To consider the above application.
Consideration was given to the above planning application.
The following attended the meeting and spoke on the application:
Councillor Hazel Faddes (ward councillor), Councillor Steven Edgar (neighbouring ward councillor), Ms Karen Maher (objector) and Victoria Welsh (agent).
Councillor J Bratherton left the meeting during consideration of the application and did not return.
That for the reasons set out in the report and update report the application be APPROVED, subject to a S106 Agreement to secure:
S106 |
Amount |
Triggers |
Affordable Housing |
30% affordable housing provision (16 dwellings)
4 dwellings intermediate dwellings 12 affordable rental
Contribution of half a two bedroom unit |
Contribution – prior to commencement
Affordable Housing – All development to accord with Affordable Housing Standards
Public Open Space |
Contribution of £40,000 towards outdoor sports provision
Provision of LEAP and Management scheme |
Contribution – Prior to occupation of the 25th unit
Open Space and LEAP to be provided and available for use prior to occupation of 25th dwelling |
Education |
£11,919 x 0.91 = £75,924.03 (Primary) £50,000 x o.91 = £45,500 (SEN)
Total education contribution: £121,424.03 |
Primary Contribution – prior to commencement
SEN Contribution – prior to occupation of 25th unit |
Contribution of £52,452 |
Contribution – prior to commencement |
And the following conditions:
1 Standard Time
2 Approved Plans
3 Materials
4 Surfacing materials
5 Revised landscape scheme with a 10 year management plan – to include planting to the boundaries with 310 Sydney Road and the dwellings fronting Bentley Drive
6 Landscape Implementation
7 Landscape plan to include details for LEAP play facility and community orchard
8 Boundary Treatment
9 Tree Protection scheme and special construction measures
10 Levels survey
11 Service/drainage layout
12 Biodiversity enhancement features
13 Safeguard Nesting Birds
14 Lighting strategy – prior to occupation
15 Details of secure and covered cycle parking – prior to occupation
16 Drainage scheme
17 Detailed strategy/design limiting the surface water runoff generated by the proposal, and associated management/maintenance plan – required prior to commencement
18 Levels Details
19 Foul and surface water to be drained separately
20 Contaminated Land – Phase II report and remediation scheme
21 Contaminated Land – verification report to be submitted
22 Contaminate Land – Soil Importation
23 Contaminate Lane – Unexpected Contamination
24 Travel Information Pack
25 Prior to occupation – EVI
26 Prior to occupation – Low emission boilers
27 Removal of PD
28 Zebra Crossing to be implemented prior to first occupation of the site
29 Habitat Creation and 30 year management plan
30 Cycle Parking details
31 20mph speed limit signage
In order to give proper effect to the Southern Planning Committee’s intent and without changing the substance of its decision, authority is delegated to the Head of Planning (Regulation) in consultation with the Chair (or in their absence the Vice Chair) to correct any technical slip or omission in the resolution, before issue of the decision notice.
If the application is subject to an appeal approval is given to enter into a S106 Agreement with the following Heads of Terms:
S106 |
Amount |
Triggers |
Affordable Housing |
30% affordable housing provision (16 dwellings)
4 dwellings intermediate dwellings 12 affordable rental
Contribution of half a two bedroom unit |
Contribution – prior to commencement
Affordable Housing – All development to accord with Affordable Housing Standards |
Public Open Space |
Contribution of £40,000 towards outdoor sports provision
Provision of LEAP and Management Scheme |
Contribution – prior to occupation of 25th unit
Open Space Provided and available for use prior to occupation of 25th dwelling |
Education |
£75,924.03 (Primary) £45, 500 (SEN)
Total education contribution: £121,424.03 |
Primary contribution – prior to commencement
SEN contribution – Prior to occupation of 25th unit |
Contribution of £52,452 |
Contribution prior to commencement |
The meeting adjourned for 20 minutes.
Supporting documents: