In accordance the Council Procedure Rules, opportunity is provided for Members of the Council to ask the Mayor or the Chair of a Committee any question about a matter which the Council, or the Committee has powers, duties or responsibilities.
At Council meeting, there will be a maximum question time period of 30 minutes. A period of two minutes will be allowed for each Councillor wishing to ask a question. The Mayor will have the discretion to vary this requirement where they consider it appropriate.
Councillor C Browne asked when Cheshire East Council would act in respect of installing acoustic cameras on the A34 Wilmslow to Alderley Edge and introduce a Public Space Protection Order.
In response Councillor M Gorman, Deputy Leader of the Council, stated that meetings had been held with elected members, officers and the Police and Crime Commissioner and that proposals were being brought forward, and the issue would be referred to the appropriate committee in due course.
Councillor N Cook referred to “Keep Clear” boxes on Middlewich Road, Sandbach that required re-painting, and asked that the prioritisation of signage, stop lines, give way lines and give way boxes be reviewed and action be taken on any outstanding requests and that the classification of defects were reviewed.
In response Councillor M Goldsmith, Chair of Highways and Transport Committee, undertook to provide a written response to the Middlewich Road junction in question, and stated that the Department for Transport were highly prescriptive on the signs which councils must act upon, and that Member’s ward budgets could be used for this issue.
Councillor L Anderson asked for assurance that Tier 3 libraries would not be closed.
In response Councillor M Warren, Chair of Environment and Communities Committee, stated that the Library Strategy which had been agreed at Environment and Communities Committee on 27 November 2024 and implemented on 1 January 2025, did not include any library closures.
Councillor S Gardiner refer to proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework which could dimmish the powers of planning committees and sought assurance from the Leader and Deputy Leader that they would use their influence and contacts, especially at the LGA and with local MPs, to fight against the proposals.
In response Councillor N Mannion, Leader of the Council, stated that the LGA and the County Council’s Network would be consulting their members on the proposals and would ensure that Councillor Gardiner’s views were taken on board and any responses would be shared. Councillor Michael Gorman, Deputy Leader of the Council, said that he would provide assurances and would scrutinise the details of any proposals coming forward.
Councillor P Redstone suggested that, in the interests of fairness and to keep Council meetings as brief and as relevant as possible, the Leader and Deputy Leader’s announcements should be limited to three minutes, in line with other Members.
The Mayor responded that Councillor Redstone suggestion had been noted.
Councillor A Kolker asked what the Leader was planning to do to address the falling birth rate in the UK and that there would eventually be insufficient people to look after the rapidly ageing population.
In response Councillor N Mannion, Leader of the Council, stated that different countries responded in different ways such as enhancing financial support to encourage an increase in the birth rate. It was noted that a large number of individuals from overseas came to the UK to seek employment in the health and care sectors.
Councillor R Fletcher referred to the flooding on Linley Lane in ... view the full minutes text for item 71