63 Recommendations from Corporate Policy Committee: Changes to the Council's Constitution PDF 126 KB
To consider the recommendations from the Corporate Policy Committee.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the recommendations of Corporate Policy Committee on 28 November 2024 in relation to the changes to the Constitution.
RESOLVED: That Council approve
1 the revised Petition Scheme, as appended to the report at Appendix 1, with the final sentence of the first paragraph being amended to read “subject to the decision of the Monitoring Officer as to which meeting will receive it”.
2 the revised Job Descriptions for the Leader and Deputy Leader, Chairs and Vice-Chairs and Opposition Spokespersons, as appended to the report at Appendices 2, 3 and 4, subject to the title of the Leader/Deputy Leader JD being amended to ‘Role of the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council’.
3 the amendments to the Constitution in relation to Notices of Motion, Significant Decisions and electronic voting, as set out in paragraphs 17 to 19, 26 to 28 and 32 to 35 of the report.
4 the Acting Governance, Compliance and Monitoring Officer be given delegated powers to make any necessary changes to the Council’s Constitution as they deem are required to implement the decision of full Council.
54 Changes to the Council's Constitution PDF 161 KB
To consider a report which sets out proposed changes to the Constitution.
Additional documents:
The committee considered the report which set out proposed changes to the Constitution, as agreed and recommended by the Council’s Constitution Working Group, relating to Notices of Motion, the Petitions Scheme, revised Job Descriptions for the Leader, Deputy Leader, Chairs, Vice Chairs and Opposition Spokespersons, significant decisions and electronic voting.
It was proposed that the Job Description for the Leader and Deputy Leader (Appendix 2) be renamed from “Role and Powers of the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council” to “Role of the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council”. This was accepted by the committee as a friendly amendment.
It was clarified that item K, within the Job Description for Opposition Spokespersons, was proposed to remain within the JD as opposition members now attended ‘Opposition Briefing’ meetings with senior officers across the council.
It was clarified that Appendix 1 (Revised Petition Scheme) contained a typing error and that the final sentence of the first paragraph should read “subject to the decision of the Monitoring Officer as to which meeting will receive it”.
That the Corporate Policy Committee recommend to Full Council that:
1. The revised Petition Scheme, as appended to this report at Appendix 1, be approved.
2. The revised Job Descriptions for the Leader and Deputy Leader, Chairs and Vice-Chairs and Opposition Spokespersons, as appended to this report at Appendices 2,3 and 4, be approved.
3. The amendments to the Constitution in relation to rules of Notices of Motion, Significant Decisions and electronic voting as set out in paragraphs 17 to 19, 26 to 28 and 32 to 35 of the report be approved.
4. The Acting Governance, Compliance and Monitoring Officer be given delegated powers to make any necessary changes to the Council’s Constitution as she deems are required to implement the decision of Full Council.