To consider the recommendations of Cabinet in relation to:
(a) Treasury Management Strategy
(b) Pay Policy Statement
(c) Health and Wellbeing Board Terms of Reference
(a) Treasury Management Strategy
Consideration was given to the recommendation from Cabinet concerning the Treasury Management Policy and Strategy. Revisions were proposed to the existing Strategy and Prudential Indicators for 2012/13. A new Treasury Management and a new Annual Investment Strategy for 2013/14 were proposed together with prudential indicators for 2013/14 to 2015/16. A revised Annual Policy Statement on Minimum Revenue Provision was also submitted for approval.
That the Treasury Management Policy Statement, the Annual Investment Strategy and the Minimum Revenue Provision Statement, as set out in the report, be approved.
(b) Pay Policy Statement
Consideration was given to the recommendation from Cabinet concerning the Pay Policy Statement. Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 required local authorities to produce a Pay Policy Statement by 31 March on an annual basis.
A revised draft Pay Policy Statement (PPS) for 2013/2014 had been prepared and had been considered by the Council’s Staffing Committee at its meeting on 11 January 2013, where amendments were proposed. The draft PPS for 2013/2014 was appended to the agenda and this highlighted the main changes between the current PPS (2012/13) and the proposed PPS for the next financial year (2013/14), together with the additional amendments recommended by the Council’s Staffing Committee.
That the Pay Policy Statement for 2013/2014, including the recommendations from the Staffing Committee, be approved.
(c) Health and Wellbeing Board Terms of Reference
Consideration was given to the recommendation from Cabinet regarding Terms of Reference for the Health and Well Being Board.
Once established, in April 2013, the Board would be a Committee of the Local Authority but regulations under the Act would modify some of the normal requirements of the Local Government Act 1972, details of which were given in the Cabinet report, appended to the agenda. The Regulations had not been published at the time of the Cabinet meeting, but had since been made available to Local Authorities. The Cabinet report enclosed draft terms of reference and recommended that these be approved until such time as Cabinet and the Constitution Committee were asked to review the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Terms of Reference and make recommendations on any modifications if required.
In considering the draft Terms of Reference, Council agreed that they should be referred back to the Health and Wellbeing Board for further consideration and suggested an addition to the wording of the last bullet point at paragraph 2 – The Boards Vision, to refer to “Achieving improved evidence–based public outcomes within a holistic vision of health and wellbeing”.
That the current Health and Wellbeing Board’s Terms of Reference be approved, until such a time as the draft Terms of Reference had been reviewed by the Health and Wellbeing Board, in light of the recently published guidance.
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