Issue details

Officer Delegated Decision: Housing Development Framework - Competitive Tendering Process

The Economy and Growth Committee on the 10 July 2023 considered a report on the Housing Development Framework and gave delegated authority to the Director of Enterprise and Growth to:

(a) determine and pursue the most appropriate delivery route for each Council owned site identified and appropriated for Council-influenced housing development (including but not limited to use of the Housing Development Framework, open market procurement, land deal or joint venture) and, subject to obtaining disposal approval in accordance with the decision making processes for land and property disposals as set out in the Constitution, enter into all necessary legal agreements to enable the site to be developed accordingly.

Economy and Growth Committee 10 July 2023 - Housing Development Framework Update


Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/09/2023

Decision due: 15 Sep 2023 by Executive Director Place
