Venue: Virtual Meeting via Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Karen Shuker Tel: 01270 686459 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence (1 Minute) To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Ellie Cox, Mark Hills and Guy Kilminster. |
Declarations of Interest (1 Minute) To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: As the Towns Fund Progress Update had become a standing item on the agenda, it was agreed that the following declarations of interest would be recorded and used for all future meetings where this item would be discussed:
Dr Kieran Mullan MP, in the interest of openness, declared that he supported the Whitby Morrison ice cream element of the heritage centre fund and the wishing well element of the pocket parks fund.
Councillor Nick Mannion, in the interest of openness, declared that he is an elected Member of Cheshire East Council which is the accountable body for the programme and requested that this standing declaration be recorded for any Cheshire East Councillors who may attend the meeting in future. Cllr Mannion also declared that he chairs the Council’s Economy and Growth Committee which has regeneration within its remit.
Jasbir Dhesi declared that Cheshire College is a named beneficiary of the ice cream element of the heritage project and that the college is also supportive of a number of the other projects.
In the interests of openness Reverend David Edwards declared an interest in the Flag Lane Baths project.
Simon Yates declared an interest in the Always Ahead Charity (for Flag Lane Baths). |
Minutes of Previous meeting (3 Minutes) PDF 132 KB To approve as a correct record the minutes of the previous virtual meeting held on 29 April 2022.
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That the minutes of the virtual meeting held on 29 April 2022 be approved as a correct record. The chair went through a list of actions from the previous virtual meeting and updated members on the status of each action accordingly.
Prior to consideration of the following item, the chair advised that Reverend David Edwards had taken up a new role and congregation in London as part of his work with his Church and as such, he would be unable to continue as a member of the Board. The chair advised that David’s role on the Board was thematic and was there to represent the faith sector and hard to reach communities, through his role as a minister for the New Testament Church of God, representation of a local congregation and the other work delivered through the Lighthouse Centre. As David would no longer be working with a local congregation and hard to reach communities within Crewe, it was felt that he could no longer be a member of the Board representing those thematic areas. As this would be his last meeting, the chair thanked David for all of his hard work on the Board since its inception.
As David was chair of the Communication & Engagement Sub-Group a replacement would need to be found.
In response David thanked the chair and Board members for their support over the years whilst he was a member of the Board.
The chair also reported that Adam Knight had agreed to step down from the Board in July’s Board Meeting, following his departure from his role as Director at Crewe Lyceum Theatre. The chair thanked Adam for his work on the board and his specific inputs around the arts and culture which were the thematic areas he was there to represent.
As a result of these changes, the chair advised further discussions would need to take place with regard to board member recruitment. Both David Edwards and Adam Knight had well represented their thematic areas on the Board, it was therefore imperative to ensure these areas had strong representation moving forward. Members commented on the need to ensure the recruitment process was open and transparent with consideration being taken into the diverse make-up of the Board. The chair and vice Chair would meet with Cheshire East Council, as the accountable body, to determine a process for Board Member recruitment moving forward and will report back to the Board. |
Towns Fund Progress Update (1 hour) To receive a detailed update on the Towns Fund and Accelerated Funding Projects, including a presentation around the Mill Street Corridor Project, the Valley Brook Green Project and Pocket Parks.
Minutes: Three presentations were made in respect of Crewe Pocket Parks, Mill Street Corridor and Valley Brook.
Edward Yoxall, the Parks Technical Officer from ANSA attended the meeting and gave a presentation on Crewe Pocket Parks. Covered within the presentation was information on the following:-
· Background to ANSA and Wishing Well; · Funding for the 9 Pocket Parks; · Direct output-Improvement of 9 parks; · Specific examples of improvements to parks in Macclesfield and Alsager to showcase what would be achievable; · Proposed Delivery Plan; · Summary of proposals for each of the 9 pocket parks including budget costs
Questions/comments were made in respect of the following:-
· Scheduling of improvements to the parks and why two of the most deprived parks in Crewe would be improved last; Possibility of the provision of CCTV; · Provision of equipment for teenagers including a ‘zip wire’ feature and appropriate seating areas; · Opportunities to engage with the different communities living in and around the 9 pocket parks in relation to tree planting; · Involvement of primary/secondary schools tree planting; · If community took ownership of the parks then CCTV and so forth was unnecessary; · Design of park would be key in attracting people to use it; · Officer support essential in order to support the larger programme
The chair thanked the officer for his presentation.
