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Appointments Committee

This page lists the meetings for Appointments Committee.


Information about Appointments Committee

1     The purpose of the Committee is to make or recommend senior appointments:

1.1         with regard to the Head of Paid Service, Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer (Designated Statutory Officers (the ‘DSOs’)):

1.1.1       to undertake the recruitment and selection process in accordance with the Employment Procedure Rules

1.1.2       make a recommendation to the Council to approve the proposed appointment before an offer of appointment is made to that person

1.2         appoint the Statutory Directors, namely:

1.2.1       The Director of Children’s Services;

1.2.2       Director of Adult Social Services

1.2.3       Director of Public Health

1.3         to appoint/the Executive Directors for Place, People and Corporate Services.

1.4         Excluding national agreements, to approve “in year” salary or other benefit increases to the Head of Paid Service provided that this is within the agreed annual pay policy.

1.5      Appeals against action short of dismissal from the three Designated Statutory Officers.