Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Sam Jones Tel: 01270 686643 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence (1 Minute) To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Jasbir Dhesi, Doug Kinsman and Lindsay Lewis.
Roundtable introductions were made. |
Declarations of Interest (1 Minute) To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no new or updated Declarations of Interest, other than those already on file. |
Minutes of Previous meeting (3 Minutes) To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous virtual meeting held on 7 June 2024.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was requested that the minutes be amended to reflect that, in relation to Item 5, Crewe Town Council had have no communication or engagement on this, however Crewe Town Council formally supported the principle of providing a green space on the site for the benefit of the community and businesses and were open to discussions with Cheshire East Council / ANSA or any nominated contractor on this and its future management and maintenance.
That the minutes of the meeting held on 7 June 2024 be approved as a correct record. |
Appointment of New Board Members To formally appoint new Board Members. Minutes: The Chair welcomed Connor Naismith MP to the Board following his appointment as MP representing Crewe and Nantwich at the 4 July 2024 General Election.
The Board unanimously resolved to appoint Kate Blakemore and Graham McKnight to the Crewe Town Board following their interviews. |
Towns Fund Performance Update (45 Minutes) To receive an update on the Towns Fund projects. Minutes: The Board received an update on several of the Towns Fund Projects and Additional Programme Management updates from Jez Goodman, Development and Regeneration Manager, and individual project sponsors.
Crewe Youth Zone – A PCSA was now in place with Caddick Construction. The Oak Street car park was now closed and had been transferred to Crewe YouthZone. Stopping up orders for Cross Street had been completed and the Judicial Review deadline was imminent. Comms / PR were being planned around groundbreaking event in early September 2024. A branding and naming exercise has now advanced with two brand options developed. Three new trustees for the Crewe YouthZone had been selected and would be confirmed shortly.
Mill Street Corridor – Detailed design work was currently being developed, and the project was seeking efficiency through works on the Southern Gateway project and Nantwich Road bridge to minimise costs and accelerate delivery.
Warm and Health Homes – Typology surveys had been completed which would feed into RIBA stages. Historic England had contributed £50,000 and 40 of 65 properties had signed up to the scheme. The project was exploring local listed building consent orders to potentially cover a group of buildings to address need for planning consent. SUDS being considered through public realm area. Works were expected to start on the first properties in October 2024 and complete by Winter 2025. The project lead was scheduled to attend the next meeting of the Crewe Town Board on 2 August 2024 to provide an update.
History Centre and Public Realm – The main dismantling and demolition had now been completed. Construction works had now commended and were expected to be complete in late October 2024. Works on the main History Centre project were expected to commence in Autumn, subject to funding and satisfaction of pre-commencement planning conditions. Two fingerposts were to be installed at the History Centre Public Realm site.
Valley Brook Green Corridor – Finalisation of the route details at Electricity Street were progressing but may require modification of route and / or value engineering. The project lead was scheduled to attend the next meeting of the Crewe Town Board on 2 August 2024 to provide an update.
Ly2 – Recladding and internal works to stage had been completed, artwork for the stage and a flooring update to be arranged. Exhibition boards installation issues were to be resolved.
Repurposing Our High Streets – Vinyl artwork was planned for installation on former Poundland premises. Consultation on the design for shutters on Victoria Centre premises were being arranged. The Government’s High Street Rental Auction Trailblazer programme had been delayed due to the General Election.
Flag Lane Baths – The Crewe Town Board sub-group met with Always Ahead on 8 July 2024, following a previous meeting on 22 May 2024. Restoration costs had risen significantly which had caused several substantial risks to the project.
Crewe Youth Club – The Community Ownership Fund scheme had been put on hold due to General Election which had prevented Crewe Youth Club ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
Strategic Update from Cheshire East Council (15 Minutes) To receive a Strategic Update from Peter Skates, Acting Executive Director of Place. Minutes: The Board received a Strategic Update from Peter Skates, Acting Executive Director of Place and Charles Jarvis, Head of Economic Development on:
Royal Arcade Phase 2 – A contractor was being procured to soil and seed the site.
Multi-story Car Park – Technical issues had arisen during the final tests on the multi-story car park which had facilitated the need to postpone the opening. The car park was now expected to open within a couple of weeks.
North-west Crewe Package – The new road system around Leighton Hospital had now opened.
Regional Mayors – Regional Mayors had met with Prime Minster last week and had discussed a North - South high-speed link and stressed the importance of Crewe as the hub this.
That the updates be noted. |
Board Membership (20 Minutes) To receive an update on Board Membership. Minutes: There were no new items to discuss.
That the standing item be removed from further agendas. |
AOB (5 Minutes) To discuss any other items of business. Minutes: It was agreed to commence the next meeting of the Crewe Town Board, on Friday 2 August 2024, at 09:00am. |
Date of Next Virtual Meeting To confirm the venue and date of the next meeting at 2nd August 2024 commencing at 09:30am. Minutes: To confirm the venue and date of the next meeting at 2nd August 2024 commencing at 09:00am. |