Agenda and minutes

Crewe Town Board - Friday, 1st November, 2024 9.30 am

Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Sam Jones  Tel: 01270 686643 Email:

Note: Please note that although this meeting is advertised on the Cheshire East Council website it is not a public meeting. 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence (1 Minute)

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Doug Kinsman, Councillor Jill Rhodes, Sally Hepton, Kate Blakemore


Councillor Nick Mannion was present from 09.45





Minutes of Previous meeting (3 Minutes) pdf icon PDF 122 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous virtual meeting held on 04.10.2024.





That the minutes of the meeting held on 04.10.2024 be approved as a

correct record.



Declarations of Interest (1 Minute)

To receive any declarations of interest.


There were no new or updated Declarations of Interest, other than those already on file.



Police and Crime Commissioner (30 Minutes)

To receive an update from Dan Price, Police and Crime Commissioner, Cheshire Constabulary.


The Board welcomed Dan Price, Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire.


The Commissioner provided an overview on the work he had undertaken since becoming the Commissioner, which included: -

-       Visiting the nine local policing unit

-       Appointing two Deputy Commissioners to enable work to be undertaken at pace

-       Visiting the Operation Hummingbird team

-       Launching a Citizens’ Assembly in the Crewe Local Policing Unit jurisdiction area

-       Launching a new community fund - The SWAP Fund - Safety, Working Together, Action and Prevention, which was funded from the proceeds of crime


The relocation of the Crewe Policing Unit was discussed, and the Board emphasised the importance of maintaining a police hub in Crewe Town Centre


Valley Brook Project (15 Minutes)

To receive an update on the Valley Brook Project.


The Board received an update on the Valley Brook Project, from Chris Greenhalgh, on the options and next steps following the consultation.


A presentation was shared and it was agreed for the officers to explore various further options.


Cumberland Arena (15 Minutes)

To receive an update on the Cumberland Arena Project.


The Board received an update on the Cumberland Arena Project, from Dominic Crisp. A presentation was shared and it was noted that key deadline dates need to be met to ensure the progression of the project.


The Police and Crime Commissioner suggested joining up from a crime prevention perspective and to engage in conversations with the project team.


Crewe Step Change: Makerfest & Creative Hub (10 Minutes)

To receive an update on the Crewe Step Change: Makerfest & Creative Hub.


The Board received presentation on the Crewe Step Change: Makerfest & Creative Hub, from Helen Paton.


It was agreed that the presentation would be shared with the board.


The board agreed to join the Crewe Step Change consortium and would share the relevant information on the website.


Towns Fund Performance Update (15 Minutes)

To receive an update on the Towns Fund projects.


It was agreed that the presentation slides would be circulated to Board Members.


It was reported that delays to work on the Youth Zone were due to BT OpenReach not allowing the contractors to start on site.   The matter had been raised with BT and a response was awaited from them.


Strategic Update from Cheshire East Council (15 Minutes)

To receive a Strategic Update from Peter Skates, Acting Executive Director of Place.


The Board received an update from Peter Skates, Acting Executive Director of Place, on:


-       Government’s proposals for Devolution

-       HS2 and the recent press surrounding this.  This would be discussed at the December board meeting

-       Cheshire East Council’s financial position

-       The opening of the Gypsy and Traveller transit site in Middlewich


AOB (5 Minutes)

To discuss any other items of business.


The following were raised under AOB:


-       A new book, the first in a series, had been published called ‘A Crewe Book of Days Part 1 Spring’ by Mike Christelow on Crewe heritage with stories on events and people

-       Crewe Town Council had been approached by a lecturer from Birmingham University, who was undertaking research on the impact of the cancellation of HS2 (phase 2). If there was anyone interested in speaking with them then to contact Simon Yates

-       The Crewe Christmas Lights switch on would take place on 30th November


Date of Next Virtual Meeting

To confirm the date of the next meeting as 13.11.2024 commencing at 12:00pm.


That the next meeting be confirmed as 13.11.2024 commencing at 12.00pm.