Agenda item

Flowerpot Junction Improvement Scheme

To consider a report on the Flowerpot Junction Improvement Scheme.


Cabinet considered a report on proposed improvements to the Flowerpot junction to the south-west of Macclesfield town centre.



That Cabinet


1.    approves the delivery of the scheme shown in Appendix B to the report;


2.    approves delivery of the scheme through the Highway Service Contract, subject to the Ringway Jacobs target costs for the Scheme satisfying the contract’s value for money requirements;


3.    approves the preparation of a Compulsory Purchase Order in respect of land and/or rights required to deliver the Scheme, where such land and/or rights cannot be acquired by agreement. If this is required a further Decision Report will be prepared and submitted seeking authority for the making of a Compulsory Purchase Order but this recommendation is not being sought at this stage;


4.    approves the preparation of a Side Roads Order in respect to stopping-up and/or amendments to private means of access, and re-provision of private means of access (in the event land is acquired under a Compulsory Purchase Order);


5.    authorises the Head of Estates to negotiate terms and to acquire land and/or rights required for the Scheme by agreement and to pay such reasonable and proper professional costs as are associated with those agreements and to instruct the Director of Governance & Compliance to draft, advise upon and enter into the legal agreements necessary to complete such acquisitions including but not limited to licences, leases, transfers, easements, wayleaves, deeds of release and/or variation and the making and submission of applications to HM Land Registry to affect the registration of any unregistered land within the Scheme;


6.    authorises the Head of Estates to negotiate and agree terms for the necessary legal agreements required to document any apparatus diversion works required by Statutory Undertakers or other utility providers in order to deliver the Scheme and to instruct the Director of Governance & Compliance to draft, advise upon and enter into the legal agreements necessary in relation to any such diversions;


7.    authorises the Head of Estates to dispose of any land currently in the ownership of the Council or to grant rights over the Council’s land, as may be necessary in respect of any element of “land swap” which may be agreed as part of the assembly of land required for the Scheme.  In the event that any such land is open space the Head of Estates is authorised to commence the statutory disposal process, to consider all objections and representations to the disposal of open space and to make the final decision (after having considered all objections and representations) as to whether or not to dispose of any part of land which is open space;


8.    if no objections are received to the statutory notices, authorises the Executive Director of Place to dispose of the open space;


9.    notes that if objections are received the decision regarding the disposal of open space will be taken by the relevant service committee; and


10.approves the forward funding of the developer contributions in accordance with the capital programme (noting that the council is one of the potential developers that would contribute to the scheme and that the funding for this is included in the council’s capital programme).


Supporting documents: