Agenda and minutes

Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board - Tuesday, 27th June, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Committee Suite 1,2 & 3, Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach CW11 1HZ. View directions

Contact: Karen Shuker  Tel: 01270 686459 Email:

No. Item


Appointment of Chair


It was moved and seconded that Councillor Sam Corcoran be appointed the Chair.




That Councillor Sam Corcoran be appointed as Chair.


Appointment of Vice Chair


It was proposed and seconded that the appointment of Vice Chair would be deferred to the September meeting.


This was voted on and was carried unanimously.




That the appointment of vice chair would be deferred to the September meeting.


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Louise Barry, Helen Charlesworth-May, Denise Frodsham, Dr Patrick Kearns, Dr Lorraine O’Donnell, Superintendent Claire Jesson, Jayne Traverse, Mark Wilkinson and Claire Williamson. 


Jenny Lloyd attended as a substitute for Louise Barry.

Rich Burgess attended as a substitute for Mark Wilkinson.


The Chair thanked the following members who would no longer be Board members following approval of the revised terms of reference which was due to be considered at Council on the 19 July 2023.


      Chris Hart

      Dr Lorraine O’Donnell

      Dr Patrick Kearns

      Denise Frodsham



Declarations of Interest

To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests in any item on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of Previous meeting pdf icon PDF 333 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2023.





That the minutes of the meeting held on 27 March 2023 be confirmed as a correct record.


Public Speaking Time/Open Session

In accordance with paragraph 2.24 of the Council’s Committee Procedure Rules and Appendix on Public Speaking, set out in the Constitution, a total period of 15 minutes is allocated for members of the public to put questions to the committee on any matter relating to this agenda. Each member of the public will be allowed up to two minutes each to speak, and the Chair will have discretion to vary this where they consider it appropriate.


Members of the public wishing to speak are required to provide notice of this at least three clear working days’ in advance of the meeting.


There were no members of the public present.


Associate Member Nominations 2023-2024 pdf icon PDF 655 KB

To agree the Associate members of the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board for 2023-2024.





That the following individuals be appointed Voting Associate Members of the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board for the next 12 months:


Councillor Janet Clowes – Opposition Group representative  

Peter Skates – representing the Executive Director of Place

Superintendent Claire Jesson – representing the Police and Crime


Victoria Elliott - representing the Chief Fire Officer

Kathryn Sullivan - representing the community, voluntary and social enterprise


Claire Wilkinson – an additional representative for Children and Families


A representative of housing providers – to be nominated

A Business representative – to be nominated



Cheshire Youth Justice Services Health Needs Assessment pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To receive the Cheshire Youth Justice Services Health Needs Assessment.


Additional documents:


The board received a presentation on the Cheshire Youth Justice services Health Needs Assessment from Dr Andrew Davies, Chair of the Youth Justice Health Subgroup and Tom Dooks, Senior Manager, Youth Justice Services.


The presentation included the aims and key findings of the assessment as well as identifying the needs and assets, the health offer and recommendations.


The board agreed that education was the biggest prevention factor and the earlier this happened then the more benefits communities as well as individuals would see.




That the presentation be noted.


Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board Draft Joint Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 675 KB

To consider the draft Cheshire and Merseyside Joint Forward Plan.


Additional documents:


The Board considered a report which shared details in relation to the requirement for Integrated Care Boards, and NHS provider partners to produce a Joint Forward Plan by June 2023. The report contained the draft content of the Cheshire and Merseyside Joint Forward Plan in advance of the final document being presented to the Integrated Care Board for approval on 29th June.


The aspirations set out within the draft Joint Forward Plan aligned closely with the priorities set out within the Cheshire East Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The Joint Forward Plan included a summary describing the priorities for Cheshire East Place in delivering the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


The Board members provided feedback and asked questions in respect of:


-       Welcomed the reference to the Marmot Principles

-       Welcomed the statement which indicated that there would be a more reactive rather than proactive approach to health care

-       There was a need to make use of systems already in place where there was a requirement for more strategic data and links into strategic outcomes.

-       there were some synergies with, and due to the need to review it in 2024, how would it be measured against the nine JSNA’s.

