Venue: Crewe Lifestyle Centre, Moss Square, Crewe. CW1 2BB
Contact: Rachel Graves Tel: 01270 686473 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors M Addison, R Bailey, L Braithwaite, P Butterill, S Handley, G Hayes, A Harewood, M Hunter, L Jeuda, I Macfarlane, B Murphy, J Smith, L Smith and R Vernon. |
Declarations of Interest To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in any item on the agenda. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Mayor's Announcements To receive such announcements as may be made by the Mayor. Minutes: The Mayor referred to the recent death of Honorary Alderman Ron Salmon, a former councillor on Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council. Members stood for a minutes silence in tribute. |
Appointment of Honorary Aldermen/Women, Honorary Freemen/ Women and Related Civic Issues PDF 75 KB To consider appointments of Honorary Aldermen/Women and Honorary Freemen/ Women. Minutes: Consideration was given to the appointment of past members of the Council as Honorary Aldermen/Women and the appointment of Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic medallists with close links to the Borough of Cheshire East as Honorary Freemen/Women.
It was proposed and seconded and upon the agreement of more than two- thirds of the Councillors present it was :-
1 Recognising the meritorious service to the Cheshire East community over many years, and to implement the resolution of the Constitution Committee held on 21st November 2019, the following former Members of the Council be appointed as Honorary Aldermen/Women of the Borough: Mrs Rhoda Bailey Mr Gary Barton Mr Gordon Baxendale Mr Derek Bebbington Mr Harold Davenport Mrs Hilda Gaddum Mr Simon McCrory Mr Jamie Macrae Mr Rod Menlove Mrs Gill Merry Mr Barry Moran Mr Howard Murray Mr Michael Parsons Mr George Walton
2 Recognising their success at the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics and the example that they set to others, the following be appointed as Freemen/Women of the Borough: Ms Karris Artingstall Mr Jody Cundy OBE Mr John Gimson Mr Stuart Wood
3 That subject to any Coronavirus restrictions the Mayor host a civic reception on or before Mayor Making 2022 to formally make the awards of Honorary Freemen/Women and Aldermen/Women and to award Councillor Barry Burkhill and his Mayoress with medals to mark their period in office. |