Agenda and minutes

Crewe Town Board - Friday, 29th July, 2022 9.30 am

Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Karen Shuker  Tel: 01270 686459 Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence (1 Minute)

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Rick Carter, Jasbir Dhesi, Mark Hills, Cllr Jill Rhodes, Rhiannon Hilton, Jayne Traverse and Martin Wood.


Declarations of Interest (1 Minute)

To receive any declarations of interest.


As the Towns Fund Progress Update had become a standing item on the agenda, it was agreed that the following declarations of interest would be recorded and used for all future meetings where this item would be discussed:


Dr Kieran Mullan MP, in the interest of openness, declared that he supported the Whitby Morrison ice cream element of the heritage centre fund and the wishing well element of the pocket parks fund.


In the interests of openness Councillor Jill Rhodes declared an interest as a political appointee of Cheshire East Council and Crewe Town Council.


In the interests of openness Simon Yates declared an interest in the Always Ahead Charity (for Flag Lane Baths).


Minutes of Previous meeting (3 Minutes) pdf icon PDF 240 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous virtual meeting held on 24 June 2022.


Additional documents:




That the minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2022 be agreed as a correct record.


Chair & Vice Chair Annual Review (5 Minutes)

To confirm the results of the annual review of the elected Chair and Vice-Chair.




That Doug Kinsman continue as Chair and Simon Yates continue as Vice-Chair of the Crewe Town Board.


Towns Fund Progress Update (2 hours)

To receive a detailed update on the Towns Fund and Accelerated Funding Projects and to agree the summary business cases and assurance framework for the tranche 3 projects.



The board received an update on the current status of various projects. This included:


  • Lyceum Powerhouse - RIBA stage 3 costs had been received and a funding gap had been identified although this had been expected and opportunities to cover this were being pursued.  
  • Repurposing our High Streets – work on the business case was being reviewed by the appraiser. The finalised business case for this project was expected to come to the September board meeting for approval.
  • Cumberland Arena - RIBA stage 2 costs identified a slight increase in costs and a value engineering exercise was underway to address this issue.
  • Youthzone –further investigations and mitigations would be taken forward in relation to the financial aspects of the RIBA stage 2 report.
  • Ly2 – on target for works to start in the autumn


Daniel Lindsay from Ekosgen presented the Crewe Towns Fund tranche 3 assessment summary which included recommendations for formal conditions of funding as well as  wider recommendations for the board to be aware of as part of the ongoing management of the projects.




That the board agree the following projects and submit them to DLUCH:


·         Lyceum Powerhouse

·         Warm and Healthy Homes

·         Cumberland Arena

·         Mill Street Corridor

·         Valley Brook Corridor



Communication & Engagement Sub-Group Update (10 Minutes)

Toreceive anupdate fromthe Communication& EngagementSub-Group.



A report was due to come to the next board meeting in September on options for providing further support to the board.


A press release had been prepared on the latest projects that had received government backing and was awaiting sign off.




That the update be noted.


AOB (5 Minutes)

Toput forward anyother items ofbusiness.



There were no other items of business.


Date of Next Virtual Meeting

Toconfirm thedate ofthe nextmeeting as26 August 2022commencing at9.30am.



The date of the next meeting would be 30 September 2022.