To consider the above application.
Consideration was given to the above application.
(Parish Councillor David Nutting, Wrenbury cum Frith Parish Council, Sarah Goodwin, Local Resident Objector and Geraint Lyndon Jones, Local Resident Objector attended the meeting and spoke against the application. Shaun Taylor, Agent for the Applicant attended the meeting to speak in favour and answer any questions the Committee had.)
That, for the reasons set out in the report, the application be
APPROVED as recommended subject to S106 Agreement and
Head of Terms
S106 |
Amount |
Triggers |
Affordable Housing |
100% Affordable Housing provision (9no affordable rent, 15no Rent to Buy and 21no shared ownership) |
All development to accord |
Education |
Contribution of £257,515 in total. £97,616 towards Primary Education £114,399 towards secondary education and £45,5000 towards special education needs education |
50% Prior to first occupation 50% at occupation of 23rd dwelling |
Public Open Space |
1Provision of Public Open Space, and to be maintained by a private management company 2 Contribution of £45,000 towards the Wrenbury Recreational Ground. |
Open space on site prior to first occupation Contribution – 50% Prior to first occupation 50% at occupation of 26th dwelling |
Ecology (Bio-diversity Gain) |
Contribution of £11,909.10 |
Prior to first occupation |
And the following Conditions:
1) Standard Time – 3 years
2) Compliance with the Approved plans
3) Materials to be submitted and approved
4) Surfacing materials to be submitted and approved
5) Landscape Scheme to be submitted and approved
6) Landscape Implementation
7) Details of boundary treatment across the whole site to be submitted and approved
8) Tree Protection scheme to be submitted and approved
9) AMS to be submitted and approved
10)10.Details of retaining structures to be submitted and approved
11)11.Lighting strategy to be submitted and approved
12)12.Habitat Creation method statement and 30 yr management plan to be submitted and approved
13)Updated Badger Survey to be submitted and approved
14)Submission of CEMP to safeguard the River Weaver to be submitted and approved
15)Ecological Enhancement Strategy to be submitted and approved
16)Development to adhere to FRA and mitigation within it
17)Detailed strategy/design limiting the surface water runoff generated by the proposal, and associated management /maintenance plan - required prior to commencement
18)Levels information required, GFL and FFLs to be submitted and approved
19)Foul and surface water to be drained separately
20)Travel Information Pack to be submitted and approved
21)Electric Vehicle Charging Provision to be submitted and approved
22)Soil Importation to be submitted and approved
23)Unexpected contaminated land
24)Full details of Children’s Play equipment, and surfacing details to be submitted and approved
25)PD rights removed including surfacing of front gardens
26)Visibility Splays as plan and kept obstruction free
27)Prior to the first use of any facing or roofing materials a plan to show a looped footpath link within the open space together with a timetable for implementation shall be submitted to the LPA and approved in writing. The footpath shall be provided in accordance with the approved timetable.
28)Prior to the commencement of development a scheme of raised tables within the highway to be submitted and approved.
29)The developer shall provide 3 Cheshire East wheelie bins for each dwelling.
30)The developer shall provide at least 3 litter bins within the site and a timetable for implementation. The bins shall be provided in accordance with the approved timetable.
In order to give proper effect to the Board`s/Committee`s intent and without changing the substance of its decision, authority is delegated to the Head of Planning (Regulation) in consultation with the Chair (or in their absence the Vice Chair) to correct any technical slip or omission in the resolution, before issue of the decision notice.
Should the application be subject to an appeal, the following Heads of Terms should be secured as part of any S106 Agreement:
S106 |
Amount |
Triggers |
Affordable Housing |
100% Affordable Housing provision (9no affordable rent, 15no Rent to Buy, and 21no shared ownership) |
All development to accord |
Education |
Contribution of £257,515 in total. £97,616 towards Primary Education £114,399 towards secondary education and £45,5000 towards special education needs education |
50% Prior to first occupation 50% at occupation of 23rd dwelling |
Public Open Space |
3) Provision of Public Open Space and to be maintained by a private management company
4) Contribution of £45,000 towards the Wrenbury Recreational Ground. |
Open space on site prior to first occupation.
Contribution- 50% Prior to first occupation 50% at occupation of 26th dwelling. |
Ecology (Bio-diversity Gain) |
Contribution of £11,909.10 |
Prior to first occupation |
Supporting documents: