Agenda item


In accordance the Council Procedure Rules, opportunity is provided for Members of the Council to ask the Mayor or the Chair of a Committee any question about a matter which the Council, or the Committee has powers, duties or responsibilities.


At Council meeting, there will be a maximum question time period of 30 minutes. A period of two minutes will be allowed for each Councillor wishing to ask a question.  The Mayor will have the discretion to vary this requirement where they consider it appropriate.


Councillor B Posnett sought clarification in respect of whether the grant cohorts already agreed on for the Household Support Fund 5 were those agreed at Children and Families Committee?


In response Councillor J Rhodes, Chair of Adults and Health Committee, stated that the money agreed at Children and Families Committee would be distributed as agreed. The Government had since given a new grant, as of 1st October 2024, which was not detailed in today’s papers.


Councillor A Kolker referred to the winter fuel allowance and asked what assurance the Council could provide to ensure that the Congleton Widows Group, and all other pensioners who were entitled to claim pension credit, would be proactively informed and supported to do so before the final application date in December. He asked how the Council would ensure that vulnerable pensioners were able to keep warm this winter whilst their applications were processed? Councillor Kolker asked the Leader to explain where the money was coming from.


In response Councillor J Rhodes, Chair of Adults and Health Committee, stated that the Council had been notified of a sum of money - around £2.2milion, which would be given to Cheshire East Council from 1 October 2024 for the Household Support Fund. The Council would be contacting pensioners who may be able to claim pension credit using a targeted approach by using information from the council tax support records. Officers had identified around 3500 pensioners who were on the relevant benefits or claiming council tax credit, who may be able to access the Household Support Fund, but the details were still being worked through.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor N Mannion, stated that the Council would be relaunching the Warm Places Scheme to open up local venues for warmth and there would be a communications campaign to promote this which would be aimed at reaching as many people as possible.


Councillor T Dean asked that, as the Council were closing three Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRCS) in Cheshire East, to what extent were cross boundary drawbacks and reciprocal arrangements discussed with neighbouring local authorities to improve residents’ access to HWRCs, reduce any potential impacts of rising fly tipping and provide mutually beneficial cost savings.


Councillor M Warren, Chair of Environment and Communities Committee, agreed to provide a written response.


Councillor L Anderson asked if the Council could make it mandatory for all Councillors to undergo Corporate Parenting training and be made aware of their responsibility as Corporate Parents.


In response, Councillor C Bulman, Chair of Children and Families Committee, stated that the Children and Families Committee and the Cared for Children and Care Leavers Committee had recently received training from an external provider, during which care leavers provided feedback and the suggestions received were now being worked on. Councillor Bulman stated that it was mandatory for all Councillors to do Safeguarding Training and there was a lot of resources on the Learning Lounge relating to Corporate Parenting. Training for all members was being worked on.


Councillor D Clark asked the Leader to reassure Members that, following the closure of Westfields, the audio broadcasting system would be improved and asked if consideration had been given to an electronic voting system?


Councillor N Mannion, Leader of the Council, stated that facilities were being created at Delamere House, with a new PA system and broadcasting equipment which would be an improvement on that which was currently used at Westfields. Officers were progressing the delivery of an electronic voting system following the identification of a suitable system and was due to be tested at upcoming committees. There would be a requirement for a minor change to the Constitution which currently stated that voting was by a show of hands.


Councillor S Gardiner asked that following the introduction of a revised highway arrangement in Knutsford, whether there would be an audit of the arrangement, when would it take place, and whether third parties could suggest alterations.


In response Councillor L Crane, Vice Chair of Highways and Transport Committee, agreed that a written response would be provided and suggested that a meeting with senior highways officers could be arranged.


Councillor R Fletcher asked if the car parking charges being introduced after 6pm would apply to Fairview car park in Alsager as this was currently free after 3pm.


In response Councillor L Crane, Vice Chair of Highways and Transport Committee, stated that assurance had been given that any free after 3pm car park would not be subject to evening charges.


Councillor P Redstone asked when officers propose the acceptance of government grants whether they look at the impact on the MTFS for future years as there were a number of proposed footpaths in Crewe, whilst existing footpaths had no budget for maintenance.


In response, Councillor N Mannion, Leader of the Council, stated that the footpaths in question had been funded by the Towns Fund which was separate and that they had a broader impact. Councillor Mannion agreed to provide a written response.


Councillor A Gage asked whether officers requested reassessments of circumstances to take place for those who received adult social care support from the Council and, if so, were residents informed? A resident of his had unexpectedly received a bill which was six times the previous amount despite no change in circumstances.


Councillor J Rhodes, Chair of Adult and Health Committee, stated that she could not comment on individual cases, but reassessment of residents in receipt of help from the Council happened on a regular basis and the Council had recently put in place a new charging policy, agreed by the Adults and Health Committee. The resident should be encouraged to contact their social worker for assistance.


Councillor L Buchanan commended the Council’s commitment to support those pensioners who would lose their winter fuel allowance and asked how the Council would support children and working age adults living in poverty.


Councillor C Bulman, Chair of Children and Families Committee, agreed that a written response would be provided.


Councillor J Bratherton referred to the Constitution Working Group and sought assurance that there would be an improved approach to Members’ input into the Constitution where contributions from the Working Group would be welcomed.


In response Councillor M Warren, Chair of the Constitution Working Group, stated that guidance would be sought from officers, and that Councillor Bratherton’s comments were noted.


Councillor R Morris asked if the Council had a chicane in storage, where was it, and could it be used.


Councillor L Crane, Vice Chair of the Highways and Transport Committee, agreed that a written response would be provided.


Councillor J Clowes asked how many eligible low-income pensioners would be supported to claim pension credit by the deadline of
21 December 2024.


Councillor J Rhodes, Chair of Adults and Health Committee, agreed to provide a written response.


Councillor A Burton asked if anything could be done to fast-track the Nantwich bus contracts as residents in Nantwich were currently without a service.


In response Councillor L Crane, Vice Chair of Highways and Transport Committee stated that work was ongoing to expand the Flexi link and Go-To services as a direct response to D&G withdrawing their Nantwich services and agreed that a written response would be provided.

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