Agenda and minutes

Crewe Town Board - Friday, 29th April, 2022 9.30 am

Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Karen Shuker  Tel: 01270 686459 Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence (1 Minute)

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Mark Hills, Adam Knight, Councillor Jill Rhodes, and Carol Young.



Declarations of Interest (1 Minute)

To receive any declarations of interest.


As the Towns Fund Progress Update had become a standing item on the agenda, it was agreed that the following declarations of interest would be recorded and used for all future meetings where this item would be discussed:


Dr Kieran Mullan MP, in the interest of openness, declared that he supported the Whitby Morrison ice cream element of the heritage centre fund and the wishing well element of the pocket parks fund.


Councillor Nick Mannion, in the interest of openness, declared that he is an elected Member of Cheshire East Council which is the accountable body for the programme and requested that this standing declaration be recorded for any Cheshire East Councillors who may attend the meeting in future.  Cllr Mannion also declared that he chairs the Council’s Economy and Growth Committee which has regeneration within its remit. 


Jasbir Dhesi declared that Cheshire College is a named beneficiary of the ice cream element of the heritage project and that the college is also supportive of a number of the other projects.


In the interests of openness Reverend David Edwards declared an interest in the Flag Lane Baths project.


Simon Yates declared an interest in the Always Ahead Charity (for Flag Lane Baths).



Minutes of Previous meeting (3 Minutes) pdf icon PDF 208 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous virtual meeting held on 1 April 2022.


Additional documents:




That the minutes of the virtual meeting held on 1 April 2022 be approved as a correct record. The chair went through a list of actions from the previous virtual meeting and updated members on the status of each action accordingly.



Towns Fund Progress Update (1hr 15 mins)

To receive a detailed update on the Towns Fund and Accelerated Funding Projects and agree the summary business cases and assurance framework for tranche one projects, Flag Lane Baths and Youth Zone.


Presentations will also be shared on the following items:

  • Tom Barton - Cumberland Arena
  • Planning/transport colleagues - Consultation on Nantwich Road Ped Cycle Bridge, Southern Gateway and Mill Street Corridor
  • Richard Hibbert - Bus Strategy








Cumberland Arena

Tom Barton, Chief Executive of Everybody Health & Leisure gave a presentation to the board on the Cumberland Arena project.

The Board were thanked for their help in supporting the project bid and were reminded about the two different options that were submitted with the application. Updates on Riba stage 2 designs were shared with the board.

Following the funding allocation of £1.876 million, plans were revised to keep within the funding envelope, which included the amendments to the car park and changing facilities.

The board heard that there was an over subscription of the Lifestyle Centre and to ensure the asset was being used throughout the week, be sustainable and to align with the wider vision for Crewe there were plans to create a multi-purpose community hub which aligned with the TIP programme, a focus on new audiences and a modern and flexible site.

The project was part of tranche three and a detailed submission would be made in June 2022, with a planning application being submitted in August 2022.

The Board made comments and asked questions in relation to linking the arena with the Lifestyle Centre, social prescribing involvement, plans for optimising facilities and the Active Travel on subscription bid details.

The Board thanked Tom, Chris and Kerry for their attendance and presentation.


The Board spent time on appraising the following tranche one projects:- Flag Lane Baths and Crewe Youth Zone. The board received a presentation from Daniel Lindsay, Ekosgen, which set out the results of a meeting with the TIP Sub-Group where projects were critiqued on the work carried out so far, and recommendations were made. The Board were minded that if they approved the documents subject to the conditions outlined in the presentation then summary documents would be submitted next week.

Flag Lane Baths

Following the presentation board members raised questions and comments in relation to:

-       Was there confidence that if a phased approach was taken due to a funding shortfall that it would still achieve the objectives and benefits and be able to produce and deliver the project;

-       Given the nature of space was there a self-sufficiency route planned for the project i.e rise in energy costs

-       Had the increase in operating costs going forward been factored in;

-       Reminder that the funding envelope would not be changed, it would be up to the projects to raise any additional funds.


It was recommended that the project was suitable for funding subject to conditions which included those around financial, commercial and management outlined in the presentation and that it met the requirements listed by Martin Wood, Assistant Director, Cities & Local Growth Unit.

Crewe Youth Zone

Following the presentation board members raised questions and comments in relation to:

-       Sought assurance in respect of concerns around construction inflation costs

-       The next step for communications - timescales – requirement to put out a continuous message to people of Crewe

-       Assurance sought in respect of construction round Oak Street car park/erection of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Sub-Groups Update (10 Minutes)

To receive a sub-groups update.


Hayley Kirkham, HS2 Programme Director, presented the board with an update on the Nantwich Road Enhancement Scheme and the Southern Gateway and Pedestrian and Cycling Connectivity Scheme


The Board heard that the two schemes were interlinked, and details of the schemes included a 6-week public consultation to help shape the proposals to improve the walking and cycling offer between Crewe railway station and the town centre. The benefits of the scheme were explained which included the following


-       New pedestrian and cycle bridge decks linking Pedley Street with Weston Road

-       Space dedicated to pedestrians and cyclists

-       New Eastbound bus stop and layby

-       Improved environment for station users and visitors

-       Improved wayfinding to town centre


The Board heard that following the end of the consultation period, all the results would be analysed, and an engagement findings report would be published on the Council’s website. The findings of the report would be presented to Cheshire East’s Highways & Transport Committee and subject to approval a planning application would be submitted to the Strategic Planning Board in Autumn 2022.


The consultation details would be distributed to board members following the meeting. The Board thanked Hayley for the presentation.




That the presentation be noted.




Communication & Engagement Sub-Group Update (10 Minutes)

To receive an update from the Communication & Engagement Sub-Group.


The board received an update on the timetable proposed for future communications which would fall into the following categories

-       Minor updates

-       Key milestones/opportunities

-       Broader vision

The board asked questions and provided comments in respect of the following

-       How to encourage greater levels of participation in consultation processes

-       Branding to be applied when talking about projects so there is awareness around the connection with Crewe Town Board.

The website would be updated shortly with updates on all projects and a meeting would be arranged to discuss future communications.


That the update be noted.



Strategic Update from Cheshire East Council (15 Minutes)

To receive an update from the Director of Growth & Enterprise.


The board received an update from the Director for Growth and Enterprise which included the following:

Great British Railway notification for shortlisting was anticipated to be sometime in May. In the meantime, work was underway to look at communications and thinking about the type of visits and what they would look like.

The Council would be attending the UK Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure forum In May where there would be the opportunity to promote Crewe and other opportunities in Cheshire East with attendees.

UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) – UKSPF had replaced EU ‘Structural funds’, and Cheshire East had been allocated £11.5 million pounds which would cover three areas: Communities & Place, Supporting Local Business, People & Skills. To secure the funding an investment plan would need to be submitted which would include priorities and how these would be delivered across the three areas. Further details would come to a future meeting of Crewe Town Board.

Board Members requested a timetable of the key milestone for details around the Bus station and multi storey car park to enable them to share information with interested parties.


That the update be noted.



AOB (5 Minutes)


There were no items of other business raised.


Date of Next Virtual Meeting

To confirm the date of the next meeting as 27 May 2022 commencing at 9.30am.




That the date of the next virtual meeting take place on Friday 27 May 2022 commencing at 9.30am.