Venue: Council Chamber, SKA Observatory, Jodrell Bank, Lower Withington, SK11 9FT
Contact: Katie Small Tel: 01270 686465 Email:
Link: Alternative Audio
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence |
Declarations of Interest To provide an opportunity for Members and Officers to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests, other registerable interests, and non-registerable interests in any item on the agenda. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting PDF 241 KB To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting of Council held on 16 October 2024. |
Mayor's Announcements To receive such announcements as may be made by the Mayor. |
Public Speaking Time/Open Session In accordance the Council Procedural Rules, a total period of 30 minutes is allocated for members of the public to speak at Council meetings. Individual members of the public may speak for up to 2 minutes, but the Chair will have discretion to vary this requirement where they consider it appropriate.
Members of the public wishing to speak are required to provide notice of this at least three clear working days’ in advance of the meeting and should include the question with that notice. Questions should be submitted to: or
Petitions - To receive any petitions which have met the criteria - Petitions Scheme Criteria, and falls within the remit of the Committee. Petition organisers will be allowed up to three minutes to speak. |
Leader's and Deputy Leader's Announcements To receive such announcements as may be made by the Leader and Deputy Leader.
Recommendations from Corporate Policy Committee: Council Tax Base 2025/26 PDF 68 KB To consider the recommendations from the Corporate Policy Committee. Additional documents: |
Recommendations from Corporate Policy Committee: Revised Statement of Licensing Policy PDF 113 KB To consider the recommendations from Corporate Policy Committee. Additional documents:
Recommendations from Corporate Policy Committee: Changes to the Council's Constitution PDF 126 KB To consider the recommendations from the Corporate Policy Committee. Additional documents:
To consider the recommendations from the Corporate Policy Committee. Additional documents: |
To consider the recommendation from the Finance Sub Committee. Additional documents: |
Senior Management Structure - Children's Services PDF 516 KB To consider proposed change to the senior management staffing structure for Children’s Services. |
Cheshire and Warrington Joint Committee: Amendment to Terms of Reference PDF 104 KB To consider the proposed amendments to the Terms of Reference for the Cheshire and Warrington Joint Committee. Additional documents: |
Approval of Absence from Council meetings PDF 87 KB To seek the approval of Council in respect of a Councillor’s absence from Council meetings for a period over six months. |
Urgent Item of Business: Exceptional Financial Support PDF 117 KB In accordance with Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Mayor has agreed that this item can be considered as an item of urgent business as it cannot wait until the next scheduled meeting of full Council.
To consider the report.
To consider any Notices of Motion that have been received in accordance with the Council Procedure Rules. |
Questions In accordance the Council Procedure Rules, opportunity is provided for Members of the Council to ask the Mayor or the Chair of a Committee any question about a matter which the Council, or the Committee has powers, duties or responsibilities.
At Council meeting, there will be a maximum question time period of 30 minutes. A period of two minutes will be allowed for each Councillor wishing to ask a question. The Mayor will have the discretion to vary this requirement where they consider it appropriate. |