Dr Charles Jarvis, Head of Economic Development attended the meeting and gave a presentation on Mill Street Corridor. Covered within the presentation was information on the following:-
· Project Summary including financial and output information; · Mill Street Study-Context; · Photographic evidence of the current look of the corridor; · Considered options for the corridor; · Preferred route and concept design
The Board asked questions in respect of the opening up of the archways in Mill Street and whether this would be part of the proposals and the impact of the recent Network Rail purchase and what impact this might have on Pedley Street.
Chris Allman, Head of Neighbourhood Services attended the meeting and gave a presentation on Valley Brook. Covered within the presentation was information on the following:-
· Key issues including flooding, access, safety, lack of desirability; · Initial scope of the project; · Financial information; · Elements of the route; · River issues and improvements; · Considered options for the routes; · The preferred option was highlighted; · Timelines
Questions/comments were made in respect of the following:-
· Assumed that there would be a continuous green corridor from the bottom of Mill Street to Queens Park; · Could there be potential in the future to secure funding in order to tackle the elements where there were breaks in the corridor; · Potential to make longer term improvements if funding was secured later on in the programme
A verbal update was also provided on the tranches each project had been allocated to, alongside a brief outline of the current position of a number of the projects. It was noted that a presentation on the Inner Crewe Warm and Healthy Projects would be made at the next meeting.
The chair requested a programme of events so it was clear to the public as to ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Sub-Groups Update (15 Minutes) To receive a sub-groupsupdate.
Minutes: The chair advised that a meeting of the Transport Forum Sub-Group would be meeting later that day. Hayley Kirkham and Richard Hibbert, officers from Cheshire East Council attended meetings and gave presentations. Members were asked to provide feedback on any on going projects.
That the update be noted. |
Communication & Engagement Sub-Group Update (10 Minutes) To receive an update from the Communication & Engagement Sub-Group.
Minutes: Reverend David Edwards attended the meeting and gave a verbal update in respect of the Communication & Engagement Sub-Group. Key challenges related to the funding of the Board in terms of its communication and engagement. Priority was being given to what could be covered by the resources available with any potential gaps being highlighted particularly around social media updates. A more detailed update would be provided at the next meeting. It was confirmed the updates to the website had been undertaken. In addition it was requested that it would be helpful If Board members could share links to the website.
That the update be noted. |
Strategic Update from Cheshire East Council (10 Minutes) To receive an update from the Director of Growth & Enterprise.
Minutes: Peter Skates, the Director of Growth & Enterprise attended the meeting and gave a verbal update in respect of:-
Flag Lane baths/LY2-Planning consent achieved.
Royal Arcade-Preparation works progressing on site and on programme ecological works now completed and no issues.
National Highways-Concerns were raised about the performance of National Highways and the need for a Stopping Up Order. Correspondence had been drafted on behalf of the Chief Executive to submit to the executives of National Highways. A further update would be provided at a future meeting.
GBR HQ-Still awaiting any notification of any shortlisting. It was noted from the transition team website that the date for shortlisting had been put back from May to June.
Cheshire East Economic Development Team-Members attended a three day conference in Leeds last week. It was the UK Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum attended by public sector organisations, central government organisations and the private sector. It was the first networking event which had taken place for a number of years. The team took a stand for three days promoting opportunities within Cheshire East but with particular focus on Crewe. Significant investment enquiries had taken place and the overall feeling was the event had produced some strong positive potential funding opportunities.
Councillor N Mannion commented that he had attended the conference and felt it was a positive event and highlighted Cheshire East as the place to come and promote business particularly around Crewe. |
AOB (5 Minutes) To put forward any other items of business. Minutes: The chair reported that it was Crewe day on the 4th July 2022. He also raised the issue of the Board’s involvement in planning applications and what the criteria was the Board should be adhering to in relation to commenting on planning applications. He considered it was something that needed to be discussed at a future meeting. |
Date of Next Virtual Meeting To confirm the date of the next meeting as 24 June 2022 commencing at 9.30am. Minutes: RESOLVED
That the date of the next virtual meeting take place on Friday 24 June 2022 commencing at 9.30am. |