Agenda and minutes

Crewe Town Board - Friday, 14th April, 2023 9.30 am

Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Karen Shuker  Tel: 01270 686459 Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence (1 Minute)

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Andy Butler, Mark Hills, Charles Jarvis and Martin Wood.



Declarations of Interest (1 Minute)

To receive any declarations of interest.


There were no new or updated declarations of Interest, other than those already on file.


Minutes of Previous meeting (3 Minutes) pdf icon PDF 140 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous virtual meeting held on 3 March 2023


Additional documents:




That the minutes of the virtual meeting held on 3 March 2023 be approved as a correct record. The chair went through a list of actions from the previous virtual meeting and updated members on the status of each action accordingly.



Towns Fund Progress Update & Project Review (30 Minutes)

To receive a detailed update on the Towns Fund and Accelerated Funding Projects & review their status.



The board received an update from Jez Goodman, Development and Regeneration Manager. The request submitted to reallocate the funds from the Lyceum Powerhouse project following its withdrawal had been agreed and those funds had been allocated across the remaining nine projects to bolster those projects and ensure that they could still deliver the outcomes and impacts anticipated.

Flag Lane Baths – There had been some delays in respect of the pre-construction service agreement, but this would still be completed within the Towns Fund timescales.

Cumberland Arena – This was progressing in terms of planning with it expected to be an officer decision rather than planning committee decision.

Mill Street Corridor – This was progressing well, and consultations had taken place earlier with residents and wider stakeholder earlier in the year.

Youth Zone Project – There had been some slippage due to not being able to have access to Oak Street car park until the completion of the new multi storey car park at the Royal Arcade but this would not have a direct impact on the overall delivery of the project.

LY2 – Co-funding from other sources was being followed up.

Mirion Street – Discussions were ongoing in respect of the amount to be received from the Youth Investment Fund.

Jubilee Project – The consultation period in respect of the disposal of a public open space was delayed due to the purdah period around the elections and this would commence following the election on the 4 May.

Pocket Parks – the project had been successful in securing £400k funding which had been the target. The money would need to be spent by the end of March 2024.


That the update be noted.



Place Governance - Role of the Town Board (45 Minutes)

  • To discuss the role of the Town Board and Place Governance
  • Interconnection of complementary initiatives in Crewe
  • Lack of cohesion and structures leading to the duplication of efforts




Following the towns fund projects now reaching the delivery stage the board had a discussion in respect of the role of the Board going forward. The projects, although important, would only play a small part in addressing the issues in Crewe. To maximise the opportunities in Crewe two areas that would need to be addressed: -

1)    Place leadership – the structure already existed in Crewe Town Board, but it was felt that there needed to be more buy in from partners, better collaboratively working with a single strategy and more coherency and cohesiveness in what is delivered in Crewe and;

2)    Better civic engagement and community involvement – This would need to be looked at from a grass roots level rather than the top-down approach.


The board agreed that currently there was a lack of a long-term strategic vision which identified the role and responsibilities for each local stakeholder based in Crewe. The board needed to oversee the vision and development of Crewe and not just oversee the projects of the Towns Fund.

Although there was work being undertaken by different partners in Crewe there needed to be better connectivity, communications, and linkages on briefing the community on progress.

It was agreed that it would be useful to get an external perspective to evolve the structure and work better in partnerships and there was learning to be had from the Institute of Place Management and other organisations.


That the update be noted.



Marketing Crewe (20 minutes)

Discussion in respect of Marketing Crewe.


The board had a discussion in respect of what was required to market Crewe successfully. It was acknowledged that there were two main elements which needed to be considered: -

1)    Internally - organisations, business, community, voluntary sector;

2)    Externally - wider marketing – selling Crewe and how to put Crewe on the map


The Board recognised that there was not enough funding or resourcing across the whole of the borough and that setting up a separate body which did not have the same resource issues would be the best way forward.

A paper and presentation would be brought forward to the June meeting outlining on how this may work.



That the update be noted.



Strategic Update from Cheshire East Council (15 Minutes)

Toreceive anupdate from theDirector of Growth and Enterprise.



Peter Skates, the Director of Growth & Enterprise attended the meeting and gave a verbal update in respect of: -

Royal Arcade – Phase one in respect of the bus station and the multi storey car park was progressing. A report on the challenges around phase 2 would be brought to the board at the June meeting, ahead of a presentation to committee in July.

Hayley Kirkham, HS2 Programme Director provided a synopsis of the outcome of the Select committee following the withdrawal of the petition by Cheshire East Council after accepting a package of commitments and assurances from both HS2 Ltd and the Government, which collectively would provide a better outcome for Cheshire East and its communities.

A whole suite of assurances for HS2, commitment in changes to design of scheme or mitigations/enhancements to manage impact of construction on the network had been secured. The benefits on getting assurances would mean that works would be able to start immediately. There would be further opportunity to influence the scheme and to petition the Bill as it progresses through Parliament.



That the update be noted.




AOB (5 Minutes)

Toput forward anyother items ofbusiness.



There was no other business.



Date of Next Virtual Meeting

Toconfirm thedate ofthe nextmeeting as 5th May 2023commencing at9.30am.





That the date of the next virtual meeting take place on Friday 2 June 2023 commencing at 9.30am.