Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Sam Jones Tel: 01270 686643 Email:
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence (1 Minute) To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Guy Kilminster, Connor Naismith MP and Charles Jarvis.
Andy Butler was present from 1040 and Graham McKnight was present from 1045. |
Declarations of Interest (1 Minute) To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no new or updated Declarations of Interest, other than those already on file. |
Minutes of Previous meeting (3 Minutes) To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous virtual meeting held on 06.09.2024 as a correct record.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 06.09.2024 be approved as a correct record. |
Crewe YouthZone and Crewe Youth Club Updates (30 minutes) To receive an update on the progress of the Crewe YouthZone and Crewe Youth Club projects from Minutes: The Board received an update from Lee Williamson, Stuart Manifould and Vanessa Haworth on the progress of the Crewe Youth Zone project at Oak Street. The Board were updated that:
· Following conversations with young persons in Crewe, the Crewe Youth Zone would be known as “The Dome”, a name which reflected the safe and protected space which the Zone aimed to create.
· The Crewe Youth Zone would be the only one of its kind nationally which had a specific focus on gender and was working in connection with the Motherwell charity.
· There would be a summit on in November showcasing the research into the Crewe Youth Zone.
· The project was now in contract with Caddick Construction, and building works would commence on 07.10.2024 and aim to finish in February 2026.
· The project team had met with Cheshire College – South & West to look at social value opportunities on site, including to deliver apprenticeships and other qualifications for students.
· To date there were three founder patrons for the Crewe Youth Zone who had signed contracts as official supporters. This is consistent with other YouthZones at the same stage of development. The project hoped to be able to confirm several more in the next 3 – 4 weeks and was recruiting a new team member to help find more funding partners.
The Board received an update from Robert Kelsall on the progress of the Crewe Youth Club project at Mirion Street, which also forms part of the Crewe YouthZone project as defined by the Towns Fund allocations. The Board were updated that:
· Detailed design had been progressed, utilising the user-experience of South Cheshire Boxing Club, which would occupy the premises on completion.
· The Crewe Youth Club was being supported by the collaboration of two charities.
· The project was awaiting a decision notice regarding pre-commencement planning conditions, and the foundations for the building were under construction.
· The project was working with five funding partners to secure a total of £2,513,000.
· The facility required an official name.
It was noted that there was a need to identify good news stories and publicise widely the work which is going on in Crewe, via the Towns Fund and Future High Streets Funding for young people, and to link in with academic research and advertising where possible.
That the updates be noted. |
Pocket Parks Progress Update (15 minutes) To receive an update on the progress of the Pocket Parks project from Minutes: The Board received an update from Eddie Yoxall from ANSA on the progress of the Pocket Parks projects:
· The Board were updated that the project had £1,480,000 of Towns Fund Grant and an additional £400,000 of match funding.
· Construction works had now been completed on the following Pocket Parks:
o School Crescent, o McLaren Street, o Derby Docks and o Queen Street.
· Final works on the completed parks, such as branding, ongoing parks management, community garden areas and remaining masterplan features, were still ongoing.
· The Lime Tree Avenue and Samuel Street Pocket Parks had recently started development; both projects had a budget of around £200,000.
· The Westminster Street and Valley Park consultation and design work was scheduled for early 2025, and the site next to Jubilee Gardens and Jubilee House was subject to planning approval – a 3G multiuse games area (MUGA) was proposed.
· Ongoing maintenance for the Pocket Parks was being discussed with Crewe Town Council’s Park Ranger Service and consideration was to be given as to how to make the spaces safer for all ages and users.
· Lighting, park signage and information (directions, advertising, assistance, safety, etc) via QR codes were being looked in to.
That the updates be noted. |
Towns Fund Performance Update (45 Minutes) To receive an update on the Towns Fund projects. Minutes: The Board received an update on several of the Towns Fund Projects and Additional Programme Management updates from Jez Goodman, Development and Regeneration Manager, and individual project sponsors.
