Councillor David Jefferay - In the interests of Openness - declared that application 23/4024M was in his ward, but is on the very outskirts, and more attached to the Alderley Edge settlement and not Wilmslow, and hence had been called in by Councillor Browne; and that Councillor J Newell and Mr S Redgard two of the public speakers on this application and the Objector from the Residents of Wilmslow are known to him, but he had not discussed the application with them or pre-determined it in any way.
Councillor David Jefferay - In the interests of Openness - Declared on behalf of the committee, the applicant for 24/1796C was a Cheshire East Councillor who was know to Members.
Councillor David Jefferay - In the interests of Openness - Declared on behalf of the committee, the applicant for 24/1796C was a Cheshire East Councillor who was know to Members.