Venue: Committee Suite 1,2 & 3, Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach CW11 1HZ. View directions
Contact: Paul Mountford Executive Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors P Bates and D Stockton. |
Declarations of Interest To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in any item on the agenda. Minutes: In the interests of openness, Councillor JP Findlow declared, in relation to Items 9 and 14, that he was the Council’s nomination to the Board of the Peaks and Plains Housing Trust. |
Public Speaking Time/Open Session In accordance with paragraph 3.33 of the Cabinet Procedure Rules, a period of 10 minutes is allocated for members of the public to address the meeting on any matter relevant to the work of the Cabinet. Individual members of the public may speak for up to 5 minutes but the Chairman or person presiding will decide how the period of time allocated for public speaking will be apportioned where there are a number of speakers. Members of the public are not required to give notice to use this facility. However, as a matter of courtesy, a period of 24 hours’ notice is encouraged.
Members of the public wishing to ask a question at the meeting should provide at least three clear working days’ notice in writing and should include the question with that notice. This will enable an informed answer to be given.
Minutes: Jane Smith asked if schools in Cheshire East could provide a plant based option at meal times and work towards providing a wholly plant based menu one day a week. The Portfolio Holder for Children and Families responded by saying that 75% of dishes provided were freshly prepared from unprocessed ingredients and that a vegetarian option was provided daily. A vegan dish could be provided if requested by parents.
Sue Helliwell referred to the disposal of public open space in Alsager, which was advertised by the Council in January 2014 and asked if the land disposal took place and was the land large enough to use as a burial ground. The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Regeneration responded that disposal of the public open space related to the grant of a lease of more than 7 years of the Alsager Leisure Centre site and following the disposal process the land had been leased to the Everybody Sport & Recreation Trust to facilitate the future management of leisure facilities for local residents.
Caroline Whitley spoke on the Early Help and Community Grants Scheme and asked that consideration be given to including the payment of volunteers costs and expenses. The Leader responded that this would be considered when the agenda item was debated.
Sylvia Dykes spoke on the findings of the Cemeteries Strategy in relation to Alsager and stated that there had been opportunities in the last ten years of land that could have been used for burials but this had been ignored and that the two alternatives options provided would involve extreme journeys to reach. She asked if projected population figures and age demographics had been included in preparing the strategy. The Leader of the Council responded that these points would be considered when the Item was debated.
Paul Redstone asked when would Fairerpower be available to the residents of Alsager. The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Regeneration responded that Fairerpower was open to the residents of Alsager and the reason that certain postcodes did not generate a quote could be that the property was a new build and had not been registered on the national database yet.
Michael Unett spoke on the findings of the Cemeteries Strategy in relation to Alsager and noted that the report showed that the church yard in Alsager had the highest demand but the lowest capacity and that it stated town and parish cemeteries and churchyards played an important role in meeting local need for burials. He asked would the Portfolio Holder meet with Alsager Town Council to re-solve this issue.
Rob Vernon thanked the Portfolio Holder for Environment for the action taken in relation to Becks Lane, Macclesfield. He then referred to Priory Lane in Macclesfield, on which was located St Albans Catholic Primary School and Fallibroome Academy, and asked if the safety of this road could be reviewed with a view to providing a crossing outside the primary school. |
Questions to Cabinet Members A period of 20 minutes is allocated for questions to be put to Cabinet Members by members of the Council. Notice of questions need not be given in advance of the meeting. Questions must relate to the powers, duties or responsibilities of the Cabinet. Questions put to Cabinet Members must relate to their portfolio responsibilities.
The Leader will determine how Cabinet question time should be allocated where there are a number of Members wishing to ask questions. Where a question relates to a matter which appears on the agenda, the Leader may allow the question to be asked at the beginning of consideration of that item.
Minutes: Councillor D Flude referred to her Notice of Motion on Taxi Licensing which had been considered by Cabinet at its meeting on 10 April 2014. It was resolved the Portfolio Holder would write to the Secretary of State for Transport asking the Government to close the loopholes and potential for abuse left open as a result of cross border hiring and that the letter would also be sent to local MPs. She asked if the letter had been sent and if any responses had been received. The Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Regeneration agreed to look into this.
