Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Karen Shuker Tel: 01270 686459 Email:
Note: Please note that this meeting whilst advertised on the Cheshire East Council website is not a public meeting .
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Jez Goodman, Chris Hindle, Frank Jordan, Dr Charles Jarvis, Andrew Ross and Joel Tagg. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the Previous Virtual Meeting To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous virtual meeting held on 4 June 2021 and to consider and note the actions from the virtual meeting. Additional documents: Minutes:
That the minutes of the virtual meeting held on 4 June 2021 be approved as a correct record. The Chair went through the list of actions from the previous virtual meeting and updated members on the status of each action accordingly. |
Board Governance To agree the Chair and Vice Chair for Crewe Town Board. Minutes: The Chair clarified the positions of the Chair and Vice-Chair. The Terms of Reference stated that the positions were for a three year period with an annual review. The Chair confirmed there had been no nominations received for the Vice-Chair position, therefore Simon Yates was confirmed as Vice-Chair for the remainder of the three year period with a review scheduled in 2022.
The Vice-Chair confirmed there had been no nominations received for the position of Chair, therefore Doug Kinsman was confirmed as Chair for the remainder of the three year period with a review scheduled in 2022.
The Chair and the Vice-Chair were thanked for their support and hard work they had provided to the Board.
The Chair proposed a more formal approach be considered by Democratic Services in respect of the election of the roles of Chair and Vice-Chair to ensure a more open and transparent approach. Along-side this, a formal appraisal process and framework were suggested in order to review the work of the Chair and Vice-Chair and their responsibilities.
RESOLVED (1) That Simon Yates continue in the role as Vice-Chair. (2) That Doug Kinsman continue in the role of Chair. (3) That Democratic Services give consideration to the appointments process and how the review of the Chair and Vice-Chair roles should be undertaken as referred to in the terms of reference. (4) That a formal appraisal process and framework for the roles of the Chair and Vice-Chair to be given consideration by Democratic Services.
To agree any changes to the Terms of Reference for the Crewe Town Board. Minutes: The Terms of Reference were circulated with the agenda and it was agreed to review these on an annual basis.The changes discussed in item 4 would need to be incorporated to reflect the change of the election process of the Chair and Vice-Chair, along with the appraisal and review process once these had been confirmed.
(1) That the terms of reference be amended to include reference to the Vice Chair. (2) That Democratic Services be requested to review the terms of reference in the light of the suggestions put forward in the previous item. |
Cleaner Crewe Project To receive a presentation from Chris Allman and Glynis Caufield on the Cleaner Crewe Project. Minutes: The Board received a presentation from Glynis Caufield, Business Improvement Lead and Chris Allman, Head of Neighbourhood Services on the Cleaner Crewe Project. The presentation detailed the work that had been carried out between December 2019 and June 2021 and the future activities planned by the project, which included CCTV installation, One Team working, Bulky Waste Collection service and Individual Alley plans.
On behalf of the Board, the Chair thanked Glynis and Chris for their presentation.
That the presentation be received and noted.
Planning Policy Potential Changes for Crewe and the AAP To receive an update from Tom Evans, Neighbourhood Planning Manager, regarding potential changes to the (AAP) Area Action Plan and (SPD) Supplementary Planning Document. Minutes: Tom Evans, Neighbourhood Planning Manager, provided the Board with an update on potential changes to the Area Action Plan (AAP) following a delay in launching the planning document due to the pandemic. A review of the document was due to take place before it would be presented to the Environment and Communities Committee in September.
Members of the Board made comments and raised questions in respect of the following:-
· The current housing situation; · The lack of office space around Crewe station; · The need to attract the right kind of people – still a missing link between HS2 and the Crewe Hub; · Whether the AAP would protect areas that the TIP was looking at.
That the update be noted.
Towns Fund Progress Update To receive an update on the progress on the Towns Fund Stage 2 Business Case and Board positioning following on from the TIP Sub-Group Meeting held on 22nd June 2021. Minutes: The Chair provided a verbal update in respect of the Towns Fund. In readiness for the Government announcement ‘holding’ invites for an extraordinary meeting of the Board had been circulated for July and August and plans were underway in preparation for the announcement. A meeting had been arranged by Kim Cooper for the Chair and Vice Chair to look at setting up a workshop for board members to establish what was deemed as ‘Good’ Governance, in readiness for stage 2 of the project.
The Vice Chair provided a verbal update following the meeting of the TIP Subgroup held on the 22nd June 2021. This involved discussions on the preparation required for stage 2 of the project which included the timetable for the next twelve months, a review of the offer once it has been received, and the Business Case Development. Work was currently underway with each of the project leads in terms of their capacity and identifying where the risks were.
