Issue - meetings

New Homes Bonus Community Fund

Meeting: 12/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 New Homes Bonus Community Fund pdf icon PDF 323 KB

To consider a report on the scheme to be implemented during 2018/19.



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Cabinet considered a report on the New Homes Bonus Community Fundscheme to be implemented during 2018/19.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Communication reported that the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee had been given the opportunity to comment on the report and had fully supported it.


With the Chairman’s agreement, Councillor A Stott asked a number of specific and detailed questions in relation to the report and the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Communication responded to each one in turn.




That Cabinet


1.    approves the Scheme Design (Appendix 1 to the report) and Allocations by Fund Area (Annex 2 – NHB Policy);


2.    delegates to the Section 151 Officer authority to amend (from time to time) the Scheme Design (Appendix 1) and the Allocations by fund Area (Annex 2 – NHB Policy);


3.    notes the membership of the Award Groups (Annex 1 – NHB Policy) which shall operate as advisory panels to the Portfolio Holder for Finance & Communication and whose membership may be amended by the same from time to time to achieve appropriate geographic representational alignment; and


4.    delegates to the Section 151 Officer (in consultation with the Monitoring Officer) authority to establish (and amend from time to time) standard conditions to be applied to schemes awarded funding to ensure that the schemes operate effectively within a financially and legally compliant framework.