
Decisions recommendations approved (subject to call-in)

04/02/2025 - Significant Officer Delegated Decision - Supported Bus Service Contracts ref: 3167    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Cheshire East Council’s Constitution dated June 2024, Scheme of Officer Delegation as set out in Chapter 2, Part 5.

By a delegation from the Executive Director of Place, taking effect on 13 October 2023, powers were delegated to the Director of Infrastructure and Highways.


Highways and Transport Committee on 19th September 2024 resolved unanimously to:


Delegate authority to the Director of Highways and Infrastructure to award supported bus service contracts to start on 31st March 2025.


Printed minutes:


Brief Description of Decision


To award the following Local Bus Contracts:


Contract Number     Service(s)               

N50391                      391/2              

S80090                  90/91/92/93        

S80317                        317                

S80318                     316/8/9            

S70039                         39                 

S70042                         42                 

S70071                         71                 

N50088                         88                 

N50130                        130                



Decision Maker: Director of Transport and Infrastructure

Decision published: 07/02/2025

Effective from: 15/02/2025


Cheshire East Council’s Constitution dated June 2024, Scheme of Officer Delegation as set out in Chapter 2, Part 5.

By a delegation from the Executive Director of Place, taking effect on 13 October 2023, powers were delegated to the Director of Infrastructure and Highways.


Highways and Transport Committee on 19th September 2024 resolved unanimously to:


Delegate authority to the Director of Highways and Infrastructure to award supported bus service contracts to start on 31st March 2025.


Printed minutes:


Brief Description of Decision


To award the following Local Bus Contracts:


Contract Number     Service(s)               

N50391                      391/2              

S80090                  90/91/92/93        

S80317                        317                

S80318                     316/8/9            

S70039                         39                 

S70042                         42                 

S70071                         71                 

N50088                         88                 

N50130                        130                




Lead officer: Richard Hibbert