Venue: Committee Suite 1,2 & 3, Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach CW11 1HZ. View directions
Contact: Josie Lloyd Tel: 01270 686466 Email:
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No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Dr Paul Bishop (NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board), Michelle Davis (Guinness Housing), Claire Williamson (Children’s Services - CEC), Charlotte Wright (Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service) and Isla Wilson (Cheshire East Health and Care Place Partnership).
Ian Moston attended as a substitute for Isla Wilson.
Declarations of Interest To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in any item on the agenda. Minutes: In the interests of openness and transparency Councillor S Corcoran declared an interest by virtue of his wife being a GP.
Minutes of Previous meeting To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2024
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2024 be confirmed as a correct record. |
Public Speaking Time/Open Session In accordance with paragraph 2.24 of the Council’s Committee Procedure Rules and Appendix on Public Speaking, set out in the Constitution, a total period of 15 minutes is allocated for members of the public to put questions to the committee on any matter relating to this agenda. Each member of the public will be allowed up to two minutes each to speak, and the Chair will have discretion to vary this where they consider it appropriate.
Members of the public wishing to speak are required to provide notice of this at least three clear working days’ in advance of the meeting. Minutes: There were no registered public speakers. |
Lifestyle prescription update To receive an update relating to the Cheshire East Lifestyle on Prescription resource. Minutes: The Board received an update relating to the Cheshire East Lifestyle Prescription resource which had been developed over 2022-23. The resource was developed through partnership working to support the prioritisation of prevention and to help residents think about acting upon lifestyle changes, so they avoid, where possible, the development of long-term conditions.
The update included simplifying the language used, changing the title, translated versions of the adult resource, and designing a children and young people’s version of the Lifestyle Prescription resource.
In respect of a question raised about evaluation of the resource officers responded that by working with GPs they would be able to see if it made the process easier for them (the GP) and it was hoped that there would be a follow up with patients to discover if it had encouraged them to make a lifestyle change. Members offered support in respect of the challenges faced around engaging pharmacies and the Waiting Well programme. In respect of evaluating how well the resource was working for the adult population it was noted that although the number of times the resource had been viewed or downloaded could be identified from the site, it was more challenging to evaluate the outcomes post download and work was ongoing with partners around this. RESOLVED:
That the Health and Wellbeing Board
1. Note the update. 2. Raise awareness regarding the Lifestyle Prescription resources for adults and children.
Children and Young People 'Make Your Mark' ballot results To receive an update from the Youth Council. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received a presentation from the Cheshire East Youth Council, The Youth Council was made up of a group of young people who campaign on and create positive change for others. They help to make services and the support that children and young people receive better.
Board members heard about what young people thought leaders could do to help support their Health and Wellbeing, what the outcome of the national Make Your Mark campaign was and what the Youth Council had been involved in since the Make You Mark campaign.
Board members provided feedback and comments in relation to
- What they could do to influence getting more mental health professionals in school as well as considering support for those not in school. - The reporting mechanism in relation to bullying. - Emphasis on the importance of Family Hubs when providing support to children and adults. - Recognised challenges in engaging with communities, both co-producing and information sharing. - How to link initiatives together to ensure people are not working in silos.
That the presentation be noted.
All Together Smoke Free/Tobacco Control update To receive a presentation on the All Together Smoke Free/Tobacco Control update. Minutes: The Board received an update on the All Together Smokefree – Cheshire and Merseyside framework. The update outlined the key programme objectives, what work was being undertaken and the opportunities for future developments.
Board members shared their concerns about the rise in the number of those vaping and agreed that there was a need to be explicit about dangers of vaping particularly with younger generations.
