Venue: Virtual Meeting
Contact: Helen Davies Tel: 01270 685705 Email:
Link: Meeting Recording
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: There were no apologies for absence received from the Committee. |
Declarations of Interest/Pre Determination To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests and for Members to declare if they have pre-determined any item on the agenda. Minutes: RESOLVED- There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 30 September 2020. Minutes: RESOLVED- That the minutes of the virtual meeting held on 30 September 2020 be approved as a correct and accurate record and signed by the Chairman.
Public Speaking A total period of 5 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the following:
· Ward Councillors who are not members of the Planning Committee · The relevant Town/Parish Council
A total period of 3 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the following:
· Members who are not members of the planning committee and are not the Ward Member · Objectors · Supporters · Applicants Minutes: RESOLVED-
To consider the above application. Minutes: Consideration was given to the above application.
(Councillor Anthony Critchley, the Adjacent Ward Councillor, Councillor Hazel Faddes, Visiting Ward Member, Nigel Murray, the Project Architect and Grant Robinson the Project Manager attended the virtual meeting and spoke on behalf of the application). RESOLVED- That for the reasons set out in the report and in the verbal update to the Committee, the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1) Standard Time 2) Development in accordance with approved plans 3) Details of materials and finishes 4) Tree Protection 5) Hedgerow protection scheme 6) Provision of Electric Vehicle infrastructure 7) Provision of Ultra Low Emission Boilers 8) Details of external Lighting 9) Obscure glazing to windows in flank walls of buildings 10) Contaminated land – submission of updated phase 2 report - prior to commencement of development 11) Contaminated land – submission of a verification report 12) Contaminated land – works to stop if any unexpected contamination is discovered on site 13) Contaminated land imported soil 14) Submission of Landscape scheme 15) Implementation of the landscaping scheme 16) Implementation of Bird and Bat boxes in accordance with ecological survey 17) Submission, approval and implementation of a Construction Management Plan 18) Details of covered cycle storage and provision before first occupation 19) Design details of Bin Stores and provision before first occupation 20) Occupation limited to residents over 60 years 21) Condition to Secure the Affordable Housing provision as part of the development
And the following informative; 1) The developer is encouraged to enter into discussions with the Cheshire East Highways department regarding local pavement improvements.
To consider the above application. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the above application.
(Councillor Hazel Faddes, the Ward Member and Nicolas Mills the Planning Agent who represented the applicant,attended the virtual meeting and spoke on behalf of the application). RESOLVED- That for the reasons set out in the report and in the verbal update to the Committee, the application be deferred subject to the following conditions: · For the outcome of the Flood Risk discussions and a final consultation response from the flood risk officer · To reconsider the parking layout within the site- so it is in-front of the relevant dwelling · To consider parking along the main access road · Further information on the marketing of the site- is this now out of date? · Clarification as to why no education response is required · Update on what Play Space has been provided within the site and where this is located. (This was contrary to the Officer recommendation) |
To consider the above application. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the above application. (Councillor Janet Clowes, the Ward Councillor, and Councillor who called in the application and Caroline Payne, Agent for the application attended the virtual meeting and spoke in respect of the application). RESOLVED- That for the reasons set out in the report and in the verbal update to the Committee, the application be refused for the following reasons: · The removal of condition 3 would not support the retention of the existing fishery business and would be harmful to the rural economy. The proposed removal of condition 3 is contrary to Policies EG2 and PG6 of the CELPS and NE.16 of the Crewe and Nantwich Local Plan. (This was contrary to the Officer recommendation)