62 Recommendations from Corporate Policy Committee: Revised Statement of Licensing Policy PDF 113 KB
To consider the recommendations from Corporate Policy Committee.
Additional documents:
Consideration was given to the recommendations of Corporate Policy Committee on 3 October 2024 in relation to the Revised Statement of Licensing Policy.
That Council adopt the revised Statement of Licensing Policy.
39 Revised Statement of Licensing Policy PDF 246 KB
To consider a report on the Revised Statement of Licensing Policy.
Additional documents:
The committee received the report which set out the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 and sought approval from the committee to recommend to Full Council the adoption of a revised Statement of Licensing Policy to enable proper discharge of the council’s responsibilities for the regulation of alcohol sales, regulated entertainment, and late-night refreshment.
The committee noted that Town and Parish Councils (T&PCs) had requested to be directly consulted upon applications. Legislation made this request difficult, as T&PCs fell into the ‘other persons’ category set in legislation, and should the council decide to actively consult with this category of individuals, it would need to consult all other persons, not just T&PCs, failure to do so would leave decisions open to judicial review. It was confirmed that the council website provided a list of applications available for consultation and that Town and Parish Councils could now request copies of redacted applications to be sent to them directly.
The committee queried if the new Government had provided any guidance on the potential modernisation of the Taxi Licensing Infrastructure Framework. It was noted that to date, no communication had been received from government to indicate a change however officers committed to following this up prior to the debate of this item at Full Council in December.
It was noted that powers for planning and licencing were entirely separate however silo working should be avoided. It was confirmed that matters considered by the Licensing Sub Committee would highlight in decision notices the information that could/couldn’t be taken into consideration and that more information would be provided in future revised versions of the Statement of Licensing Policy.
The committee welcomed the assurance provided by the Chief Executive that the proposed senior management structure would ensure sufficient capacity and capability across the organisation and that this would include regulatory services such as Licensing, to enable the implementation and delivery of the revised policy.
RESOLVED (unanimously):
That the Corporate Policy Committee
1. Note the content of the draft revised policy set out at appendix 1, the changes made, and the consultation responses received.
2. Recommend the final draft Policy be adopted at Full Council.