The Board was updated that the Council’s Economy and Growth Committee had unanimously supported the Crewe Town Board’s alternative use proposal for Flag Lane Baths at its meeting on 25.09.2024, and a Project Adjustment Request had been submitted to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Ly2 – The final artwork had been completed, and a “Crewe Makes” launch event was programmed for 02.11.2024.
Repurposing Our High Streets – There were six applications at “stage 2” which were awaiting final evidence / approval. Two further video case studies were to be shared shortly, and the “Crewe Makes” event would utilise a vacant shop for crafting activities. The artwork display would be starting in October half term.
History Centre / Public Realm – The funding position for the main History Centre project was now confirmed, with additional awards from The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Wolfson Fund. Utility connection issues, additional security measures and soil testing were to be completed as part of the first-phase project prior to the site being handed over to contractors for the main phase, which would include the Towns Fund element.
Cumberland Arena - Issues had been raised separately regarding the condition of the athletics track at Cumberland arena, and the Chair would facilitate a meeting with the Athletics Club. The main project was awaiting a response from Scottish Power Energy Networks on sub-station works which were to be carried out.
Valley Brook Corridor – Consultation events were held on 18 and 21 September. There were additional proposals regarding Electricity Street and Alton Street which the project team were exploring with local representatives.
Warm and Healthy Homes – Updated costs to be provided which would inform the scope of works for each property, to be followed with consultations with individual residents and a planning application.
*Projects not funded through the Town’s Fund.
That the updates be noted. |
Strategic Update from Cheshire East Council (15 Minutes) To receive a Strategic Update from Peter Skates, Acting Executive Director of Place. Minutes: The Board received an update from Peter Skates, Acting Executive Director of Place, on:
Rail Infrastructure – Work was underway to promote the proposed Liverpool and Manchester Railway, highlighting the need for Crewe to be a major connection on a proposed route.
Sub-regional Devolution – Three local authorities (Cheshire East Council, Cheshire West and Chester Council and Warrington Borough Council) meet on a regular basis to discuss devolution opportunities and are in contact with The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’s devolution unit. Cheshire was a priority area which is being advanced.
That the updates be noted.
Councillor Jill Rhodes left the meeting at 1130. |
Crewe Town Board Project Sponsors (10 minutes) To review and agree the Crewe Town Board Project Sponsors. Minutes: RESOLVED:
The Board reviewed and agreed the Crewe Town Board Project Sponsors and that the Flag Lane Baths project be removed from the list:
Marketing Crewe (10 Minutes) To receive an update on Marketing Crewe. Minutes: The Board received an update on Marketing Crewe, from Paul Colman, Chief Executive, South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Dave Powell, Managing and Creative Director, Thrive.
· The Board were presented with a number of options concerning the rebranding of the Marketing Crewe names:
1. One Crewe, 2. All In Crewe, 3. Forward Crewe, 4. Yes Crewe.
· The Marketing Crewe project aimed to develop a team of ambassadors for Crewe and assist business in Crewe with marketing.
· The importance that of the project to have longevity after the Crewe Town Board projects had been completed, and ensuring momentum in developing Crewe was noted.
That the briefing be noted and was supported by the Board.
Jasbir Dhesi left the meeting at 11:50. |
AOB (5 Minutes) To discuss any other items of business. Minutes: In connection with an action from the previous meeting, regarding the Crewe Terms of Reference, a number of Crewe Town Board project sponsors had met with the Cheshire East Council Chief Executive Officer and South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 01.10.2024 for an introductory meeting and to discuss the Future for Crewe.
It was noted that any changes to the Crewe Town Board Terms of Reference would reflect the review of the Future for Crewe.
The Crewe Town Board Forward Plan was agreed. |
Date of Next Virtual Meeting To confirm the venue and date of the next meeting at 01.11.2024 commencing at 09:30am. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the next meeting be confirmed as 01.11.2024 commencing at 09:30am. |