Agenda and minutes

Cheshire Police and Crime Panel - Friday, 26th November, 2021 10.00 am

Venue: 1st Floor Committee Room, Ellesmere Port Library, Civic Way, CH65 0BG

Contact: Martin Smith  Tel: 01270 686012 Email:

No. Item



Members are reminded that, in accordance with governance procedure rule at Part 3 paragraph 2.6, Panel Members, or their constituent authority, may nominate substitute members of the Panel in the event that the appointed representative(s) is/are unable to attend the meeting.  Advance notice of substitution should be given to the host authority wherever possible.  Members are encouraged wherever possible to secure the attendance of a substitute if they are unable to be present.


Apologies were received from Cllr Norman Plumpton Walsh, Cllr Lynn Riley, Cllr Kenneth Critchley, Cllr Martyn Delaney and Cllr Mick Warren.


Code of Conduct - Declaration of Interests. Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012

Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when the item is reached.


No issues were raised.


Welcome and Introductions to the Panel's Newly Appointed Independent Co-opted Member


The Chair welcomed Miss Yasmin Somani to her first meeting of the Police and Crime Panel.


Public Participation

To receive questions from members of the public. A total period of 15 minutes will be allocated for members of the public to speak at Panel meetings. Each member of the public shall be limited to a period of up to 5 minutes speaking. At the Chair’s discretion the period made available for questions and statements may be extended.


In order that an appropriate answer to the questions can be given, the deadline for indicating a wish to speak or for submission of questions is 3 clear working days before a meeting of the Panel. The Chair has the discretion to waive the 3-day rule for issues deemed to be urgent.


In response to questions or statements the Panel may choose to agree to either provide an agreed verbal response, that will be minuted or to provide a written reply to a questioners chosen address.


Those wishing to ask a question or make a statement should register by email to: send the question or statement by post to:


Cheshire Police and Crime Panel

Democratic Services and Governance

c/o Municipal Buildings

Earle Street




A list of those speaking or asking questions at a meeting of the Panel will be drawn up by the Panel’s Secretariat in order of receipt. Copies of questions and statements will be circulated to all Panel members in advance of the meeting and will be made available to the public attending the meeting. Copies will also be available on the Police and Crime Panel’s page of the Cheshire East Council website.


Nobody may submit more than one question or make more than one statement at the same meeting, but a supplementary question, related to the subject raised in the question /statement, will be permitted for clarification at the discretion of the Chair.


Those speaking or asking questions will not be permitted to address any issue that is the subject of a current or proposed complaint by them against the Police and Crime Commissioner. They are also advised that reference to an issue that could become the subject of a future complaint by them could prejudice the Panel’s consideration of that complaint.


The Panel will not accept a question or statement if:


There is insufficient detail to enable a proper response to be provided.


It is not about a matter for which the Police and Crime Panel has responsibility.


It is potentially defamatory, frivolous or offensive against named individuals.


It is substantially the same question which has been put at a meeting of the Police and Crime Panel in the last six months.


It requires the disclosure of confidential or exempt information.


No members of the public wished to speak at the meeting, but Mr Will Charlton, a resident of Winsford had submitted three questions which were read on his behalf by the Secretariat. These related to the funding of the National Crime Agency, abuse on social media and the powers of Commissioners to suspend Chief Constables. The Panel subsequently made the Commissioner aware of Mr Charlton’s concerns.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2021.


Additional documents:




That the Minutes of the meeting held on 24th September 2021 be approved.


Chair's Announcements


Mr Evan Morris noted that as Chair of the Panel he had been interviewed by Deloitte’s as part of the Home Secretary’s ongoing review of Police and Crime Commissioners and the role of Police and Crime Panels. Discussion had focused on his role as an independent co-opted Panel Chair.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To consider the work programme.


The Panel’s work programme for the remainder of the municipal year was noted. The Secretariat indicated that a draft programme of meetings for 2022/23 would be brought to the February 2022 meeting of the Panel.


Overview and Scrutiny of the Police and Crime Commissioner


The Chair welcomed the Commissioner to the meeting.


The Commissioner congratulated Miss Yasmin Somani on her appointment to the Panel.


The Commissioner outlined a number of developments since the last meeting of the Panel in September; these included:


·         The new Chief Executive of his Office had taken up appointment.

·         The Police and Crime Plan had been launched.

·         A detailed and comprehensive consultation exercise had commenced.

·         He had been successful in achieving Government funding in relation to domestic abuse and safer streets.

·         His ongoing scrutiny of the Chief Constable.


NB: Following the meeting the Commissioner provided the Panel with a written summary of the above, this is attached to these minutes for reference.


Cllr Paul Findlow


Sought clarification from the Commissioner on the work that his office were undertaking in relation to restorative justice, speeding and out of court disposals; issues which had all been discussed at the Panel’s previous meeting and where updates had been promised. The Commissioner indicated that the issues of restorative justice and out of court disposals would be discussed at his informal meeting with the Panel in January 2022. Work was being undertaken within his Office in relation to speeding, with average speed cameras being considered at sites across the county. Discussions were also taking place on this issue with the Cheshire Association of Local Councils (ChALC).


Sought clarification over what steps were being taken within the Constabulary to eradicate “canteen culture” (disrespectful, discriminatory attitudes), something which had received considerable media coverage nationally over recent weeks. The Commissioner confirmed that this was something that he discussed with the Chief Constable on a regular basis. The issue was being approached by the Constabulary in a number of ways, including improved training. Mrs Sally Hardwick also questioned the Commissioner on this issue, noting her experience (not as a Panel member) of dealing with Police complaints.


Asked the Commissioner for information on response rates to 101 calls. The Commissioner noted that when seeking election, he had campaigned for improvements and had addressed this very soon on taking up the position of Police and Crime Commissioner. Additional staff had been appointed and early indications were that response rates were improving; the situation would continue to be monitored. The Commissioner noted that the Control Room was now fully staffed, albeit that they were suffering from higher than normal absence rates as a consequence of Covid.


Cllr John Stockton


Asked the Commissioner to outline his policy for the replacement of Police Stations across Cheshire, highlighting the need for a new police station in Runcorn. The Commissioner noted that many Police Stations were not fit for purpose. In addition, he indicated that he was committed to making the Constabulary carbon neutral by 2040, something that would not be possible without investment in the building stock. He noted that there would always be a Police presence in town centres such as Runcorn, but that some parts of the Constabulary, such as CID, could be located in out-of-town locations. A Cheshire wide strategy was in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45.