The Economy and Growth Committee will be responsible for developing
policies and making decisions on matters relating to delivering
inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
The Committee’s responsibilities include:
determination of policies and making of decisions in
relation to housing management and delivery;
determination of policies and making of decisions in
relation to economic development, regeneration, skills and
development and delivery of the Council’s
estates, land and physical assets policies;
determination of policies and making decisions in
relation to the rural and cultural economy;
compulsory purchase of land to support the delivery
of schemes and projects promoted by the Committee;
Oversight, scrutiny, reviewing outcomes,
performance, budget monitoring and risk management of the
Directorate of Growth and Enterprise (with the exception of land
and property functions) including: Facilities Management; Assets;
Farms; Economic Development; Housing; Rural and Cultural
Management; Tatton Park; Public Rights of Way; Cultural Economy;
Countryside; and the Visitor Economy.