Issue - meetings

Quarter Three Finance and Performance Report

Meeting: 04/02/2013 - Cabinet (Item 144)

144 2012/2013 Three Quarter Year Review of Performance pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To consider a report that gives summary and detailed information about the financial and non-financial performance at the three quarter year stage of 2012/2013

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the joint report of the Interim Chief Executive, Director of Finance and Business Services and Head of Performance, Customer Services and Capacity on the financial and non-financial performance at the three quarter review stage of 2012/13. The report provided an update on the overall financial stability of the Council, projections of service, financial performance and a summary of key performance headlines for the current financial year.


Key points emerging were explained in respect of service revenue outturn, reserves, the capital programme, debt and performance.




1.      That the following matters be noted


·        the projected service revenue and capital outturn positions


·        the overall financial stability of the Council, and the potential impact on the Council’s general reserves position


·        the Council’s invoiced debt position


·        the delivery of the overall Capital Programme


·        reductions in the approved Capital Programme


·        supplementary Capital Estimates and Virements up to £250,000  approved in accordance with Finance Procedure Rules 


·      the service performance successes achieved during the first three quarters of 2012/2013.


2.      That the following matters be approved:


·        a Supplementary Revenue Estimates of £33,000 for additional expenditure fully funded from non-ring fenced specific grant as set out in Section 2 of the report; and


·        Supplementary Capital Estimates and Virements over £250,000 and up to £1m as set out in Appendix 5a of the report.