Leader's and Deputy Leader's Announcements
To receive such announcements as may be made by the Leader and Deputy Leader.
The Leader, in summary:
1 thanked Members, officers, and residents of Cheshire East for the support he had received since becoming Leader of the Council in July 2024.
2 referred to the Council’s financial situation and stated that the Council could no longer afford to do everything, everywhere for everybody all the time.
3 referred to the withdrawal of the Winter Fuel Allowance from all but the less well-off pensioners and stated that the administration had been working with officers and partner organisations to help those pensioners who needed extra support. He reported that 3500 pensioners who had had the Allowance withdrawn would get extra help from the Council over the winter months.
4 reported that the Government’s Devolution White Paper was expected later this year and would be followed by legislation in the Spring 2025.
5 reported that he had reviewed the cohort of Member Champions and details of which were available on the Council’s website - Member champions. The Leader reported that a new Member Champion had been appointed for Care Leavers, with Councillor Geoff Smith taking on the role.
6 reported on the successes at the Olympic Games in Paris of those athletes who had close links to Cheshire East and highlighted the success of Honorary Freewomen Bryony Page and Dame Sarah Storey amongst others.
The Deputy Leader, in summary:
1 reported that the Council’s Transformation Plan had been submitted to the Government and was being put in place at pace with support of Members and staff. He stated that Phase 1 of the Plan had been completed and the Council was moving into Phase 2 implementation.
2 thanked the Local Government Association and the Council’s Transformation Delivery Partner- Inner Circle, for their continued support in helping to transform the Council.
3 noted that Council was being asked to approve the senior management structure as advocated by the Peer Review.
4 stated that the current Cheshire East Plan would run out in 2025 and the next Plan would need to reflect the new priorities of a smaller Council with financial stability, clear values, and a sharp customer service focus.
5 reported that the Solar Farm at Leyton Grange had been completed and was part of the Council’s commitment to be a carbon neutral by 2027.
6 reported that Council staff including the Chief Executive had taken part in the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge to raise funds for Cancer Research UK.
7 stated he was pleased that the Council had been awarded the Ministry of Defence Employer Recognition Scheme Gold Award in recognition of the exceptional commitment to supporting the armed forces community.
8 encouraged all to watch the new Fostering Recruitment Video, which had been created collaboratively with 100 other local authorities to encourage more people to come forward to become foster carers.
9 recognised the major contribution of three senior staff who had left or retired in recent weeks – David Brown, Monitoring Officer, Deborah Woodcock, Executive Director Children and Families, and Matt Tyrer, ... view the full minutes text for item 48