Agenda and minutes

Northern Planning Committee - Wednesday, 21st August, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: The Capesthorne Room - Town Hall, Macclesfield SK10 1EA. View directions

Contact: Gaynor Hawthornthwaite  Tel: 01270 686467 Email:

Note: To register to speak on an application please email 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest/Pre Determination

To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registerable interests, and non-registerable interests in any item on the agenda and for Members to declare if they have a pre-determination in respect of any item on the agenda.


In the interest of openness, Councillor D Edwardes declared that as there could be a perception of bias on his part, in respect of application 24/2021M, he would leave the meeting for the duration of that item.


Councillor D Jefferay declared that, on behalf of the Committee, the applicant for application 24/1796C was a Cheshire East Councillor who was known to Members.





Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 205 KB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting held on 10 April 2024 as a correct record.


That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 10th April 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Public Speaking

A total period of 5 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the following:


·         Ward Councillors who are not members of the Planning Committee

·         The relevant Town/Parish Council


A period of 3 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the following individuals/groups:


  • Members who are not members of the planning committee and are not the Ward Member
  • Objectors
  • Supporters
  • Applicants


That the public speaking procedure be noted.



23/4111M - AGDEN BROOK FARM, LYMM ROAD, AGDEN, CHESHIRE, WA14 4TE: Change of use of existing agricultural buildings to employment uses, including the demolition of one building for Mr Frank Cookson pdf icon PDF 548 KB

To consider the above planning application.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the above application.


(Mr Eoin McLoone (Supporter) and Mr Ben Kettle (Agent) attended the meeting and spoke in respect of the application).




That contrary to Officers’ recommendation, the application be APPROVED, for the following reasons:


The proposal is inappropriate development within the Green Belt. However, the Northern Planning Committee considered that there are very special circumstances which outweigh the conflict with policy and any additional harm by reason of:


·       The proposal would facilitate the retention, maintenance, and reuse of the existing buildings.

·       The proposal would retain the existing 15 employees on the site and would enable additional rural employment opportunities.

·       The proposal would comprise of a diversification of the existing farm business.

·       The openness of the Green Belt would be maintained, and the removal of a building would improve openness.

The proposal is considered to comply with the relevant policies of the Development Plan including PG3, PG6 of the CELPS and RUR10 of the SADPD. Impacts on character and appearance are acceptable and the impact on residential amenity could be controlled by condition.


And subject to the following conditions:


1.     Standard 3 year time limit

2.     Accordance with approved plans

3.     Materials to be submitted, approved and implemented

4.     Visibility splays and access to be provided under a s278 agreement prior to first occupation and kept clear of obstructions.

5.     Travel Plan to be submitted and approved prior to the first occupation

6.     Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Plan to be submitted, approved and implemented prior to first occupation

7.     Cycle Storage Plan to be submitted, approved and implemented prior to first occupation

8.     Parking to be provided in accordance with the approved plans prior to first occupation and retained thereafter

9.     Hours of use / deliveries restricted to between the hours of 08:00 – 18:00 Monday – Friday and 09:00 – 16:00 on Saturdays with no working on Sundays and /or public holidays

10.  Biodiversity Net Gain Plan to submitted, approved and implemented

11.  Updated landscaping scheme to be submitted to show additional landscaping to the western boundary

12.  Implementation of approved landscaping scheme

13.  No external storage outside of the building to be permitted.

14.  Contaminated land investigations submitted, approved and implemented prior to commencement

15.  Verification of contaminated land prior to fist occupation

16.  Details of any unsuspected contamination found during development to be submitted and approved.

17.  Development hereby permitted restricted to Use Classes E(g)(ii) - Research and development of products or processes E(g)(iii) - Industrial processes B2 - General industrial - Use for industrial process other than one falling within class E(g) (previously class B1) (excluding incineration purposes, chemical treatment or landfill or hazardous waste)




The Committee adjourned for a short break.



24/1796C - FARRIERS COTTAGE, MOSS END LANE, SMALLWOOD, CHESHIRE, CW11 2XQ: Conversion of existing building to one residential dwelling for J & E Wray pdf icon PDF 273 KB

To consider the above planning application.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the above application.




That, for the reasons set out in the report, the application be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:


1.    Commencement of development (3 years)

2.    Development in accord with approved plans

3.    Materials as application

4.    Removal of Permitted Development Rights for extensions, outbuildings and walls/fences

5.    Landscaping Scheme to be submitted

6.    Landscaping Scheme to be implemented

7.    Actions in evet of any unidentified contamination being identified



24/2021M - 1, ARBOUR CRESCENT, MACCLESFIELD, SK10 2JB: 2 Storey side extension with single storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation for Mr Matthew Guttmann pdf icon PDF 593 KB

To consider the above planning application.


Additional documents:


(Prior to consideration of this application, Councillor D Edwardes, as stated in the Declarations of Interest/Pre Determination, left the meeting and returned following consideration of the application).


Consideration was given to the above application.


(Mr Matthew Guttmann (Applicant) attended the meeting and spoke in respect of the application).




That, for the reasons set out in the report, the application be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:


1. Commencement of development (3 years)

2. Development in accord with approved plans

3. Materials as application

4. Prevention of use of flat roof as balcony



Cheshire East Borough Council (Macclesfield - 1 Kershaw Grove) Tree Preservation Order 2024 pdf icon PDF 231 KB

To consider whether to confirm the Tree Preservation Order at 1 Kershaw Grove, Macclesfield with no modifications


Additional documents:


(Mr Allen Watts (Applicant) attended the meeting and spoke in respect of the Tree Preservation Order).



The Committee considered the report on the background and issues surrounding the making of a Tree Preservation Order on 27th March 2024 at 1 Kershaw Grove, Macclesfield and the considered representations made to the Council with regard to the content of the Tree Preservation Order.




That the Tree Preservation Order at 1 Kershaw Grove, Macclesfield be CONFIRMED with no modifications.



During consideration of this item Councillor N Mannion declared that, in relation to Item 8, he used to live in the vicinity of the area.


(Prior to consideration of the following item, Councillor Dean left the meeting and did not return)






Planning Enforcement Performance Update pdf icon PDF 271 KB

To receive an update on the performance of planning enforcement during the last quarter of 2022/2023 and the year of 2023/2024.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report on the performance of planning enforcement during the last quarter of 2022/2023 and the year of 2023/2024.




That the report be noted.


(During consideration of this item Councillor Smith left the meeting and did not return.)