Agenda and minutes

Crewe Town Board - Friday, 24th June, 2022 9.30 am

Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Karen Shuker  Tel: 01270 686459 Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence (1 Minute)

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Nick Mannion, Ellie Cox, Peter Skates, John David, Rhiannon Hilton, Jasbir Dhesi and Jayne Traverse.


Declarations of Interest (1 Minute)

To receive any declarations of interest.


As the Towns Fund Progress Update had become a standing item on the agenda, it was agreed that the following declarations of interest would be recorded and used for all future meetings where this item would be discussed:


Dr Kieran Mullan MP, in the interest of openness, declared that he supported the Whitby Morrison ice cream element of the heritage centre fund and the wishing well element of the pocket parks fund.


In the interests of openness Councillor Jill Rhodes declared an interest as a political appointee of Cheshire East Council and Crewe Town Council.


In the interests of openness Simon Yates declared an interest in the Always Ahead Charity (for Flag Lane Baths).



Minutes of Previous meeting (3 Minutes) pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous virtual meeting held on 25 May 2022.


Additional documents:




That the minutes of the virtual meeting held on 27 May 2022 be approved as a correct record. The chair went through a list of actions from the previous virtual meeting and updated members on the status of each action accordingly.



Towns Fund Progress Update (1 hour 15 minutes)

To receive a detailed update on the Towns Fund and Accelerated Funding Projects, including presentations around Warm and Healthy Homes and History Centre Public Realm. To agree the summary business cases and assurance framework for the History Centre Public Realm project and Pocket Parks project.




The board received two presentations in respect of The History Centre Public Realm and Warm and Healthy Homes.


Brendan Flanagan, Head of Rural & Cultural Economyand Helen Paton, Cultural Economy Manager, Cheshire East Council, attended the meeting and gave a presentation on The History Centre Public Realm.  Covered within the presentation was information on the following:-


       RIBA3 building designs completed for Crewe, with completion of RIBA3 for Chester History Centre July.

       Ongoing consultation with target audiences for the project.

       Development of new digital forms of engagement with target audiences.

       Pre-planning liaison

       Pre- planning public consultation July 14th, Crewe Market Hall


It also included the following milestones


  • Completion of RIBA 3 design stage July 2022
  • Submission of Funding bid to National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) - August 2022
  • Issue tenders September 2022
  • Planning applications October 2022
  • NLHF decision November/December 2022
  • Jan-Mar 2023: procure design development, complete Council procedures, planning permission, gain permission to start from NLHF
  • Start contract April 2023
  • Centre opens: late winter 2024/25 (indicative)


The board heard that a Whitby Morrison heritage Ice Cream Van would be used as a ‘learning vehicle’ based in the public space once completed. The multiple curricular teaching aid would be used by Cheshire College South and West. It would operate as a standalone enterprise, developing practical skills including marketing, product design, business planning and operational planning, retail and vehicle maintenance linked to their learning programmes.


Questions/comments were made in respect of the following:-

-       More information on why the existing library was being demolished;

-       Had any consideration been given to rolling public realms right across Earle Street up to the Market Hall and making Earle Street pedestrianised;

-       There would be more marketing but the priority immediately was the business cases.

-       Would consideration be given to finding an area within the development, should funding be available, for a statue of Ada Nield.


The chair thanked the officers for their presentation.


Karen Carsberg, Head of Housing and Dan Griffiths, project management support gave a presentation the Warm and Health Homes project. Covered within the presentation was information on the key objectives of the project which included:-


• Improvement of housing conditions in Crewe

• Deliver more energy efficient homes

•Positive health and wellbeing impacts for the residents of improved    properties

• Improvement of the built environment

• Improvement in town centre living

• Positive perceptions of place


The Board heard that the original bid proposal focused on 2 areas of Crewe – Nantwich Road/Mill Street area and Railway. Following the Towns Fund funding announcement there was a need to reduce the funding on a number of projects, Warm and Healthy Homes was reduced and the project rescoped.

It was decided that the Railway Cottages provided the best economic return due to their heritage and direct proximity to the town centre.


The project would concentrate on property improvements and also Landscape and Amenity improvements and following the approval of the business case the next steps would  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Sub-Groups Update (15 Minutes)

To receive a sub-groups update.


Due to time constraints this item would be discussed at the next meeting.


Communication & Engagement Sub-Group Update (10 Minutes)

To receive an update from the Communication & Engagement Sub-Group.


Due to time constraints this item would be discussed at the next meeting.



Strategic Update from Cheshire East Council (10 Minutes)

To receive an update from the Director of Growth & Enterprise


Charles Jarvis, Head of Economic Development gave a verbal update in respect of:-

·         Bus Shelters – Positive movements had been made in these areas

·         Great British Rail – This had gone quiet although it was expected that an announcement would be made soon.

·         Levelling Up fund bids – two bids had been developed within Crewe, the MP’s sponsored bid in respect of the Western Decks and the Transport Authority bid connected to the Eastern Deck. Submission would be 6 July and they had been approved at Highways and Transport Committee last week.



That the update be noted.



AOB (5 Minutes)

To put forward any other items of business.


Shared Prosperity Fund


The board received an overview of the Shared Prosperity Fund which included the three objectives


1)    Communities and Place

2)    Supporting Local Businesses

3)    People and Skills


These objectives were originally met by the EU Structural Fund. The Shared Prosperity Fund would be delivered over three years with potential to review it.

A high level investment plan would be submitted to Government by Cheshire East Council by the 1 August 2022. Board members were invited to attend the workshops that had been scheduled in order to gain an understanding of any issues and the types of interventions which may be required to take forward as a wider partnership.

In addition to that there would be an expectation from Government that a Local Partnership Group would be established and board members were welcome to be part of this group. It was agreed that as another funding stream this would only strengthen the projects developed by the Towns Fund.


Chair/Vice Chair roles


As stated in the terms of reference the roles of chair and vice chair would be reviewed on an annual basis, therefore the Chair would write out to board members before the next meeting to ask members to put forward any other candidates for the role, following their agreement. If more than one potential candidate for either role was received, the appropriate voting arrangements would be put in place to determine the successful candidate. The outcome would then be communicated at the start of the July Board Meeting.


Anti- social Behaviour – Market Square


Concerns were raised in respect of the anti-social behaviour in the market square and it was agreed that there needed to be re-engagement with market stall holders, businesses and people needed to report incidents so there would be an evidence base.

The Board agreed to write to the SKEP Group,  which included the anti- social behaviour team who were responsible for safety around Crewe town centre and John Dwyer, the Police Crime Commissioner.




That the updates be noted.


Date of Next Virtual Meeting

To confirm the date of the next meeting as 29 July 2022 commencing at 9.30am.




That the date of the next virtual meeting take place on Friday 29 July 2022 commencing at 9.30am.