Agenda and minutes

Licensing Act Sub-Committee - Friday, 4th November, 2022 1.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Municipal Buildings, Earle Street, Crewe CW1 2BJ. View directions

Contact: Helen Davies  Tel: 01270 685705 Email:

No. Item


Appointment of Chairman

To appoint a Chairman for the meeting.


RESOLVED: That Councillor J Wray be appointed Chairman.


Declarations of Interest

To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in any item on the agenda and for Members to declare if they have pre-determined any item on the agenda.



There were no declarations of interest received.


Application for a Premises Licence Lady Grey Farm, Lady Lane, Mobberley, WA16 7NE pdf icon PDF 15 MB

To consider the above application.

Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee considered a report regarding for the application of a Premise Licence, under the Licensing Act 2003 in respect of, Lady Grey Farm, Lady Lane, Mobberley, WA16 7NE together with objections and support.


The following attending the hearing and made representations with respect to the application:


·         The Applicants; and

·         A Licensing Consultant acting on behalf of the Applicants.


After a full hearing of the application and in accordance with the rules of

procedure, the Chairman of the Sub-Committee reported that after taking

account of:


·         The Secretary of State’s Guidance under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003;

·         Cheshire East Borough Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy;

·         the four licensing objectives (namely the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety, the prevention of public nuisance, and the protection of children from harm) and the steps appropriate to promote them; and

·         All the evidence, including the oral representations made at the meeting and the written representations of interested parties.


The following course of action had been agreed:




That the application for a Premises Licence be GRANTED as outlined in the application with additional conditions as follows:


Supply of alcohol (for consumption on and off the Premises)

Saturday - 10.00 to 00.00hrs


Provision of Recorded Music (Indoors)

Saturday – 23.00 to 00.00hrs


Provision of Live Music (Indoors)

Saturday – 23.00 to 00.00hrs


Provision of Performances of Dance (indoors)

Saturday – 23.00 to 00.00hrs


Provision of anything similar of a similar description to Live Music Recorded Music orPerformances of dance (Indoors)

Saturday – 23.00 to 00.00hrs


Late Night Refreshment (Indoors)

Saturday – 23.00 to 00.00hrs



Additional Conditions

The following conditions shall apply to the Premises Licence at Annex 3:   

  1. Any live or recorded music emanating from the Premises shall not be clearly audible at the boundary of the nearest residential property.


  1. The Premises Licence holder will make every effort to ensure that noise from the patrons does not cause a nuisance at the nearest residential property.  Any person acting in a way that presents any risk of disturbance to the nearest residential property will be dealt with immediately and asked to moderate their behaviour and/or move inside the Premises.  If they continue, they will be asked to leave the Premises (and outside areas) and assisted to do so with the minimum of delay.  If appropriate the police will be contacted.


  1. At all times when the Premises is open to the public, the entrance doors shall either:


a.    Be kept closed and/or


b.    Adequately lobbied – double door system


  1. Save for access and egress.


  1. From the start of the evening reception through to the end of the evening, the non-openable picture window on the north east façade shall be shuttered.


  1. If the building requires ventilation openings, these shall be fitted with appropriate acoustic attenuators to ensure that the opening does not compromise the building envelopes sound insulation properties.


  1. There shall be no temporary or permanent speakers permitted in any outside areas.


  1. Regular noise assessments shall be undertaken by a competent person (either the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 34.