Councillor D Flude stated that the residents of Lunt Avenue in Crewe had written to the Highways Department on 31 May 2018 about the London Plane trees, asking for them to be taken down. No response had been received and she asked if the Portfolio Holder for Environment or the Executive Director of Place could look into this.
Cllr Corcoran stated that after Lyme Green it took 6 months of pressure before the Designated Independent Person’s report was released and asked when would the Designated Independent Person reports into the recently departed senior officers be released. The Leader of the Council responded that the Council had a cross party Independent Disciplinary Committee which was still considering matters and whilst this was happening there would be no debate and no response to questions relating to these matters.
Cllr G Baxendale asked if the Council would do a review of the strategy for dropped kerbs in the major towns in the Borough. The Leader of the Council agreed to forward this to the Portfolio Holder for Environment to consider.
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 84 KB To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 12th June 2018. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 12 June 2018 be approved as a correct record. |
Expansion of Springfield Special School, Crewe PDF 283 KB To consider a report on the proposed expansion of Springfield Special School, Crewe.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered a report on the proposal to expand Springfield Special School.
The Council had undertaken and published its Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and or Disabilities Joint Strategy and Sufficiency Statement for Children and Young People with Special Education Needs. The Sufficiency Statement had identified the need to increase specialist provision in the Borough as the amount of provision currently provided did not meet its needs.
Springfield Special School had already initiated work to expand their current provision and had undertaken formal consultation on the proposals.
That Cabinet, having given full consideration to the formal consultation process, approve the proposed expansion of Springfield Special School from 132 places to 156 places over a phased period. |
Sustainable Modes of Travel to Schools (SMOTS) Strategy PDF 284 KB To consider a report seeking approval of an updated Sustainable Modes of Travel to Schools Strategy.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered a report seeking approval for the Sustainable Modes of Travel to School Strategy.
The Strategy set out the framework for how the Council, in collaboration with key delivery partners, would support schools to enable and encourage sustainable travel to and from schools. The Strategy had been informed by consultation with parents, schools and key stakeholders.
That Cabinet approve the Sustainable Modes of Travel to Schools Strategy as part of the Council’s Education Travel policy framework. |
Cheshire East Cemeteries Strategy and Cheshire East Revised Cemetery Regulations PDF 232 KB To consider a report on a draft Cemeteries Strategy and draft Cemeteries Regulations for Cheshire East Council. Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet considered a report seeking approval to consult on the draft Cemeteries Strategy and draft Cemeteries Regulations for Cheshire East Council.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet
1 approve the draft Cheshire East Cemeteries Strategy and Cheshire East Cemeteries Regulations for the basis of public consultation; and
2 delegate authority to the Executive Director – Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Environment to finalise and publish the Final Strategy and Cemetery Regulations, taking account of the representations received during the consultation exercise.
Cheshire East Council Common Allocations Policy Review PDF 253 KB To consider a report on proposed changes to the Common Allocations Policy following consultation. Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered a report seeking approval of the revised Common Allocations Policy.
Consultation had been carried out on proposed changes to the Common Allocations Policy, which had come about due to changes in legislations, case law, Government guidance and a review of comments, complaints and compliments and feedback from a recent Peer Review.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet
1 approve the revised Cheshire East Council Common Allocations Policy; and
2 delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Regeneration to make any future revisions to the Commons Allocations Policy following changes in legislation and Government guidance. |
Corporate Grants Policy PDF 248 KB To consider a Corporate Grants Policy for the operation of grants schemes by Cheshire East Council for 2018/2019. Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered a report seeking approval of the Corporate Grants Policy and Grant Funding Protocol.
The Corporate Grants Policy set out the overall approach to be taken to the allocation of grants, donations and other contributions to outside bodies. The Grant Funding Protocol provided further guidance on how the Council determined whether assistance was to be provided by way of grant funding or whether a service was to be commissioned and thereby be subject to the procurement process.
