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Audit and Governance Committee

This page lists the meetings for Audit and Governance Committee.


Information about Audit and Governance Committee

The Audit Committee is a key component of the Council’s corporate governance. It provides:


    i.       an independent and high-level focus on the audit, assurance and reporting arrangements that underpin good governance and financial standards;


   ii.       independent review of the Council’s governance, risk management, control frameworks and oversees the financial reporting and annual governance processes; and


  iii.       promotes high standards of ethical behaviour by developing, maintaining and monitoring Codes of Conduct for Councillors and co-opted Members (including other persons acting in a similar capacity).


The Committee receives reports and assurances from across the organisation.  In doing so the Committee will consider the effectiveness of the arrangements described, identifying further information needed and/or making recommendations for improvements and additional action required.


It also oversees internal audit and external audit, helping to ensure efficient and effective assurance arrangements are in place.


The Committee will report to full Council on a regular basis on the Committee’s performance and effectiveness.


The detailed functions in respect of governance, risk and control; internal audit; external audit; financial reporting; accountability arrangements; related functions and standards arrangements can be found in the Council’s constitution elsewhere on this website.