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Children and Families Committee

This page lists the meetings for Children and Families Committee.


Information about Children and Families Committee

1.             The Children and Families Committee will be responsible for those services which help keep children and young people safe and enable them to achieve their full potential. The responsibility incorporates matters in relation to schools and attainment, early help and family support and social care for children and families. The Committee will oversee the work of the Corporate Parenting Committee, which focuses on those children who are cared for by the local authority and for whom the Council has corporate parenting responsibility.


2.             The Committee’s responsibilities include:

·        determining policies and making decisions in relation to the delivery of services to children and young people in relation to their care, well-being, education and health.

·        discharging the Council’s functions in relation to children in need and child protection including safeguarding and youth justice.

·        discharging the Council’s functions and powers in relation to the provision of education and oversight of the Schools Forum.

·        support to and maintenance of relationships with schools in relation to raising standards of attainment.

·        the Council’s role as Corporate Parent.

·        discharging the Council’s functions in relation to Special Educational Needs and/or Disability (SEND).

·        discharging the Council’s functions in relation to early help and family support;

·        making arrangements for the nomination of school governors


3.             Oversight, scrutiny, reviewing outcomes, performance, budget monitoring and risk management of the Directorates of Prevention and Support, Education and 14-19 Skills and Children’s Social Care including: Education, Children’s social care, Children’s mental health, prevention, youth engagement, Children’s transport, SEND, Safeguarding and the Children’s Trust and Board.