-       There was a need for consistency when sharing data 


There was a statutory requirement for the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board to provide a statement which would advise the Integrated Care Board to what extent it agreed on the plan content and alignment with the existing Health and Wellbeing Board Strategies and Place Plans from across the nine Places.


RESOLVED: (Unanimously)


That the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board:


1. Noted the approach being taken in developing the Cheshire and Merseyside Joint Forward Plan

2. Provided feedback as to key areas of content and highlighted any additions, or revisions the Board would like to see in this plan, or which needs to be recognised in the next version of the plan.

3. Would provide a statement outlining whether the plan includes the relevant local priorities contained within the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy



Outcomes Framework first quarter monitoring report pdf icon PDF 345 KB

To receive an update of the development of the Joint Outcomes Framework and plans for next steps.


Additional documents:


The Board received an update in respect of the development of the Joint Outcomes Framework and plans for next steps, including publication of the fourteen key outcome Phase One indicators and commencement of Phase Two.


Phase two would include:


      Development of a Microsoft Power BI Dashboard to present the Joint Outcomes Framework indicators

      Improving the ability to understand variation in the indicators by ward or care community level

      Consider including further indicators to the Phase One set

      Developing a further second set of indicators to monitor against the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board’s Five Year Delivery Plan 2023 – 2028 that would sit along side the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy/ Place Plan.




That the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board:-


1. Note the finalised Phase One Joint Outcomes Framework, and the consensus building process undertaken to agree this.

2.  Note the plans for Phase Two.



Joint Strategic Needs Assessment update: the 2023/24 work programme pdf icon PDF 274 KB

To consider the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2023/24 work programme.



The Board considered a report which outlined the 2023/2024 Joint strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) work programme. The five priorities that had been identified were:


  • A special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) deep dive review
  • An Isolation deep dive review
  • Care for older people deep dive review
  • Macclesfield light touch review
  • A lifestyle survey


A plan to evaluate the JSNA programme over the course of 2023/2024 would seek to understand how the new JSNA had been received and how partners found the new approach to collaborative working.




That the Health and Wellbeing Board approve the 2023/2024 JSNA work programme.



Better Care Fund end of year report 2022-2023 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To receive the Better Care Fund End of Year report 2022-2023.


The Board received a report which highlighted the performance of the Better Care Fund including the Improved Better Care Fund in Cheshire East in 2022/2023.


The key priorities noted for the 2022/2023 period included


• Implementing the Home first programme

• Stabilising the care at home market

• Reducing the impact of the Cost-of-living crisis

• Having joined up winter planning




That the Better Care Fund programme performance in 2022/2023 be noted



Better Care Fund 2023-2024 pdf icon PDF 439 KB

To receive a report on the Better Care Fund Plan 2023/24.

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report which described the areas of activity and the proposed expenditure for the Better Care Fund covering Cheshire East in 2023/2024. A number of schemes had been identified and an outline of the rationale of how they would meet the needs and demands of the local care and health economy in Cheshire East was provided.


The Board sought assurance that as a result of changes to support the provider market last year that officers were confident that proposals for 2023/2024 were robust.

RESOLVED (Unanimously)


That the Health and Wellbeing Board noted and endorsed the Better Care Fund plan for 2023/2024.



Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board draft revised Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 376 KB

To consider a report on the draft revised Terms of Reference for the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board.

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report on the draft revised terms of reference for the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board.


Changes had been made to the current terms of reference to reflect the change from the cabinet to the committee system along with changes within the constitution.

The main change would be the removal of the two-tier membership to create a single tier so that every member of the board would have a vote.

The changes would go to Corporate Policy Committee and then Full Council and if approved these would go live in September.

RESOLVED: (Unanimously)

That Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board recommend that the Corporate Policy Committee and full Council adopt the revised terms of reference for the Cheshire East Health and Wellbeing Board.






Cheshire East Health and Care Partnership update pdf icon PDF 757 KB

To receive an update on development of an Integrated Care System across Cheshire and Merseyside and in Cheshire East.


The board received an update on the progress with the development of an integrated care system for Cheshire and Merseyside and more specifically Cheshire East.


The board heard that good progress had been made in delivering improved performance in urgent and emergency care, returning the full range of maternity services to Macclesfield District General Hospital, and with the inclusion of Leighton hospital for Cheshire East in the NHS new hospitals programme.




That the update be noted.