Agenda item

Cheshire and Merseyside Commitment to HIV Fast Track Cities Approach

To consider a report on the Cheshire and Merseyside Commitment to HIV Fast Track Cities Approach.


The Committee received a report requesting their support for Cheshire East to become part of the Cheshire and Merseyside work to end new HIV transmission in the sub-region by 2030, from Dr Matthew Atkinson, Public Health Consultant. In joining this sub-regional work, the Council would sign up to the HIV Fast Track Cities agenda, and therefore commit to the Paris and Sevilla declarations. All nine local authorities in Cheshire and Merseyside intended to make this pledge.


The Committee were updated that being part of the fast-track approach would bring an increased focus on HIV and would allow Cheshire East Council to benefit from expertise from international networks, and the Cheshire and Merseyside Public Health Collaborative.


It was noted that although HIV could also be contracted via intravenous drug use, this report did not cover that in detail, and Cheshire East Council would be working closely with partners in substance misuse services also.


It was noted that although stigma associated with HIV had decreased, there were still a number of groups of people who would be uncomfortable talking about the disease, and projects would be planned to specifically help those in groups who were not comfortable with discussing it, or did not deem themselves to be at risk. There would also be more work to protect women from contracting the disease. 


The report noted a significant number of those identified as having HIV were not diagnosed until a later stage of the disease. The concern regarding individuals presenting late with the disease was noted, and the Committee were informed that there could be a number of reasons for this; in localities where the risk of HIV was relatively low, the population may be less likely to consciously think of the risk, or have less access to testing. It was noted that, as HIV had been under more control, there had been a rise in sexually transmitted diseases other than HIV.


Education was noted as critical element to the approach. It was noted that most schools have Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education on their curriculum but it is not explicit what has to be taught and different schools will teach different aspects, however, a young person can access sexual health services and GPs confidentially.


It was noted that due to the remaining stigma regarding HIV, individuals may choose to get tested away from their local area. The Committee was notified that there were reciprocal health care arrangements in place in neighbouring Boroughs to encourage testing.


It was noted that Cheshire East Council had started a “needs assessment” which would inform the recommission of the Service in two years’ time.


RESOLVED: (Unanimously)


That the Adults and Health Committee:


1. Support the sign up to the HIV Fast Track Cities agenda, and therefore commit to the Paris and Sevilla declarations. All nine local authorities in Cheshire and Merseyside intend to make this pledge.


2. Put forward a Consultant in Public Health as a key representative from our local sexual health and HIV partnership to be the nominated ‘Key Opinion Lead’ for Cheshire East.


3. Support the Cheshire & Merseyside Sexual Health and HIV Commissioners Network as the main strategic group to map needs and gaps and develop a relevant regional plan, reporting to Directors of Public Health on a minimum quarterly basis.


4. Support the planning and delivery of an HIV Fast Track launch event for Cheshire and Merseyside (date to be confirmed).

Supporting documents: