To consider the above report.
Consideration was given to the above application.
That for the reasons set out in the report the Board resolve to amend the previous resolution in respect of application 11/1643N to read:
APPROVE subject to Section 106 Legal Agreement securing:
· Provision of 10% of the total units as affordable housing in perpetuity, with the mix on Phase 1 being 10% 1 bed flat, 30% 2 bed flat, 30% 2 bed house, 30% 3 bed house. The tenure split of the units on all phases to be 25% social / affordable rent and 75% intermediate tenure. The mix of house types for phase 2 and subsequent phases to be agreed as part of subsequent reserved matters applications. Social Rented and Shared Ownership dwellings to be transferred to a Registered Provider.
· Overage clause
· Provision of education contribution of £161,752.
· Provision of highways contribution of £1,683,426 towards Remer Street / Middlewich Street, Sydney Road Bridge Widening, Crewe Green Roundabout and public transport improvements.
· Travel Plan contribution of £5000
· Provision for public open space to serve the whole of the development to be agreed with the Council when details of layout are submitted for approval. This must secure the provision and future management of children’s play areas and amenity greenspace. Submitted details must include the location, grading, drainage, layout, landscape, fencing, seeding and planting of the proposed public open space, transfer to and future maintenance by a private management company.
And the following conditions
1. Standard Outline
2. Submission of reserved matters
3. Plans
4. Air Quality assessment updates to be submitted with each reserved matters
5. Submission, approval and implementation of Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP)
6. Submission, approval and implementation of Travel Plan
7. Submission, approval and implementation of contaminated land preliminary risk assessment (PRA)
8. Submission, approval and implementation of contaminated land site investigation (SI)
9. Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3 assessment with reserved matters
10.Provision of detailed scheme of drainage
11.Reserved matters to make provision for allotment site (30 plots) within the development.
12.Breeding bird survey to be carried out prior to commencement of any works during nesting season
13.Provision of replacement hedgerows
14.Provision of detailed design and layout of the GCN mitigation area
15.retention of visually important trees
16.A scheme for the provision and implementation of a surface water regulation system
17.Management of overland flow
18.Provision and management of habitat creation
19.No discharge to Fowle Brook unless further information is provided to prove that the SSSI will not be adversely affected
20.Retention of important hedges
21.Notwithstanding detail shown – no approval of indicative residential masterplan.
22.Landscape design principles to be incorporated into final layout
23.Submission of landscape and ecological management plan
24.Submission of Arboricultural Impact Assessment
25.Submission of Arboricultural Method Statement
26.Submission of Comprehensive tree protection measures
27.A scheme for the provision and management of compensatory habitat creation
28.Each reserved matters application for commercial activities to be accompanied by a noise impact assessment
29.Submission of Noise Mitigation Measures with each reserved matters application.
30.Submission of details of detailed lighting plan with each reserved matters application.
31.Submission of details of bin storage with each reserved matters application.
32.The first phase of development for the occupation of 150 dwellings shall be accessed from the Stoneley Road Access, in accordance with the approved drawing (Drg No: CH004 03)”
33.No development of subsequent phasesshall commence until a Phasing Plan for the proposed development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority which shall include inter alia details of the phasing of the proposed development and the triggers for the construction of: -
(a) Groby Rd Secondary Site Access;
(b) Remer St / Broad St / North St / Stoneley Rd Roundabout Improvement and site access;
(c) Remer St / Groby Rd / Maw Green Rd / Sydney Rd / Elm Drive Roundabout; and,
(d) Sydney Road Bridge MOVA.
The development shall be implemented in complete accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.
34 Submission / approval of a feasibility study for the installation of Halt signs at Lime Tree Ave / Elm Drive junctions with Middlewich Street. If feasible signs to be installed.
35 Reserved matters to make provision for allotments to the rear of existing properties in Remer Street and bungalows to the rear of the existing properties in Stonely Road.
Supporting documents: