Venue: The Assembly Room - Town Hall, Macclesfield SK10 1EA. View directions
Contact: Sarah Baxter or Julie North Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence PDF 93 KB To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Brown, P Edwards, J Hammond, D Hough and C Thorley. |
Declarations of Interest/Pre Determination To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests and for Members to declare if they have a pre-determination in respect of any item on the agenda. Minutes: In the interest of openness in relation to applications 12/1212M and 12/1213M, Councillor Mrs R Bailey declared that she was a Member of the Cabinet, however at no point had she expressed an opinion on the applications.
In the interest of openness in relation to applications 12/1212M and 12/1213M, Councillor Mrs J Jackson declared that she was a Trustee on the Board of the Silk Heritage Trust and Chairman of the Friends of Macclesfield Silk Heritage. She was also a Member of the Christ Church Group and a Member of the Macclesfield Economic Forum now known as Make it Macclesfield. She had not taken part in any discussions regarding the proposals and had not expressed a view regarding the proposals.
In the interest of openness in relation to applications 12/1212M and 12/1213M, Councillor D Neilson declared that he had been a Member of the Panel which had looked at the Development Agreement over 5 years ago, however he had not pre determined the application or come to any view on the merits of the application nor had he attended any presentations on the revised plans for the town.
In the interest of openness in relation to applications 12/1212M and 12/1213M, Councillor B Murphy declared that he had attended the meeting at which Wlson Bowden were appointed but only as an observer and had sought to facilitate a meeting between objectors and. Notwithstanding those events, he had not finalised his judgement on the application.
It was noted that all Members of the Board had received a significant amount of correspondence from people relating to the application. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 110 KB To approve the minutes as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED
That the minutes be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Public Speaking A total period of 5 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the Ward Councillors who are not members of the Strategic Planning Board.
A period of 3 minutes is allocated for each of the planning applications for the following individual/groups:
Minutes: In accordance with the public speaking procedure, the Chairman exercised his discretion and extended the public speaking time to 10 minutes per speaking category.
That the public speaking procedure along with the extension in time be noted and agreed. |
To consider the above application. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the above application.
(Councillor Mrs L Smetham, a visiting Councillor, Councillor Mrs L Jeuda, a visiting Councillor, Mr Keith Smith, Chairman of Macclesfield Civic Society, Lynne Jones, representing The Roe-naissance Project, Beverley Moore, representing Wake Up Macclesfield, Beverley Moore, an objector, Mr Sullivan, an objector, Mr Allen, a supporter, Mr Roberts, a supporter, Clare Hayward, a supporter and Mr Ward, the applicant attended the meeting and spoke in respect of the application.
In addition two statements were read out by the Democratic Services Officer. One on behalf of Councillor K Edwards, the Ward Councillor and the other on behalf of Councillor Miss C M Andrew, a Local Councillor).
It was noted that there had been an error on page 214 of the report whereby reference was made to Wilson Bowden owning properties 21, 19 or 17 on Roe Street. Wilson Bowden clarified at the meeting that the only property they owned was No.21 Roe Street.
That for the reasons set out in the report and in the update report to the Board, the application be approved subject to a prior s106 Agreement securing:-
(1) £1,034,807 towards the enhancement of existing community facilities within the town centre including conversion of the former Butter Market and Police Station to replace current facilities in the existing Senior Citizens Hall: such re-provision shall be in place before the existing Senior Citizens Hall is demolished.
(2) £100,000 towards public realm improvements listed in the report, £50,000 of which shall be prioritised for improvements to existing properties on Roe Street: for the avoidance of doubt, this £50,000 is not intended to be claimed twice if it is also secured in connection with Conservation Area Application 12/1213M.
(3) £71,000 towards highways improvements listed in the report (Traffic Regulation Order funding having been recalculated from £21,000 to £31,000).
(4) £21,152 towards environmental improvements comprising £10,000 to fund the extension of the town centre Urban Traffic Control System into Cross Street/London Road and/or the implementation of traffic management measures within the existing Air Quality Management Area plus £10,000 to fund Action Plan development and Implementation mitigating against predicted increases of nitrogen dioxide in the Town Centre plus £1,152 to fund 24 months post-development diffusion tube monitoring
(5) A Local Procurement Protocol and Employment & Skills Plan as described in the report.
And subject to the following conditions:-
Time limits
1 A03FP - Commencement of development (3 years)
2 A04AP - Development in accord with revised plans
3 A02AP- Detail on plan overridden by condition
4 A02EX - Submission of samples of building materials.
5 A07EX – For each building, sample panels of all external materials to be made available; to include but not limited to : mortar mix, bricks, cladding, glazing, eaves, glazing bars and frames, exposed structural elements, roofing, doors, vents and servicing covers.
6 A09EX- Details of rainwater goods
7 A11EX- Details to be approved to include: · Metal fins to multi-storey on Samuel Street · Detail on ... view the full minutes text for item 19. |
To consider the above application. Additional documents: Minutes: Consideration was given to the above application.
(Frances Harrison, an objector and Mr Ward the applicant attended the meeting and spoke in respect of the application).
That for the reasons set out in the report, the application be approved subject to a prior s106 Agreement securing:-
£50,000 for improvements of existing properties on Roe Street. For the avoidance of doubt, this sum forms part of the £100,000 secured towards Public Realm Improvements in connection with planning permission 12/1212M, it is not intended to be claimed twice and any part of it unspent after a set period may be directed towards other Public Realm Improvements.
And subject to the following conditions:-
1. A03CA-Standard time limit 2. AOC2A-Development as precursor of redevelopment 3. A04AP-Notwithstanding any reference in any supporting document to the demolition of 5 properties on Roe Street, this approval shall accord with the revised plans which indicate the demolition of 3 properties only and the partial demolition of 23 and 25 Roe Street with front elevations and front and rear roof slopes of the main roofs of these properties retained. 4. Record to be made of assets to be lost and evidence made available via the Historic Environment Record. 5. A schedule of original features in the buildings to be demolished to be provided to the LPA and such features to be made available for reuse in remaining properties in the terrace. 6. No part of the demolition to occur on Roe Street until contracts let for public realm improvements to Roe Street and Mulberry Square and for façade improvements to 21, 23 and 25 Roe Street. |