Agenda and minutes

Strategic Planning Board - Wednesday, 29th May, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: The Capesthorne Room - Town Hall, Macclesfield SK10 1EA. View directions

Contact: Sam Jones  Tel: 01270 686643 Email:

Note: Please note that due to a technical issue with the recording, the first few minutes of the meeting recording are not available. Apologies for the inconvenience. Meeting Recording: . 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To note any apologies for absence from Members.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor B Puddicombe. Councillor L Braithwaite was present on behalf of Councillor B Puddicombe.


Declarations of Interest/Pre Determination

To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registerable interests, and non-registerable interests in any item on the agenda and for Members to declare if they have a pre-determination in respect of any item on the agenda.


In the interest of openness the following declarations were made:


Councillor S Edgar declared that, in relation to application 18/3672M, he was known to the applicant, but had not discussed the application with them.


Councillor S Edgar declared that, in relation to application 18/3672M, he and other Members of the Strategic Planning Board had received a third-party email.


Councillor S Edgar declared that, in relation to application 23/0539N, he had an interest in the application and would speak to it during the Public Speaking section and then vacate the meeting for that item, 


Councillor A Harrison declared that, in relation to application 18/3672M, he was known to applicant as the applicant is a significant landowner in their Ward. 


Councillor H Moss declared that, in relation to application 18/3672M, she knew the applicant and sees them at social events.


Councillor S Gardiner declared that, in relation to application 18/3672M, he was known to the landowner, and had discussed the logistics of the application, but not the merit of it or otherwise.


Councillor S Gardiner declared that, in relation to application 18/3672M, he was known to Debbie Jamison (objector).


Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 154 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held of 24 April 2024 as a correct record.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 24 April 2024 be approved as a correct record.


Public Speaking

A total period of 5 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the following:


·         Ward Councillors who are not members of the Strategic Planning Board

·         The relevant Town/Parish Council


A period of 3 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the following individuals/groups:


·         Members who are not members of the Strategic Planning Board and are not the Ward Member

·         Objectors

·         Supporters

·         Applicants




The public speaker procedure was noted.


18/3672M - Tatton Bluebell Village, Land East of Manchester Road, Knutsford, WA16 0NS pdf icon PDF 965 KB

To consider the above planning application.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the above planning application.


The following attended the meeting and spoke in relation to the application:


Ward Councillor: Councillor Tony Dean

Parish Councillor: Councillor James McCulloch, Knutsford Town Council


Objectors: Martyn Symes, Debbie Jamison


Agent / Applicant:Amy Bowden




For the reasons set out in the report, and the update report, the application be APPROVED as RECOMMENDED, subject to the following conditions and informatives:


1. Outline (commencement of development)

2. Requirement to submit Reserved Matters application(s)

3. Time limit on submission of Reserved Matters

4. Approved plan/s

5. Submission/approval of a Phasing Plan

6. The development shall include a total of up to 275 residential units (Use Class C2 and C3) of which no more than 250 shall fall within C3 Use Class. C2 units to be no more than 50.

7. The proposed ‘Local Centre’ shall comprise of no more than 1,000m2 gross of commercial floorspace. No individual unit shall be more than 450m2 gross. The convenience goods floorspace in any one retail unit should not exceed 280m2 net.

8. ‘Local Centre’ shall include the following uses only: Class E(a), E(b), E(c), sui generis (takeaway(s)) all within the 1000m2, E(e) (800m2) and at first-floor level or above Office (E(gi)) or residential (C3).

9. Submission/approval of an Access Statement including details of; primary access, any secondary/emergency access, a suitable crossing on Manchester Road, & scope for speed restrictions

10.Submission/approval of bespoke Spatial Design Code(s)

11.Submission/approval of a scheme of Archaeological investigation

12.Submission/approval of an updated Landscape & Visual Appraisal

13.Submission/approval of detailed Landscaping Scheme informed by an updated Landscape & Visual Appraisal (including retention of existing and replacement hedgerow planting)

14.The landscape buffers as required by LPS36 shall be provided.

15.Submission/approval of existing and proposed ground spot levels and proposed finished floor levels.

16.Submission/approval of Arboricultural Report(s)

17.Submission/approval of a detailed drainage design for the entirety of the outline consent

18.Submission/approval of a drainage management and maintenance plan

19.Submission/approval of Construction Environmental Management Plan(s)

20.Submission/approval of a bat survey should any trees within that phase be identified for removal.

21.Prior to commencement of development, the consented development be entered into Natural England’s DLL scheme for Great Crested Newts.

22.Submission/approval of a biodiversity/ecological enhancement strategy

23.Protection of nesting and breeding birds

24.Submission/approval of an external lighting scheme

25.Submission/approval of a habitat creation method statement, ecological monitoring strategy and a 30-year habitat management plan for retained, enhanced and newly created habitats.

26.The woodland planting proposed within the blue edge (off-site) be delivered as part of the implementation of the first phase.

27.Submission/approval of an acoustic report demonstrating how the detailed scheme will achieve the requirements for both internal and external noise.

28.Submission/approval of an acoustic validation report prior to occupation of each phase proposing residential development.

29.Submission/approval of a Phase II ground investigation and risk assessment

30.Submission/approval of a contaminated land verification report

31.Submission/approval of an imported soil verification report

32.Works should stop should contamination be identified.