Members of the Board made comments and raised questions in respect of the following:- · Whether there was time built in to review the projects; · Preparatory work was good; · Conditions could be attached to projects but nothing which Cheshire East Officers wouldn’t be able to overcome; · Consideration needed to be given to the spend profile; · Emphasis needed to be given to the development of the business cases as well as the monitoring and evaluation plan; · Consideration may want to be given to tranche up those projects which could be delivered quickly; · Consideration to be given on a full business case analysis or outline of business cases. · A review of affordability and planning was required; · Consideration needed to be given to the remainder of the Capacity Fund and involvement of HATCH; · What additional support and training was required for the Board to enable it to carry out the function and roles that were to be delivered.
That the update be noted.
To receive a sub-groups update, including an update from the Youth Representation Sub-Group. Minutes: Youth Sub-Group – The Board considered the proposals for the development of the Youth Sub-Group. The group would consist of a group of ten 16-24 year olds with discussions and representation similar to that of the Crewe Town Board. Mentoring would be offered to the group and the chair of the group would have a seat on the Crewe Town Board.
Transportation Green and Blue – Infrastructure Forum – Following the inaugural meeting held on the 11 June 2021 a further meeting had been arranged for the chair and vice-chair to meet with Andrew Ross and Charles Jarvis to discuss what the forum wanted to achieve and to develop an agenda.
Sports Provision and Open Spaces Forum – Following a meeting with Councillor Mick Warren further support for the Forum had been received from Paul Bayley, Director of Environment and Neighbourhood Services. The next steps would be for the Chair and Vice-Chair, with the support of Cheshire East Officers to draw up a list of people to contact and look at ways to engage them.
That the updates be noted and that the approach detailed in relation to the Youth Sub-Group be agreed.
Communication & Engagement Sub-Group Update To receive an update from the Communication & Engagement Sub-Group and seek agreement on Terms of Reference previously circulated. Additional documents:
Minutes: Carol Young provided a verbal update on the Terms of Reference following the circulation of these after the last meeting. No comments had been received and the Board was asked to approve these. The Chair highlighted the importance of ongoing communication, consultation, and engagement activities. Whilst the website is functional and other efforts are being made, it was agreed a proportion of the Capacity Funding Allocation would be used to enhance this.
(1) That the Terms of Reference be approved. (2) That a proportion of the Capacity Funding Allocation would be used to enhance ongoing communication, consultation, and engagement activities.
Strategic Update from Cheshire East Council To receive an update from the Director of Growth & Enterprise. Minutes: Peter Skates, Director of Growth and Enterprise provided a verbal update on the following:
Market Hall – The official launch on the 24th June had been rescheduled and was now due to take place on the 24 July, dependent on the lifting of restrictions.
Future High Street Fund – Legal officers had reviewed the grant offer letter received.Although there had been frustration around the timescales, the Memorandum of Understanding had been signed which was for £14.148m.
That the update be noted. |
Future Agenda Items To put forward items for discussion at future Board meetings. Minutes: The Chair informed the Board that James Sumner, Chief Executive of Leighton Hospital would be attending the August Board meeting to present on the redevelopment of the hospital and to discuss the move to a community based health provision.
Further agenda items put forward included
- Parking Consultation Strategy - Sponsorship Opportunities – ADHD Society - Housing challenges - Private Inward Investment RESOLVED That the update be noted.
AOB To put forward any other items of business. Minutes: Travel Cycling Funding - The Chair informed the Board that the Department for Transport had written to all Highway Departments in Council’s in June outlining active travel cycling funding and how to access the funding.
Information also included a pilot scheme regarding GP social prescribing whereby Councils specifically with high levels of deprivation, poor health care and activity had been invited to submit expressions of interest by 9 August 2021. Successful Councils would be put forward for the chance to access up to £100,000 of revenue funding to support the development of their proposals.
Royal Arcade – Hoarding Project - Lindsey Lewis, Crewe Town Council Regeneration Manager informed the Board that following a national tender exercise for the Hoarding Project a local business had been selected. A request for images of ‘real’ people in Crewe had been put forward as branding currently only contained generic images.
Suggestions were put forward for people from the Clean Team and Alley Way Team to be approached.
RESOLVED That the updates be noted and that an update on the Council’s submission in relation to the GP social prescribing funding be provided at the meeting in August.
Date of Next Virtual Meeting To confirm the date of the next meeting as 6 August 2021 commencing at 9.30am. Minutes: That the date of the next virtual meeting take place on Friday 6 August 2021 commencing at 9.30am. |