49 Recommendation from Corporate Policy Committee: Proposed New Senior Management Structure PDF 436 KB
To consider the recommendations from the Corporate Policy Committee.
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The officers who had made a declaration under Item 2 - Declarations of Interest, left the meeting during consideration of this item.
Consideration was given to the recommendations from the Corporate Policy Committee in relation to the Proposed New Senior Management Structure.
The proposed structure for Phase 1 of the restructure focused on the posts of Executive Directors and Directors (tier 2 and 3) across the organisation to provide stability and capacity at the most senior level. Phase 1 also included the structure within Corporate (Resources) Services to Head of Service (tier 4) to ensure an enabling structure was in place to drive the transformation programme, support Childrens’ Services improvements, deliver the Corporate Peer Challenge action plan and to achieve financial sustainability over the medium term.
RESOLVED: That Council
1 agree the senior management structure (Phase 1 only), as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, including the approval of new positions within that structure with salaries more than £100,000 per annum and statutory officers, prior to implementation, and agree that the Chief Executive commences recruitment to vacant/positions within the senior management structure.
2 note the implementation/recruitment timeline to the new senior management structure.
3 agree the release and associated redundancy and pension costs of the impacted/at risk staff members.
35 Proposed New Senior Management Structure PDF 170 KB
To consider a report on the Proposed New Senior Management Structure.
Additional documents:
The committee considered the report which set out the proposed new senior management structure created following a period of formal consultation. The proposed structure had been designed to respond to the recommendations within the peer challenge and meet the requirements to achieve financial stability, deliver the Children’s Services Improvement Plan and the Council’s Transformation Programme.
The committee agreed a friendly amendment to recommendation 3, that this be amended to “Subject to Full Council approval of recommendation 1, that the Corporate Policy Committee recommend the release, and associated redundancy and pension costs, of the impacted/at risk staff members”.
The committee acknowledged the costs and timeline associated with the recruitment process however agreed that progressing this and filling critical vacant posts was essential to achieve stability and accountability across the organisation, and to further drive improvement as outlined in the Transformation Plan, Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan and Children’s Services Improvement Plan.
It was confirmed that Appendix A would not be a confidential Part 2 item when published for Full Council on 16 October 2024.
RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the Corporate Policy Committee
1. Agree that the senior management structure, (Phase 1 only), set out in Appendix 1 be presented to Full Council for approval, including approval of new positions within that structure with salaries more than £100,000 per annum and statutory officers, prior to implementation, and agreement that the Chief Executive commences recruitment to vacant/new positions within the senior management structure.
2. Note the implementation/recruitment timeline to a new senior management structure.
3. Subject to Full Council approval of recommendation 1, that the Corporate Policy Committee recommend to Full Council the release, and associated redundancy and pension costs, of the impacted/at risk staff members.