RESOVLED: That Cabinet
1 approve the draft Corporate Grants Policy, as set out in Appendix 1 to the Report; and
2 approve the draft Grant Funding Protocol, as set out in Appendix 2 to the Report.
Early Help and Community Grants Scheme PDF 233 KB To consider a report seeking approval of the Early Help and Community Grants Scheme. Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet considered a report seeking approval of draft Early Help and Community Grant Scheme.
The Council’s Community Grant Scheme had been refreshed and renamed the Early Help and Community Grants Scheme. In order to provide guidance for the operation of the Grant Scheme, approval was sought for the Policy for Allocation of Early Help and Community Grants Scheme to allow continuation of community grant scheme throughout the financial year 2018/19.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet
1 approve the draft Early Help and Community Grants scheme, as set out in Appendix 1 to the Report; and
2 delegate authority to the Executive Director of Place to make decisions on grant applications for funding from the Early Help and Community Grant Scheme. |
Better Care Fund Year-end Report 2017/18 PDF 290 KB To consider the year-end report for the Better Care Fund. Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered the year-end report for the Better Care Fund, which detailed the performance of the Fund in Cheshire East over 2017/18.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet note that
1 the Better Care Fund in Cheshire East is making a significant difference to people’s lives, as evidenced by the highlights of scheme performance in section 5.9 of the Report;
2 notable improvements to Delayed Transfers of Care have taken place during the course of 2017/18; and
3 at the same time the Better Care Fund plan covers a two year period 2017/18 and in 2018/19 there remains much to do, as noted in next steps in section 5.24 of the Report. The next steps include concluding the evaluation process, confirming schemes for 2018/19, the completion of a number of self-assessments to better understand progress against 7 days working, integration and High Impact Care. |
New Domestic Abuse Commission 2019-22 PDF 204 KB To consider a report recommending a re-commission of the domestic abuse service. Minutes: Cabinet considered a report which sought approval to commence procurement of a whole family domestic abuse service.
The Council had previously commissioned a whole family domestic abuse service from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2019 and the report sought approval to re-commission the service rather than taking the option to extend, as this would allow the Council greater flexibility to change the delivery model to meet needs.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet
1 approve the commencement of procurement of a whole family domestic abuse service; and
2 authorise the Executive Director – People to award the whole family domestic abuse contract. |
Re-Commissioning of Assistive Technology Services PDF 302 KB To consider a report on the procurement of Assistive Technology services. Additional documents: Minutes: Cabinet considered a report which sought approval for the re-commissioning of the Assistive Technology Services.
Assistive Technology played an important role in addressing the cares needs of individuals at reduced cost in place of traditional care, such as care at home. Re-commissioning would ensure that appropriate equipment was supplied where it could help to deliver the social care assessed outcomes required.
The Leader asked for it to be noted that a WARN had been signed regarding the current arrangements for these services.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet
1 approve the procurement of the Assistive Technology services; and
2 delegate authority to the Executive Director of People to award contracts to the supplier(s) of Assistive Technology services. |
Risk Management and Business Continuity Policy Statements PDF 249 KB To consider a report seeking approval of an updated Risk Management Policy and Risk Appetite Statement and a Business Continuity Policy Statement and Strategy. Additional documents:
Minutes: Cabinet considered a report seeking approval of the updated Risk Management Policy, Risk Appetite Statement and the Business Continuity Policy Statement and Strategy.
A review had been undertaken on the Council’s Risk Management Policy Statement and a small number of actions had been made to improve the Council’s risk management arrangements. These were reported to the Audit and Governance Committee in May 2018, who recommended to Cabinet that the update Risk Management Policy be adopted. The Audit and Governance Committee, at the same meeting, had also considered the updated Business Continuity Statement and Strategy and had recommended to Cabinet that it be adopted.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet
1 approve the updated Risk Management Policy and Risk Appetite Statement, as set out in Appendix A to the Report; and
2 approve the Business Continuity Policy Statement and Strategy, as set out in Appendix B to the Report. |