To receive a detailed update on the Towns Fund and Accelerated Funding Projects, including presentations around Warm and Healthy Homes and History Centre Public Realm. To agree the summary business cases and assurance framework for the History Centre Public Realm project and Pocket Parks project.
The board received two presentations in respect of The History Centre Public Realm and Warm and Healthy Homes.
Brendan Flanagan, Head of Rural & Cultural Economyand Helen Paton, Cultural Economy Manager, Cheshire East Council, attended the meeting and gave a presentation on The History Centre Public Realm. Covered within the presentation was information on the following:-
• RIBA3 building designs completed for Crewe, with completion of RIBA3 for Chester History Centre July.
• Ongoing consultation with target audiences for the project.
• Development of new digital forms of engagement with target audiences.
• Pre-planning liaison
• Pre- planning public consultation July 14th, Crewe Market Hall
It also included the following milestones
The board heard that a Whitby Morrison heritage Ice Cream Van would be used as a ‘learning vehicle’ based in the public space once completed. The multiple curricular teaching aid would be used by Cheshire College South and West. It would operate as a standalone enterprise, developing practical skills including marketing, product design, business planning and operational planning, retail and vehicle maintenance linked to their learning programmes.
Questions/comments were made in respect of the following:-
- More information on why the existing library was being demolished;
- Had any consideration been given to rolling public realms right across Earle Street up to the Market Hall and making Earle Street pedestrianised;
- There would be more marketing but the priority immediately was the business cases.
- Would consideration be given to finding an area within the development, should funding be available, for a statue of Ada Nield.
The chair thanked the officers for their presentation.
Karen Carsberg, Head of Housing and Dan Griffiths, project management support gave a presentation the Warm and Health Homes project. Covered within the presentation was information on the key objectives of the project which included:-
• Improvement of housing conditions in Crewe
• Deliver more energy efficient homes
•Positive health and wellbeing impacts for the residents of improved properties
• Improvement of the built environment
• Improvement in town centre living
• Positive perceptions of place
The Board heard that the original bid proposal focused on 2 areas of Crewe – Nantwich Road/Mill Street area and Railway. Following the Towns Fund funding announcement there was a need to reduce the funding on a number of projects, Warm and Healthy Homes was reduced and the project rescoped.
It was decided that the Railway Cottages provided the best economic return due to their heritage and direct proximity to the town centre.
The project would concentrate on property improvements and also Landscape and Amenity improvements and following the approval of the business case the next steps would be
Questions/comments were made in respect of the following:-
The officers were thanked for their presentation.
The board received a presentation from Daniel Lindsay, Ekosgen, which set out the results of a meeting with the TIP Sub-Group where projects were critiqued on the work carried out so far, and recommendations were made. Following the appraisal both the History Centre Public Realm and Pocket Park projects were considered suitable for funding subject to specific conditions being met which included management, financial and commercial recommendations.
The board received an update on the Repurposing the High Street project, which was due to have been presented to the board today. Work was continuing on the appraisal and this would be presented before the Board in August.
RESOLVED (Unanimously)
That the board approve
recommendation to the S151 Officer to progress the History
Centre Public Realm and Pocket Park projects back to