33.Submission/approval of detail (including surfacing material) of x2 footpath links leading to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


23/0539N - Land in the Western Part of Basford East, Crewe pdf icon PDF 799 KB

To consider the above planning application.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the above planning application.


The following attended the meeting and spoke in relation to the application:


Ward Councillor: Councillor Steve Edgar, Councillor Alison Heler


Parish Councillor: Councillor John Cornell


Agent / Applicant: Ed Harvey


Councillor S Edgar vacated the meeting for the remainder of Item 6 following his statement.




For the reasons set out in the report, and the update report, the application be APPROVED as RECOMMENDED, subject to the following conditions:




1. Commencement of development (3 years)

2. Development in accordance with approved plans

3. Mix of employment uses (Uses Classes) and restriction on floorspace

4. Details of materials and finishes

5. Details of Hard Surfacing

6. Submission of details of landscaping scheme

7. Implementation of landscaping scheme

8. Submission of Landscape Management Plan

9. Details for provision of vertical standalone landscape feature alongside boundary with the West Coast Mainline

10. Details of Boundary treatments

11. Submission of Arboricultural Method Statement prior to commencement of development  

12.  Submission of a scheme for the protection of trees and hedgerows prior to commencement of development

13   Submission of a detailed service and foul and surface water drainage layout with regard to long term tree retention prior to the commencement of development 

14  Submission of detailed design of outfalls to Basford Brook informed by the submitted illustrative proposals

15. Prior to the commencement of development, submission of a CEMP to include measures to safeguard the Mere Gutter and Basford Brook LWS throughout the construction phase and include details of the Ecological Clerk of works appointed to oversee its implementation.

16.  Prior to commencement of development a detailed surface water drainage scheme to be submitted which includes a minimum three stage treatment for medium hazard surfaces and a minimum one treatment stage for low hazard surfaces in accordance with the submitted Sustainable Drainage Strategy Statement 

17  Development to proceed in accordance with the submitted White Clawed Crayfish Mitigation Strategy prepared by TEP dated February 2024.

18.  Submission and implementation of Amphibian Reasonable Avoidance Measures prior to the commencement of development to include staged vegetation clearance and measures to safeguard retained habitat during the construction process.

19. Reptile mitigation to be implemented in accordance paragraphs 7.66 – 7.68 of the submitted ES addendum dated February 2024. 

20. Submission of proposals for ecological enhancement (bat and bird boxes etc.) prior to commencement.

21. Submission prior to commencement of amphibian friendly drainage systems and dropped kerbs to minimise risks to amphibians and other wildlife.

22. Safeguarding of nesting birds.

23. Entry into Natural England’s District Level licencing scheme prior to commencement of works on site.

24 Submission of updated badger survey prior to commencement of development.

25.  Detailed lighting scheme (bat friendly) to be submitted prior to installation  

26. Submission and implementation of habitat creation method statement, and 30 year habitat management and monitoring strategy 

27.  Prior to commencement of development the detailed surface water drainage design and SuDS management plan shall be submitted and approved.

28.  The development shall  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


23/2419M - Adlington Business Park, London Road, Adlington, SK10 4NQ pdf icon PDF 739 KB

To consider the above planning application.

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the above planning application.


The following attended the meeting and spoke in relation to the application:


Agent / Applicant: Beverley Moss




For the reasons set out in the report, the application be APPROVED as RECOMMENDED, subject to the following conditions:


1. Time (3 years)

2. In accordance with approved plans

3. Materials as per application

4. Noise Mitigation – Implementation

5. Submission/approval of a remediation strategy

6. Submission/approval of a contaminated land verification report

7. Works should stop should contamination be identified

8. Provision of a pedestrian refuge on London Road prior to occupation

9. Implementation of cycle parking

10.Submission/approval of details of staff facilities within each unit (e.g. changing rooms, lockers, showers etc)

11.Implementation of landscape details (including boundary treatment)

12.Submission/approval of existing and proposed ground spot levels and finished floor levels

13.Planting of off-site landscaping prior to occupation of hereby approved development

14.Tree and hedgerow protection – Implementation

15.Submission/approval of an Arboricultural Method Statement

16.Entry into Natural England’s Great Crested Newt District Level Licencing scheme

17.Submission/approval of updated ‘other’ protected species survey

18.Nesting birds

19.RAMS implementation (Hares and Hedgehogs)

20.Submission/approval of a Landscape and Biodiversity Enhancement Management Plan for a 30-year period

21.Submission/approval of Ecological Enhancement Strategy

22.Submission/approval of evidence that any blockages, damage or collapses in the existing drainage network intended to be used by the drainage strategy have been repaired.

23.Depending on outcome of Condition 22 either a) Submission/approval of a revised Drainage Strategy/design should it be deemed necessary or b) implementation of current Drainage strategy/design (incl management & maintenance)

24.Energy and Sustainability Statement – Implementation

25. Submission/approval of a waste management and outdoor storage plan required.


And a S106 Agreement to secure:





Highways – Accessibility and capacity improvements on the local highway network

Contribution of £453,642 towards Poynton Relief Road

Prior to the occupation/use of the 5th unit

Landscape – Off-site management & maintenance

Relating to planting beyond the site edged red as detailed on the submitted plans

Prior to occupation/use


In order to give proper effect to the Strategic Planning Board’s intent and without changing the substance of its decision, authority is delegated to the Head of Planning in consultation with the Chair (or in their absence the Vice Chair) to correct any technical slip or omission in the resolution, before issue of the decision notice.