Members provided feedback and comments in respect of - Messaging - There was lots about life expectancy but there was a need to also think about healthy life expectancy. - Managing expectations – Until there had been a decrease in levels of smoking and people stopping taking it up altogether, it needed to be accepted that it was a slow downwards trajectory. In order to stop people taking up smoking in the first place there was a need to understand the role of home conditions, for example parental role models. It was acknowledged that it was a complex public health issue, and it was not going to happen quickly but everything being done was heading in the right direction and it was about keeping the momentum going. - The branding of ‘Altogether Smoke Free’ links with the ‘Altogether Fairer’ and ‘Altogether Active’ branding at the Cheshire and Merseyside level demonstrating, a common theme being used by the Integrated Care Board (ICB) towards the branding of programmes of work aimed at reducing health inequalities. - Trading Standards – There was a need for a campaign to make vaping less appealing e.g. colours/flavours. RESOLVED:
That the Health and Wellbeing Board
1. Note the update.
Green Spaces for Wellbeing update To receive an update on the Greenspaces for Wellbeing project. Additional documents: Minutes: The Board received an update on the Greenspaces for Wellbeing project from April 2023 - March 2024 which included how the Green Spaces for Wellbeing programme was designed, the delivery models, the referral and lifestyle outcomes, the approach to marketing and the priorities for 2024/25.
Although the project had been undertaken without any national funding there was evidence nationally that schemes such as this worked.
Members welcomed the project and noted that although there were a number of people who dropped out before completing the course, it was a new service and there were several factors which affected attendance. Those factors included people having a range of health conditions, those with mental health conditions could sometimes struggle with motivation, older people drop out to help with childcare, and other conflicting appointments. It had been recognised that the 12-week model may not be best for everyone and following the model being adapted there had been an increase in numbers in the second year.
Priorities for 2024/25 included increasing taster sessions, targeted cohort sessions, continued development of the marketing strategy, developing volunteering and exploring new funding avenues.
That the Health and Wellbeing Board
1. note the progress made with the project. |
Better Care Fund end of year analysis 2023-2024 and plan for 2024-2025 To receive a report on the end of year overview of the Cheshire East Better Care Fund plan for the period 2023-24 and plan for 2024-2025. Minutes: The Board received a report which provided an end of year overview of the Cheshire East Better Care Fund plan for the period 2023-24. In addition, the report outlined the plan for 2024-25 which was a continuation of the plan agreed for 2023-25.
11 new schemes had been added for 2024-25 and Changeology had been commissioned to help understand the barriers and identify opportunities to improve capacity and demand planning capability to enhance overall system resilience.
Members welcomed the fact those schemes that were not working had been cancelled and were encouraged by the additional investment for care communities.
That the Health and Wellbeing Board
1. Notes the performance for 2023-24 and approves the plan for 2024-25. |
HIV Fast Track Cities To consider a report on the Cheshire and Merseyside Commitment to HIV Fast Track Cities Approach. Minutes: The Board considered a report which sought support for Cheshire East to become part of the Cheshire and Merseyside work to end new HIV transmission in the sub-region by 2030.
Joining the Cheshire and Merseyside approach would help Cheshire East support good health and wellbeing for everyone by reducing inequalities between men and women and for those in marginalised communities, reducing the risk of HIV transmission across the Borough.
The Fast Track Cities (FTC) initiative on HIV was launched globally in 2014 through the Paris Declaration, developed and led by the International Association of Providers of Aids Care (IAPAC).
In relation to a question raised in respect of what happens when people choose not to go to places in Cheshire and Merseyside, would there be the same reciprocal arrangements with neighbouring areas, officers reported that there was no intention to change commissioning arrangements or people’s choices if they wanted to go elsewhere, and at present that would still be done under the current arrangements.
That the Health and Wellbeing Board
1. Support the sign up to the HIV Fast Track Cities agenda, and therefore commit to the Paris and Sevilla declarations. 2. That a Consultant in Public Health be put forward as a key representative from our local sexual health and HIV partnership to be the nominated ‘Key Opinion Lead’ for Cheshire East. 3. That the Cheshire & Merseyside Sexual Health and HIV Commissioners network be the main strategic group to map needs and gaps and develop a relevant regional plan, reporting to Directors of Public Health on a minimum quarterly basis. 4. That members/councillors support the planning and delivery of an HIV Fast Track launch event for Cheshire and Merseyside |