Declarations of interest for agenda item '21/3180C - DINGLE FARM, DINGLE LANE, SANDBACH, CHESHIRE, CW11 1FY: Repair and alteration of existing farmhouse and construction of garage; conversion and extension of barn and outbuilding to form dwelling and garage/garden room, demolition of garage and construction of dwelling'
- Councillor Mike Benson - In the interests of Openness - Declared that whilst he had called this application in, it was on behalf of Sandbach Town Council, and he was approaching the application with an open mind and was not pre-determined in any way.
- Councillor Steven Edgar - In the interests of Openness - Declared that he was the Vice-Chair of the Public Rights of Way Committee, and this Committee had been consulted with on both applications. Councillor Edgar had not discussed either application and was not pre-determined in any way.
- Councillor Suzie Akers Smith - In the interests of Openness - Declared that she was a member of the Public Rights of Way Committee, and this Committee had been consulted with on both applications. Councillor Akers Smith had not discussed either application and was not pre-determined in any way.