the Household Support Fund 5 were those agreed at Children and Families Committee?
In response Councillor J Rhodes, Chair of Adults and Health Committee, stated that the money agreed at Children and Families Committee would be distributed as agreed. The Government had since given a new grant, as of 1st October 2024, which was not detailed in today’s papers.
Councillor A Kolker referred to the winter fuel allowance and asked what assurance the Council could provide to ensure that the Congleton Widows Group, and all other pensioners who were entitled to claim pension credit, would be proactively informed and supported to do so before the final application date in December. He asked how the Council would ensure that vulnerable pensioners were able to keep warm this winter whilst their applications were processed? Councillor Kolker asked the Leader to explain where the money was coming from.
In response Councillor J Rhodes, Chair of Adults and Health Committee, stated that the Council had been notified of a sum of money - around £2.2milion, which would be given to Cheshire East Council from 1 October 2024 for the Household Support Fund. The Council would be contacting pensioners who may be able to claim pension credit using a targeted approach by using information from the council tax support records. Officers had identified around 3500 pensioners who were on the relevant benefits or claiming council tax credit, who may be able to access the Household Support Fund, but the details were still being worked through.
The Leader of the Council, Councillor N Mannion, stated that the Council would be relaunching the Warm Places Scheme to open up local venues for warmth and there would be a communications campaign to promote this which would be aimed at reaching as many people as possible.
Councillor T Dean asked that, as the Council were closing three Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRCS) in Cheshire East, to what extent were cross boundary drawbacks and reciprocal arrangements discussed with neighbouring local authorities to improve residents’ access to HWRCs, reduce any potential impacts of rising fly tipping and provide mutually beneficial cost savings.
Councillor M Warren, Chair of Environment and Communities Committee, agreed to provide a written response.
Councillor L Anderson asked if the Council could make it mandatory for all Councillors to undergo Corporate Parenting training and be made aware of their responsibility as Corporate Parents.
In response, Councillor C Bulman, Chair of Children and Families Committee, stated that the Children and Families Committee and the Cared for Children and Care Leavers Committee had recently received training from an external provider, during which care leavers provided feedback and the suggestions received were now being worked on. Councillor Bulman stated that it was mandatory for all Councillors to do Safeguarding Training and there was a lot of resources on the Learning Lounge relating to Corporate Parenting. Training for all members was being worked on. ... view the full minutes text for item 53. |
Reporting of Urgent Decisions taken by the Chief Executive To note the urgent decisions taken by the Chief Executive on behalf of Council. Minutes: Council received a schedule of urgent decisions taken by the Chief Executive on behalf of the Council, which were reported for information in accordance with the Council procedure rules.
That the schedule of urgent decisions be noted. |