A period of 20 minutes is allocated for questions to be put to Cabinet Members by members of the Council. A maximum period of two minutes will be allowed for each member wishing to ask a question. The Leader will have discretion to vary this requirement where he considers it appropriate. Members wishing to ask a question at the meeting should register to do so in writing by not later than 4.00 pm on the Friday in the week preceding the meeting. Members should include the general topic their question will relate to and indicate if it relates to an item on the agenda. Questions must relate to the powers, duties or responsibilities of the Cabinet. Questions put to Cabinet Members must relate to their portfolio responsibilities.
Where a question relates to a matter which appears on the agenda, the Leader may allow the question to be asked at the beginning of consideration of that item.
Councillor J Clowes, referred to three pilot schemes discussed at a town and parish council consultation session held last week: the Cheshire East and Town Council Climate Emergency Toolkit and Hub; the Draft Asset Transfer Policy; and the Connected Communities Strategy. She asked about the terms of reference for each of the schemes, how the social and financial capacity of local communities had been assessed, what the objectives of each scheme were, how success would be measured, and when and where the schemes had been scrutinised before being implemented.
The Portfolio Holder for Communities responded that the purpose of the consultation sessions was to improve engagement and communication with town and parish councils; the sessions had been positively received to date. The items discussed at last week’s session highlighted existing or forthcoming consultation exercises so that people were aware and able to contribute. The pilots outlined would be subject to further discussion with town and parish councils and would be used to inform future policy development. If any final proposals were to be taken forward, the intention would be to present these to the Highways and Transport Committee for consideration. The overall effectiveness would be measured through the feedback received at future sessions.
Councillor T Dean referred to the proposed closure of Congleton household waste recycling centre and sought confirmation that no other recycling centres in Cheshire East would be planned for closure up to 2023.
The Leader referred Councillor Dean to the report on the agenda and added that the future provision of household waste recycling centres in Cheshire East would be a matter for consideration through the committee system.
Councillor L Gilbert referred to a question he had asked at the previous meeting regarding a new policy for the provision of street lighting. Whilst he had since received a written response from the Portfolio Holder, he felt that it did not answer the question as to what process had been followed to adopt the new policy and what member involvement there had been.
The Portfolio Holder for Highways and Waste responded that the policy in question had been introduced before she had taken up her post as the relevant Portfolio Holder, and that in future such policies would be a matter for the appropriate committee under the committee system.
Councillor R Moreton asked Cabinet to defer a decision at today’s meeting regarding the closure of Congleton household waste recycling centre with a view to the matter being considered by the relevant committee under the new committee system.
The Portfolio Holder for Highways and Waste responded that any further delay in taking a decision could prevent a new contract being in place in time for 2023. She stressed that the Council was not ruling out the possibility of a new site in Congleton, but that when the current site closed in September, the Council would not have an alternative site available to bring into use. She anticipated that the new contract provision would be discussed widely under the new committee system.
On behalf of Councillor M Simon, who was not able to be present, Councillor P Redstone asked when the Council would be publishing its plans for future winter gritting which had been expected by the end of April this year.
The Portfolio Holder for Highways and Waste responded that it had been the intention to have the scheme finalised by the end of April but that the Council had received a considerable number of responses to the proposals which had required detailed consideration. She anticipated that the scheme would be published very soon.
Councillor S Holland, referring to the proposed closure of the Congleton household waste recycling centre, asked if the Council would consider the future provision of three super recycling sites for the northern, central and southern areas of the Borough. She also asked if certain days could be set aside for Congleton residents only to use neighbouring recycling facilities.
The Portfolio Holder for Highways and Waste responded that the question of super recycling sites would be a matter for consideration by the relevant service committee.
Councillor Holland asked for a written response to both of her questions.